Singing Mountain, A VGM Podcast
Video Games
Hi. This is a podcast about video game music from the 16-bit era Singing Mountain is hosted by Drew Mackie, who feels most at home in the music from 16-bit RPGs.
United States
Hi. This is a podcast about video game music from the 16-bit era Singing Mountain is hosted by Drew Mackie, who feels most at home in the music from 16-bit RPGs.
Party With the Pixelated Prince of Darkness
And here, in the spirit of the season, is the second of the two “lost” Patreon episodes. Unfortunately, while I was able to find the file, I was not able to find the description or tracklist, so this one will have to be a bit of a mystery. I can tell you this much: It is definitely a Halloween episode. It is two and a half hours long. And I think it’s all scary, Halloween-appropriate music from 16-bit titles. It’s “all music, no talk,” and it may be a “best of” of all the Halloween episodes I ever did on this podcast. Of course, I really can’t be sure.
What do you make of it?
Track listing:
The Pixelated Pumpkin of Doom
Way back in the distant past, there existed a Singing Mountain Patreon, where I managed to toss up four Patreon-exclusive tracks. Then, I closed the Patreon, thinking the content would still be accessible. It wasn’! Horror of horrors! However, as time passed, I realized that I’d actually downloaded these episodes onto my desktop computer, and could still share them on the Singing Mountain account. And I did that! Specifically for two of them. But the other two were Halloween-themed episodes, and it just didn’t make much sense to me to drop them in a month that wasn’t October.
But guess what? It is October. And now you’re getting both. This first one is an “all music, no talk” version of Episode 110, which went live October 29, 2020, plus some extra tracks that didn’t make the cut.
Hally Happoween!
Track listing:
0:09 Haunted Halls / Addams Family Values (Sega Genesis) / Keith Tinman
6:01 Dungeons and Caves / Tales of Phantasia (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba, Shinji Tamura and Ryota Furuya
8:55 Subterranean Sphere / Neutopia (TurboGrafx-16) / Keita Hoshi
11:31 Mysterious Green / Beyond Oasis (Sega Genesis) / Yuzu Koshiro
14:44 Level 3 / Stormlord (Sega Genesis) / Jeroen Tel
18:30 Dark Cave / Tenshi no Uta: Shiroki Tsubasa no Inori (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba and Shinji Tamura
21:43 Caves / Go! Go! Ackman (Super Famicom) / Kajima Shitamachi
24:04 Reasoning 2 / Famicom Tantei Club Part 2: The Girl Who Stands Behind (Super Famicom) / Kenji Yamamoto
26:57 BGM 8 / Tsukikomori (Super Famicom) / Horiguchi Takashi
29:40 Haunted Mansion / Mystic Ark (Super Famicom) / Akihiko Mori
32:28 Evil Cross Battle / Splatterhouse (Turbografx-16) / Katsuro Tajima and Yoshinori Kawamoto
35:24 Treasure in a Hollow Tree / Motoko-chan no Wonder Kitchen (Super Famicom) / Unknown Composer
26:23 Ancient Ruins / Romancing Saga 2 (Super Famicom) / Kenji Ito
38:38 Lava / Hamelin no Violin Hiki (Super Famicom) / Yoshiyuki Mori
40:23 Deep Sea Ruins / Magic Knight Rayearth (Super Famicom) / Daisuke Tamura
43:13 Unknown Song / Dracula (Super NES) / Matt Furniss
46:23 Sadness / Last Bible III (Super Famicom) / Hiroyuki Yanada
48:41 Thick Fog / Pocky & Rocky (Super NES) / Hiroyuki Iwatsuki
50:37 Troubled Town / Ranma 1/2: Akanekodan no Hihou (Super Famicom) / Toshio Okamoto
53:34 Bad Omen 2 / Famicom Tantei Club Part 2: The Girl Who Stands Behind (Super Famicom) / Kenji Yamamoto
