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Will The Real Goddess Please Stand Up?

Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.

Share with us in this illuminating, self-revealing search for a new vision for the roles of women in these times and new modes of expressing that vision. Jean Shinoda Bolen penetrates beyond the “historicity” of Greek myth to find living archetypes of psychological modes and life roles of women today. Author - Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.. Narrator - Justine Willis Toms. Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023.


United States


Share with us in this illuminating, self-revealing search for a new vision for the roles of women in these times and new modes of expressing that vision. Jean Shinoda Bolen penetrates beyond the “historicity” of Greek myth to find living archetypes of psychological modes and life roles of women today. Author - Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.. Narrator - Justine Willis Toms. Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023.



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