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The Psychology of your 20s

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A podcast that explains how everything is psychology. Even your 20s. Hosted by Jemma Sbeg, each Tuesday and Friday we deep dive into the science and psychology behind a topic, concept or universal experience that defines our 20s - from dating, to mental health, career anxiety, friendship, finances and all the growing pains associated with this decade. Listen now. For business enquires please email New merchandise here:


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A podcast that explains how everything is psychology. Even your 20s. Hosted by Jemma Sbeg, each Tuesday and Friday we deep dive into the science and psychology behind a topic, concept or universal experience that defines our 20s - from dating, to mental health, career anxiety, friendship, finances and all the growing pains associated with this decade. Listen now. For business enquires please email New merchandise here:



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280. Is it anxiety or intuition?

Intuition is this deep sense of knowing that guides and expands our lives. Anxiety on the other hand restricts us by keeping us beholden to fear. Despite their differences, they can feel remarkably the same, especially if you are someone who has an anxious, overthinking disposition. In today’s episode, we break down how to tell them apart, including: Plus personal stories of being saved by a gut instinct and our listener questions! Listen now! PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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279. The psychology of career jealousy

When you're struggling with your sense of purpose, job hunting or feelings of success, it can be very hard to see someone else who has everything you want, and not feel jealous. In today's episode, we break down the very important psychology of career jealousy in our 20s, including: Listen now! PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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278. The psychology of tattoos

It's said that around 1/3 of society has tattoos - that increases to nearly half for people in their 20s. What is it about this permanent form of art that so many of us feel called to get? And what are the psychological underpinnings behind our design choices, why we may find ourselves wanting more and more tattoos, the relationship to childhood experiences and which tattoos we may come to regret... in today's episode, we break it all down including: Listen now and drop your tattoo regrets below! PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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277. Let's talk about birthday anxiety

I'm turning 25! Here are all my thoughts and feelings about ageing, dealing with expectations around birthdays, loneliness, the pressure to have fun and a much needed mindset shift towards growing older. I also discuss my GO TO birthday routine that brings me peace, growth and clarity every year! Listen now and thank you for another wonderful year with the podcast :) PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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276. The psychology of introversion vs. extroversion

What makes someone an introvert vs. an extrovert and why is it different to what you may have been told? In today's episode, we break down the psychology between these two personality types that seem to categorise and divide society by looking back at when the theory was first created, till now. We also discuss: Listen now to learn about why you are the person you are! PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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275. 5 signs of deep emotional compatibility

When we first meet someone, the thing we instantly look for is a 'spark' - do a connect, are we attracted to each other, do we feel passion and fire and connection. What we often forget to look for is compatibility - does this person see me? Compatibility is the long term make or break of a relationship, regardless of how much intensity is there in the beginning. In today's episode, we break down the 5 biggest signs of emotional compatibility, including: Finally, I share a brief compatibility checklist so you can judge a new relationship or connection for yourself. Listen now! Youngest children have a reputation for being rebellious, rule breakers, sociable, charming, a bit spoiled and maybe even attention seekers. Is all of that true? And why is that the case? In today's episode, let's tackle the last sibling in our birth order series by deep diving in the psychology of birth order theory, alongside: Listen now, youngest and all other siblings alike to learn more. PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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274. The psychology of the youngest child

Youngest children have a reputation for being rebellious, rule breakers, sociable, charming, a bit spoiled and maybe even attention seekers. Is all of that true? And why is that the case? In today's episode, let's tackle the last sibling in our birth order series by deep diving in the psychology of birth order theory, alongside: Listen now, youngest and all other siblings alike to learn more. PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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273. The psychology of routines

Morning, weekly, day-time and night routines are something that successful people swear by. Whether it's a 5am wakeup followed by 45 minutes of meditating, or a structured skincare and journal routine, exercise and eating blocks, routines seem to provide what the modern world can't: certainty within the chaos. In today's episode, we break down the exact psychology behind why routine is so powerful, including: Listen now to create your greatest morning or night routine! PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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272. How I overcame my fear of flying

Today's episode is a rather personal, less psychological one. I want to talk about my fear of flying but also how I have managed to bring that fear back into my control and the huge list of tips I've put together along the way. In this episode we discuss: If you struggle getting on planes and feel like it's holding you back from adventure or travel, this episode is for you! PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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271. Overcoming our purpose anxiety ft. Elizabeth Gilbert