55:35 Shrine for the Worship of Chaos / Arcana (Super NES) / Jun Ishikawa and Hirokazu Ando
57:19 Sleepless Night / Anubis of the Moon’s Surface (Super Famicom) / Hiroshi Iizuka
59:46 Different Dimension / Laplace no Ma (Super Famicom) / Akiko Kosaka
1:01:13 Theme of Satan / Puyo Puyo (Sega Genesis) / Masanobu Tsukamoto, Akiyoshi Nagao, Toshiaki Sakoda and Masaaki Harada
1:03:09 Museum 3 / Aero the Acro-Bat (Sega Genesis) / Rick Fox
1:05:07 Ruined CIty / King of Demons (Super Famicom) / Hiroshi Iizuka and Tomohiro Endo
1:06:18 Never Ending Rain / Addams Family Values (Sega Genesis) / Keith Tinman
Winter VGM: Grand Finale
I know I said in the previous episode that there would not be another Singing Mountain winter VGM episode. I lied. This episode — a two-hour, ”all music, no talk” collection of 16-bit winter VGM — originally went live December 21, 2020 on the Singing Mountain Patreon. It has not been available since I took down the Patreon page, but now it’s posted for the public to enjoy.
Now *this* is the finale installment of the winter VGM series.
As a thank you for everyone who has continued to support Singing Mountain in 2020, despite its lengthy hiatus, here is a special holiday gift: a two-hour "all music, no talk" megamix of every 16-bit example of winter VGM that I've ever played on the show.
Track listing:
0:00 Vanilla Dome / Super Mario World (Super NES) / Koji Kondo
0:29 Arctic Caverns / Battletoads (Sega Genesis) / David Wise
2:26 Winters White / Earthbound (Super NES) / Keiichi Suzuki and Hirokazu Tanaka
4:46 Ice Cap Zone / Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Sega Genesis) / It’s complicated
8:03 North Wall / Actraiser (Super NES) / Yuzo Koshiro
11:12 Ice Zone / Ecco the Dolphin (Sega Genesis) / Spencer Nilsen, Brian Coburn and András Magyari
14:05 Freesia Castle / Crusader of Centy (Sega Genesis) / Motokazu Shinoda
17:23 Ice Cave Chant / Donkey Kong Country (Super NES)
20:42 Neverland Tundra / Hook (Super NES) / Matt Furniss
22:36 Diamonds on Home Planet / Dyna Brothers 2 (Mega Drive) / Masami Yitsuse
25:48 Freeze Man / Mega Man VII (Super NES) / Yuko Takehara, Toshihiko Horiyama and Makoto Tomozawa
28:08 Ice Lake / Romancing Saga 3 (Super Famicom) / Kenji Ito
29:50 Glacier / Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Mega Drive) / Aki Hata
32:07 Snow Valley / The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse (Super NES) / Mari Yamaguchi
34:02 Snow and the Stars / Devil Hunter Yohko: The Seven Bells (Mega Drive) / Keiichi Yamamoto
36:34 Heart of Icegrave / Monster World IV (Mega Drive) / Jin Watanabe
39:30 Hero in Ice / Elfaria II (Super Famicom) / Yukihide Takekawa
40:56 Ice Forest / Super Ghouls ’N Ghosts (Super NES) / Mari Yamaguchi
43:40 Snow Sled / Silva Saga II: The Legend of Light and Darkness (Super Famicom) / Katsuhisa Ishida, Masanao Akahori and Jun Enoki
45:40 Iceberg / Kirby’s Dreamland 3 (Super NES) / Jun Ishikawa
48:27 Tigne / Princess Minerva (Super Famicom) / Hiroaki Iwatani
50:25 The Mines of Narshe / Final Fantasy VI (Super NES) / Nobuo Uematsu
53:11 Snow and Icy Place / Eternal Filena (Super Famicom) / Hideaki Kumagai
54:51 Manor of Frozen Monsters / Far East of Eden (Super Famicom) / Toshiyuki Sasagawa, Kohei Tanaka and Aya Tanaka
57:36 Snowy Mountain / Traverse: Starlight and Prairie (Super Famicom) / Daisuke Tamura
1:01:16 Podul / Romancing Saga 3 (Super Famicom) / Kenji Ito
