Dragged into the Light
Tony Russo
As Seen on VICE TV's “The Devil You Know” Season 2
Ohio housewife Sherry Shriner grew to prominence as a social media cult leader, flourishing in the era of conspiracy theories and the 9/11 Truther movement.
She preached the virtues of mysterious orgone energy and Christian prayer as defensive shields against the forces of darkness, including Lucifer and his demons; reptilian shapeshifters masquerading as human elites; the New World Order; cell phone towers; even hostile UFOs that flamed out over her home, visible only as shooting stars.
Amazingly, she built a coterie of passionate devotees. The more outrageous the lie, the more fervent their belief.
In 2017, she told follower Steven Mineo that his girlfriend, Barbara Rogers, was a witch who would kill him. A month later, Steven was dead, and Barbara was in jail charged with his murder.
Steven’s death proved Sherry’s divinity to her followers, but in reality, he was just the latest casualty in a string of online trolling attacks that had left an earlier believer dead of suicide and still more cast into the outer darkness of cyberspace.
Journalist Tony Russo follows Sherry Shriner’s cult, digs into its bizarre beliefs, and reports on the shredded lives and reputations surrounding an otherwise-nondescript woman who transformed herself into a web-based evangelist.
The incredible story is documented in dogged reporting, surviving internet chats and transcripts, and voluminous police records.
Duration - 6h 53m.
Author - Tony Russo.
Narrator - Tony Russo.
Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023.
Copyright - © 2021 Tony Russo ©.
United States
As Seen on VICE TV's “The Devil You Know” Season 2 Ohio housewife Sherry Shriner grew to prominence as a social media cult leader, flourishing in the era of conspiracy theories and the 9/11 Truther movement. She preached the virtues of mysterious orgone energy and Christian prayer as defensive shields against the forces of darkness, including Lucifer and his demons; reptilian shapeshifters masquerading as human elites; the New World Order; cell phone towers; even hostile UFOs that flamed out over her home, visible only as shooting stars. Amazingly, she built a coterie of passionate devotees. The more outrageous the lie, the more fervent their belief. In 2017, she told follower Steven Mineo that his girlfriend, Barbara Rogers, was a witch who would kill him. A month later, Steven was dead, and Barbara was in jail charged with his murder. Steven’s death proved Sherry’s divinity to her followers, but in reality, he was just the latest casualty in a string of online trolling attacks that had left an earlier believer dead of suicide and still more cast into the outer darkness of cyberspace. Journalist Tony Russo follows Sherry Shriner’s cult, digs into its bizarre beliefs, and reports on the shredded lives and reputations surrounding an otherwise-nondescript woman who transformed herself into a web-based evangelist. The incredible story is documented in dogged reporting, surviving internet chats and transcripts, and voluminous police records. Duration - 6h 53m. Author - Tony Russo. Narrator - Tony Russo. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2021 Tony Russo ©.
Opening Credits
Front Matter
000 Introduction
001 He said, “Here! Press this here.” Oh my God!
002 I know full well this is crazy.
003 Hey, Pastor, did you ever look into the reptiles running the whole planet?
004 You’re a fundamentalist freak show, and I’m not interested.
005 Sherry gives a lot of truth.
006 We were all angels with missions.
007 Jesus said that I have to help you no matter how expensive it is.
008 I’m off to fulfill my destiny.
009 Murdered by a NATO death squad.
010 This is insanity! What are you doing?
011 I found a purpose in my life.
012 If there are any aliens, time travelers, sliders, or ESPers here, come join me.
013 Bring it on, scumbags! War is heating up.
014 I sense we still have leaks ... they will be outed.
015 We love our orgone, man.
016 Thank God it wasn’t the real Sherry that actually betrayed me.
017 I’m not sure all the money was going toward orgone.
018 Demons come and attack those who are angry.
019 I’m surprised your vampire whore hasn’t soul scalped you already.
020 Have fun drinking the kool-aid you cult members!
021 Police say shooting may be tied to cult.
022 Apocalypse
Ending Credits