In this episode I had the rare and wonderful opportunity to interview a personal hero of mine, the author of Big Magic and Eat Pray Love, writer, true creative and teacher, Elizabeth Gilbert. We discuss why the idea of 'purpose' is incorrect and making us confused and anxious, how to identify your calling, the difference between a career, hobby, job and calling, and how she managed setbacks and failure. We also discuss the creative process, her wisdom for imposter syndrome and how to let go of your worry and anxiety and have an authentic, true human experience. Listen now! Find Liz here: PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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270. The psychology of male-female friendships

It's an age old question - can men and women ever actually be friends? In today's episode we explore the social psychology and studies that help us understand why the genders sometimes have so much difficulty being close friends, as well as how to assert boundaries and keep friendships platonic, including: Listen now! PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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269. How to care less about others opinions

Everyone has an opinion, but are they all worth listening to? When we're not careful we can get carried away by imagining what people may or may not think about everything from our outfits, to our life choices, to our social media presence, to our relationship decisions. When we do, we become less in touch with our authentic, true self. It makes it harder for us to take action on what we want, and easier for us to go with the crowd. In today's episode, we talk about why that is, including: ' Listen now! PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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268. The hidden impact of cortisol

Cortisol is the 'it' hormone of the moment. So many people are talking about cortisol face, cortisol weight gain, cortisol anxiety, but what is cortisols actual function and role and why are many of the myths that surround it, simply not true? In today's episode, we talk cortisol and our stress response, including: Listen now for your cortisol 101 lesson! PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: See for privacy information.


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267. Starting over in your 20s

Sometimes our 20s feels more like a checklist than a decade: graduate, find dream job, meet life partner, secure friends, buy house. What happens when your perfect life plan suddenly crumbles underneath you and you are forced to start over? Today we discuss this common 20-something experience, including: Listen now if you find yourself in the same boat and thank you to our lovely listener at the beginning of the episode for sharing her story. PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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266. The psychology of alcohol

Alcohol is one of societies most highly accepted and used drugs. But what is it's actual impact on our brains and our bodies, and what is the psychology behind why we use alcohol and why it makes us feel so good? In today's episode, let's break down the true psychology of alcohol, including: Listen now to learn the essentials about the relationship between you, your body, your emotions and that cheeky glass of wine. PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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Introducing: MANTRA with Jemma Sbeg

MY NEW PODCAST IS HERE! Ready to take a fresh path to self-discovery? Every Monday, Jemma brings you a new mantra, breaking it down to show you how you can apply it to your own life. Whether you’re facing a major transition or looking to evolve your everyday routine, Mantra is the podcast for you. Join Jemma every week for reflections, practical tips, and personal insights that’ll inspire you to live with intention and unlock your true potential. Follow Mantra with Jemma Sbeg wherever you get your podcasts. See for privacy information.


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265. 5 tips for pursuing your creative passion

We are often torn between passion versus practicality when it comes to our dreams and our careers. Do I take the steady job, or do I take a risk and pursue writing, music, art? In today's episode we discuss how to prioritise your creative passion no matter your circumstances and what barriers we tend to encounter, from money to time, nay-sayers and perfectionism. We discuss: Listen now to be inspired to take your creative passion seriously! PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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264. How to set goals you'll actually achieve

We are writing and thinking about your goals all wrong and in today's episode I want to discuss how we can think about our goals in a manner that will make us more successful! Whether it's a fitness goal, financial, personal, career or relationship goal, this formula works for all of them. We discuss: All of that and more! If you're ready to set good, actionable goals, this episode is for you! PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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263. The psychology of manifestation

Manifestation far more mystical than scientific, but there is some important psychology behind how it works and why. In today's episode we break down the exact science and research behind the power of manifestation and 5 important exercises that can help you create powerful, positive shifts in your love. This includes: Listen now! PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.


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262. Your year for trusting yourself

This year is your year for complete self trust, in all forms! The opposite of anxiety and doubt is self trust. This means we have confidence and clarity in our choices. we believe in our ability to overcome failure, we have a deep sense of self and we trust in our belief for our future. Each year I like to set a theme for the 12 months to come. In today's episode I explain why a theme is essential and introduce this years theme: the theme of self trust. We will also break down what it means to build real self trust through three important practices, what erodes self trust and what a 2025 defined by self trust could bring. All of that and more, listen now! PREORDER MY BOOK: Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor or a licensed psychologist. See for privacy information.