1:03:39 Ice Caverns / Demon’s Crest (Super NES) / Toshihiko Horiyama
1:05:44 Freezekill Village / Tales of Phantasia (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba
1:08:41 Ice Cave / Lagoon (Super Famicom) / Hideki Suzuki
1:10:28 A Wish / Secret of Mana (Super NES) / Hiroki Kikuta
1:13:06 Ice Mine / Arcana (Super NES) / Jun Ishikawa and Hirokazu Ando
1:16:01 Hiya-Hiya Island / Super Adventure Island 2 (Super NES) / Akihiro Akamatsu, Sachiko Oita and Shinji Nakaya
1:19:44 Crystal Mountain / Mickey to Donald Magical Adventure 3 (Super Famicom) / Unknown Composer
1:22:40 Indoors / 3x3 Eyes: Jūma Hōkan (Super Famicom) / Unknown Composer
1:25:05 Frosty Frolics / Donkey Kong Country 3 (Super NES) / Eveline Fischer
1:27:25 Snowt / Monstania (Super Famicom) / Noriyuki Iwadare
1:29:22 Ice World / Jelly Boy (Super NES) / Steve Collett and Nick Stroud
1:30:47 Song of Tundra / Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (Super NES) / Hitoshi Sakimoto and Masaharu Iwata
1:33:44 Options / Batman Returns (Sega Genesis) / Paul Gadbois
1:36:13 Another Winter / Seiken Densetsu 3 (Super Famicom) / Hiroki Kikuta
1:39:56 Freezing Ice Plains / DoReMi Fantasy (Super Famicom) / Jun Chikuma
1:42:03 Frost Walrus / Mega Man X4 (Super NES) / Toshihiko Horiyama
1:45:21 Crystal...
My Save Point Is a Hot Shower
Given that Christmas is upon us, you might be expecting a 2021 edition of Singing Mountain’s ice music episode. Unfortunately, it turns out I used all the tracks I collected in last year’s winter episode and so I decided to lean in a different direction. This is the third in a different series I’ve been calling Save Point — all atmospheric, calming music that to me makes me think of a safe place to be, in video games but also IRL, because this one is inspired by taking a shower on a cold winter day.
Save Point, previously:
The first one Save Point: Sixteen Bits Ice level music, previously:
Christmas Eve in an Ice Cavern All I Want for Christmas in a Frost Dragon Diamond Dust Another Winter Slip Off a Ledge and Die in a Hole Track listing:
3:03 Field Theme I / Last Bible III (Super Famicom) / Hiroyuki Yanada
5:36 The Farthest Reaches / The 7th Saga (Super NES) / Norihiko Yamanuki
Silver Age of Peace / Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story (Super Famicom) / Takanori Arisawa
8:15 Staff Roll / Panel de Pon (Super Famicom) / Masaya Kuzume
13:20 Silver Peace (Tokyo) / Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story (Super Famicom) Takanori Arisawa
15:45 Salmon’s House / Princess Minerva (Super Famicom) / Hiroaki Iwatani
17:15 Magical Land of Shelldorado / Dai Kaiju Monogatari (Super Famicom) / Haruyoshi Rokudo
19:23 Morning of Departure / Ys III: Wanderers From Ys (Sega Genesis) / Noriyuki Iwadare 24:43 Nizetti / Valis III (Genesis) / Jun Hasebe, Hisao Inoue and Shingo Murakami
27:48 Land of Stillness / Albert Odyssey 2 (Super Famicom) / Naoki Kodaka
30:46 Shop / Waterworld (Super NES) / Dean Evans
32:18 Ohly / Blue Almanac (Sega Genesis) / Noriyuki Iwadare and Masaru Suzuki
34:45 Biting Cold / Tales of Phantasia (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba
37:41 Higan's Sadness / Tengai Makyou Zero (Super Famicom) / Toshiyuki Sasagawa and Kōhei Tanaka
39:17 Ruins / Brandish (Super NES) / Falcom Sound Team JDK
44:53 Star Night Festival / Harvest Moon / Tsuyoshi Tanaka
47:55 Lucina / Popful Mail (Super Famicom) / Falcom Sound Team J.D.K.
