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How to Analyze People

Kevin Hallstone

In this volume, our focus shifts slightly to the actual personality types; everyone should be aware of and susceptible to when they cross our paths. These are the people you probably don't want to know. Why? They're people who really don't like other people. Well, they do, but what they like about people is exploiting, damaging, and controlling them. They like people for what they can do for them financially, in their careers, and in terms of their status in society. We've covered some of the general personality types in Book One of our series. That information will have given you some insight into the people you meet and how to read them. But what I've saved for this volume is an examination of those who walk among us who are corrosive and psychologically compromised. Also, in this book, you'll be reading about the role of intuition in detecting the truth about situations and people and how to foster and use it to protect yourself and others from the excesses of the disorders described in this book. We'll be focusing on personality disorders, the behaviors of those who are burdened with them, and how to see them coming. There are tell-tale signs early on in interactions with these people that can save you a lot of drama and chaos. As you move along, you'll note an overlap between symptoms and behaviors. In the Cluster B personality disorders, we'll be looking at, the symptomatic overlap is not only common but expected. Further, those who fall under the headings in the cluster often have what is referred to as "co-morbidities." These are the double whammy types, who live with more than one personality challenge or disorder. Duration - 3h 15m. Author - Kevin Hallstone. Narrator - Kevin Hallstone. Published Date - Monday, 22 January 2024. Copyright - © 2020 MS Publishing LLC ©.


United States


In this volume, our focus shifts slightly to the actual personality types; everyone should be aware of and susceptible to when they cross our paths. These are the people you probably don't want to know. Why? They're people who really don't like other people. Well, they do, but what they like about people is exploiting, damaging, and controlling them. They like people for what they can do for them financially, in their careers, and in terms of their status in society. We've covered some of the general personality types in Book One of our series. That information will have given you some insight into the people you meet and how to read them. But what I've saved for this volume is an examination of those who walk among us who are corrosive and psychologically compromised. Also, in this book, you'll be reading about the role of intuition in detecting the truth about situations and people and how to foster and use it to protect yourself and others from the excesses of the disorders described in this book. We'll be focusing on personality disorders, the behaviors of those who are burdened with them, and how to see them coming. There are tell-tale signs early on in interactions with these people that can save you a lot of drama and chaos. As you move along, you'll note an overlap between symptoms and behaviors. In the Cluster B personality disorders, we'll be looking at, the symptomatic overlap is not only common but expected. Further, those who fall under the headings in the cluster often have what is referred to as "co-morbidities." These are the double whammy types, who live with more than one personality challenge or disorder. Duration - 3h 15m. Author - Kevin Hallstone. Narrator - Kevin Hallstone. Published Date - Monday, 22 January 2024. Copyright - © 2020 MS Publishing LLC ©.



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