Summary: The Body Keeps the Score
Liam Daniels
To many people, trauma is something that happens to soldiers and refugees, far away and out of sight. But in fact, trauma is the single greatest threat to public health and well-being that America has ever seen.
As humans, we are exposed to a horde of trauma, from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, to neglect, accidents, and the list can go on and on. And while the naked eye can see the immediate effects of that trauma, it is usually the long-term trauma we carry that bogs us down and infects every aspect of our lives, whether we are aware of it or not.
Summary: The Body Keeps the Score provides you with all of van der Kolk's teachings about trauma in a clear, comprehensive, and condensed manner—without missing anything important!
If you found The Body Keeps the Score an intriguing read, this summary offers you the chance to refresh and consolidate what you've learned. If you've heard of the book but are put off by how long and dense it is, this is the perfect opportunity to access all the information you need in a clear, concise form.
You will get:
…and more!
The messages in this book contain information for everyone; for the fight against trauma to be successful, it needs to be a collective effort. Don't miss out on the wisdom and awareness this book offers.
Get your copy today, and let's all work toward creating a trauma-free generation.
*All page references correspond to the latest edition
Duration - 2h 30m.
Author - Liam Daniels.
Narrator - Graham Lincoln.
Published Date - Monday, 01 January 2024.
Copyright - © 2023 Inspirational Creator ©.
United States
Liam Daniels
Graham Lincoln
Summaries of Bestselling Books
Inspirational Creator
English Audiobooks
Findaway Audiobooks
To many people, trauma is something that happens to soldiers and refugees, far away and out of sight. But in fact, trauma is the single greatest threat to public health and well-being that America has ever seen. As humans, we are exposed to a horde of trauma, from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, to neglect, accidents, and the list can go on and on. And while the naked eye can see the immediate effects of that trauma, it is usually the long-term trauma we carry that bogs us down and infects every aspect of our lives, whether we are aware of it or not. Summary: The Body Keeps the Score provides you with all of van der Kolk's teachings about trauma in a clear, comprehensive, and condensed manner—without missing anything important! If you found The Body Keeps the Score an intriguing read, this summary offers you the chance to refresh and consolidate what you've learned. If you've heard of the book but are put off by how long and dense it is, this is the perfect opportunity to access all the information you need in a clear, concise form. You will get: …and more! The messages in this book contain information for everyone; for the fight against trauma to be successful, it needs to be a collective effort. Don't miss out on the wisdom and awareness this book offers. Get your copy today, and let's all work toward creating a trauma-free generation. *All page references correspond to the latest edition Duration - 2h 30m. Author - Liam Daniels. Narrator - Graham Lincoln. Published Date - Monday, 01 January 2024. Copyright - © 2023 Inspirational Creator ©.
The Body Keeps the Score - 0. Opening Credits
The Body Keeps the Score - 1. Copyright
The Body Keeps the Score - 2. Prologue-Facing Trauma
The Body Keeps the Score - 3. Part One The Rediscovery of Trauma - Chapter 1 Lessons From Vitnam Veterans
The Body Keeps the Score - 4. Chapter 2 Revolutionsin Understanding Mind and Brain
The Body Keeps the Score - 5. Chapter 3 Looking Into the Brain - The Neuroscience Revolutuion
The Body Keeps the Score - 6. Part 2 This Is Your Brain on Trauma - Chapter 4 Running For Your Life - The Anatomy of Survival
The Body Keeps the Score - 7. Chapter 5 Body-Brain Connections
The Body Keeps the Score - 8. Chapter 6 Losing Your Body, Losing Yourself
The Body Keeps the Score - 9. Part 3 The Minds of Children - Chapter 7 Getting on the Same Wavelink - Attatchment and Attunement
The Body Keeps the Score - 10. Chapter 8 Trapped in Relationships - The Cost of Abuse and Neglect
The Body Keeps the Score - 11. Chapter 9 Whats Love Got to Do With It
The Body Keeps the Score - 12. Chapter 10 Developmental Trauma - The Hidden Epidemic
The Body Keeps the Score - 13. Part Four The Imprint of Trauma - Chapter 11 Uncovering Secrets - The Problem of Traumatic Memory
The Body Keeps the Score - 14. Chapter 12 The Unbearable Heaviness of Remembering
The Body Keeps the Score - 15. Part 5 Paths to Recovery - Chapter 13 Healing From Trauma - Owning Yourself
The Body Keeps the Score - 16. Chapter 14 Language - Miracle and Tyranny
The Body Keeps the Score - 17. Chapter 15 Letting Go of the Past - EMGR
The Body Keeps the Score - 18. Chapter 16 Learning to Inhabit Your Body
The Body Keeps the Score - 19. Chapter 17 Putting the Pieces Together - Self Leadership
The Body Keeps the Score - 20. Chapter 18 FIlling in the Holes - Creating Structures
The Body Keeps the Score - 21. Chapter 19 Rewiring the Brain - Neurofeedback
The Body Keeps the Score - 22. Chapter 20 Finding Your Voice - Communal Rythyms and Theater
The Body Keeps the Score - 23. Epilogue - Choices to Be Made
The Body Keeps the Score - 24. Dear Reader
The Body Keeps the Score - 25. Closing Credits