51:14 Map / Arcus Odyssey (Sega Genesis) / Motoi Sakuraba
53:37 Creatures of the Silent Sea / Treasures of the Rudra (Super Famicom) / Ryuji Sasi
55:44 The Abysmal Depths of the Ocean / Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals (Super NES) / Yasunori Shiono
57:41 An Offering to the Holy King Gort / Albert Odyssey (Super Famicom) / Naoki Kodaka
59:48 Sentimental Twilight / Ys III: Wanderers From Ys (Sega Genesis) / Noriyuki Iwadare
61:24 Ending / Phalanx (Super NES) / S. Yamaguchi
63:35 Staff Roll / Hyper Iria (Super Famicom) / Kiyotaka Sato, Shintaro Hirakawa and Nobuhiro Makino
66:57 Staff Roll / Biker Mice From Mars (Super NES) / Keroppi Inoue and Nobuyuki Akena
69:52 Voltage Algorism / Pulseman (Sega Genesis) / Junichi Masuda
73:27 BGM 3 / Mario Paint (Super NES) / Hirokazu Tanaka, Ryoji Yoshitomi and Kazumi Totaka
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The Final 16-Bit Halloween
Here it is: my last effort at celebrating the spooky season with VGM. I don’t have much to say other than that that this is a mix of new stuff and stuff I’ve played on previous episodes. I couldn’t think of a better way to say goodbye to Halloween episodes.
Previous Halloween episodes:
My 16-Bit Horror Movie The Dark Side of Nintendo 16 Bits From Beyond the Grave Street Fighter But With Vampires and Werewolves16 Bits of Terror Cursed Spinach (a Game Boy Halloween) An 8-Bit Halloween, Part 2: The SequelLegend of the Haunted ArcadeA 8-Bit HalloweenThe Vengeful Ghost of Super Mario Track listing:
2:15 BGM 1 / Tsukikomori (Super Famicom) / Horiguchi Takashi
3:24 Stage 5 / Alisia Dragoon (Sega Genesis) / Fumihito Kasatani, Nobuyuki Aoshima, Mamoru Ishimoda, Yoko Sonoda and Mariko Sato
5:31 Chainsaw Hedge Maze Mayhem / Zombies Ate My Neighbors / Joe McDermott
8:34 Prologue / Super Castlevania IV / Masanori Adachi and Taro Kudo
10:37 Underground / Addams Family Values (Sega Genesis) / Keith Tinman
13:11 Crazy Woods / Ghost Sweeper Mikami: Joreishi wa Nice Body / Inuyo Yamashita and Hiroyuki Iwatsuki
15:29 Circus (Act 2) / Aero the AcroBat (Sega Genesis) / Rick Fox
17:16 Reasoning 2 / Famicom Tantei Club Part 2: The Girl Who Stands Behind (Super Famicom) / Kenji Yamamoto
19:55 Level 2 / Decap Attack (Sega Genesis) / Fumito Tamayama
22:15 Haunted House / Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose / Kazuhiko Uehara and Yukie Morimoto
23:55 Strains of Insanity / Chrono Trigger / Yasunori Mitsuda
25:31 Mysterious Happening / Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story (Super Famicom) / Takanori Arisawa
27:39 Depths of the Forest / Marvelous / Yuichi Ozaki
