The Creative Impostor
Storytelling Podcasts
Are you creating work that fully expresses who you are? Does the process of making the thing give you energy upward momentum? Are you living a creative lifestyle that is aligned with your values and desires? The Creative Impostor exits at the intersection of identity and creativity. It’s a deep inquiry into both who we are and why we make what we make. Host Andrea Klunder has inhabited many creative roles: singer, actor, writer, filmmaker, yoga teacher, bodyworker, meditator, entrepreneur, podcaster, teacher, media producer, strategist, speaker… She’ll take you inside her own head and the minds of other creative professionals to see what drives us despite the voices of self-doubt that threaten to stop us in our tracks with a little sprinkling of how we create the life and work we imagine.
United States
Are you creating work that fully expresses who you are? Does the process of making the thing give you energy upward momentum? Are you living a creative lifestyle that is aligned with your values and desires? The Creative Impostor exits at the intersection of identity and creativity. It’s a deep inquiry into both who we are and why we make what we make. Host Andrea Klunder has inhabited many creative roles: singer, actor, writer, filmmaker, yoga teacher, bodyworker, meditator, entrepreneur, podcaster, teacher, media producer, strategist, speaker… She’ll take you inside her own head and the minds of other creative professionals to see what drives us despite the voices of self-doubt that threaten to stop us in our tracks with a little sprinkling of how we create the life and work we imagine.
Making magic in people's lives with the Del Sol Quartet, Sounds Current
An injection of weirdness with Becky Kilimnik & Diana Doty, Homespun Haints
A Love Note to Your Voice with Mary Chan, The Podcaster's Guide to a Visible Voice
What my 7-year-old niece knows about marketing
Make friends with your data with Megan Dougherty, Podcasting for Business
I've been thinking about death... (don't worry, it's not that serious!)
136: Podcaster Imposter with Andrea Klunder
135: A huge creative risk for the new year with Andrea Klunder
134: Open a conversation: how to facilitate civil discourse with David Blatt & Josh Lewis
Something new!
133: Back to Beginner's Mind
132: Activate your ideas with sex educator Karen Yates from Wild & Sublime
131: Defy Social Norms, Express Your Individuality with Jetty Nieuwenhuis, Trujetty
130: Celebrate as a form of protest; anti-racism and multiculturalism with Lori L. Tharps
129: The whole point of The Creative Impostor (time for a shift)
128: Rise from the debris; Kundalini yoga and healing traditions with Mason Pain
127: Regulate your system with essential oils with Mira Binzen
126: Wake up from your deep sleep with Lisa Lackey, Insideout Conversations
125: Pair up with a PowerSister with Pam Covarrubias, Cafe con Pam
124: Tell inspiring stories over delicious food with Kate Sullivan, To Dine For