29:21 Jakyou 2 / Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei / Tsukasa Masuko and Hitoshi Sakimoto
32:32 Old Mansion / Gokinjo Boukentai (Super Famicom) / Akihiko Mori
35:52 The Nightmare Is Finally Over / Clock Tower (Super Famicom) / Kōji Niikura
38:48 Prairie / Devilish: The Next Possession / Hitoshi Sakimoto
41:28 Nightmare Castle / Arcus Odyssey (Sega Genesis) / Motoi Sakuraba
44:45 Witch’s Theme / Shining Force II / Motoaki Takenouchi
46:22 Haunted House / Pocky & Rocky (Super NES) / Hiroyuki Iwatsuki
49:20 Underwater / Mighty Max (Sega Genesis) / Matt Furniss
54:48 Terror of the Glacier / Elemental Master / Toshiharu Yamanishi
56:40 Mountain Petrified / Addams Family Values (Super NES) / Keith Tinman
60:40 Restless Spirits / Laplace no Ma (Super Famicom) / Akiko Kosaka
62:02 In the Darkness / Mystic Ark (Super Famicom) / Akihiko Mori
65:10 The Enchanted Forest / Demon’s Crest / Toshihiko Horiyama
67:20 The Nightbreed / Treasure of the Rudras / Ryuji Sasai
70:28 Outside / Addams Family Values (Sega Genesis) / Keith Tinman
72:46 Level 4 / Decap Attack (Sega Genesis) / Fumito Tamayama
75:47 Evil Cross Battle / Splatterhouse (Turbografx-16) / Katsuro Tajima and Yoshinori Kawamoto
78:43 Glittering Night Sky / Do Re Mi Fantasy / Jun Chikuma
80:11 LaPlace Castle / LaPlace No Ma / Akiko Kosaka
81:43 Shrine for the Worship of Chaos / Arcana (Super NES) / Jun Ishikawa and Hirokazu Ando
83:38 Threed, Zombie Central / Earthbound / Keiichi Suzuki and Hirokazu Tanaka
85:51 Misty Menace / Donkey Kong Country / David Wise
88:14 Fog of Phantom / Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together / Hitoshi and Sakimoto Masaharu
90:19 Night Gallery / Treasure of the Rudras / Ryuji Sasai
91:58 Strange Forest / Shin Onigashima Zenpen / Koji Kondo
94:02 Sunken Ship / Super Mario RPG / Yoko Shimomura
97:00 Fillmore / Actraiser / Yuzo Koshiro
99:58 Dancing Calcobrena / Final Fantasy IV / Nobuo Uematsu
100:27 Haunted Graveyard / Super Ghouls ’n Ghosts / Mari Yamaguchi
103:00 The Demon King Odio / Live A Live / Yoko Shimomura
105:28 Ceremony / Secret of Mana / Hiroki Kikuta
108:42 Phantom Train / Final Fantasy VI / Nobuo Uematsu
Follow: Singing Mountain on Twitter • Drew on Twitter • Facebook • Facebook Group • Instagram
Listen: Apple Podcasts • Spotify • Google Play • Google Podcasts
Cruise Into Sunset
Some of you bemoaned the loss of the Singing Mountain Patreon because it also meant the loss of the ”all music, no talk” versions of episodes that I sometimes posted there. Never fear: the files have been recovered, and I will be posting them on the main feed.
First up, the ”all music, no talk” version of episode 105, “The End... as a Beginning.”
Track listing:
0:00 Donkey Kong Rescued (Credits Roll) / Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong-Quest (Super NES) / David Wise
2:57 Credit Roll / Space Harrier II (Genesis) / Tokuhiko Uwabo and Matt Furniss
7:12 End Title / Tenshi no Uta: Shiroki Tsubasa no Inori (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba and Shinji Tamura
9:12 Ending Theme / Shadow Blasters (Genesis) / Kim Songdong
11:17 Ending (Next Time) / Shockman (TurboGrafx-16) / K. Hayama
16:51 Finale / Wild Guns (Super NES) / Hiroyuki Iwatsuki and Haruo Ohashi
23:15 Staff Roll / Cyber Knight (PC Engine) / Unknown Composer
26:03 Ending / Dino Land (Genesis) / Ichiro Hada
31:43 After the War (Ending) / Final Zone (Genesis) / Motoi Sakuraba and Masaaki Uno
37:07 BGM 3 / True Golf Classics: Pebble Beach Golf Links (Genesis) / Yumi Kinoshita
43:10 Returned Soldier’s Rest / Super Star Soldier (TurboGrafx-16) / Dr. Nakahashi and Mr. Hoshi
48:38 Ending / Mighty Max (Genesis) / Krisalis (a.k.a. Matt Furniss)
52:02 Ending (Next Time) / Shockman (TurboGrafx-16) / K. Hayama
53:47 Ending / Magical Chase (TurboGrafx-16) Hitoshi Sakimoto and Masaharu Iwata
55:39 Sunset of Puyo Puyo / Puyo Puyo (Mega Drive) / Masanobu Tsukamoto, Akiyoshi Nagao, Toshiaki Sakoda and Masaaki Harada
59:16 Setting Out (Staff Roll) / Elemental Master (Genesis) / Toshiharu Yamanishi
Follow: Singing Mountain on Twitter • Drew on Twitter • Facebook • Facebook Group • Instagram
Listen: Apple Podcasts • Spotify • Google Play • Google Podcasts
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Afternoon Drive 2: Revenge of the Afternoon
You’re still driving. It still doesn’t have to be a race.
Listed to KVGM, “The Last Wave,” a podcast full of low-key, chilled VGM that you’ll like if you like this episode.
Also listen to my previous driving music episodes: Afternoon Drive 1, Moonlight Drive, Sunset Drive, Drive Into the City
Track listing:
0:07 On the Rainy Street / Dyna Brothers 2 (Mega Drive) / Masami Yitsuse
7:05 Menu / Pebble Beach Golf Links (Super Nintendo) / Yumi Kinoshita
10:30 Coast / First Queen (Super Famicom) / Masaki Sasaki and Hiroshi Ootake
12:52 Shark Ship / Last Bible III (Super Famicom) / Hiroyuki Yanada
15:28 BGM 5 / Power League 5 (Turbografx-16) / Unknown Composer
17:55 Stage 4: Aquese / Zero Wing (Sega Genesis) / Masahiro Yuge, Tatsuya Uemura and Toshiaki Tomizawa
21:29 Club Mediterrania / European League Soccer (Sega Genesis) / Matt Furniss
24:07 Karudo / Darius Twin (Super Nintendo) / Kazuyuki Ōnui and Norihiro Furukawa
26:20 Jigsaw Fields / Kirby Dream Course (Super Nintendo) / Hirokazu Ando
29:12 BGM 17 / Super Black Bass 3 (Super NES) / Michiya Hirasawa, Tukushi Sasaki, Akihiko Mori
32:23 Forest / Bomberman B-Daman (Super Famicom) / Kenyuu Nukita
38:25 Overworld / Crusader of Centy (Sega Genesis) / Motokazu Shinoda and Noriyuki Iwadare
40:38 Air Battle 3 / 1943 Kai (PC Engine) / Manami Matsumae, Takashi Tateishi, Junko Tamiya, Hiroshige Tonomura, Tamayo Kawamoto and Harumi Fujita
42:41 Password / Arcus Odyssey (Sega Genesis) / Motoi Sakuraba
45:16 Wild Life / Pop’n Twin Bee (Super Famicom) / Kazuhiko Uehara, Masahiro Ikariko, Hideto Inoue, Tomoya Tomita, Nobuyuki Akena, Masae Nakashima, Saiko Miki and Michiru Yamane
47:44 Credits / Magic Knight Rayearth (Super Famicom) / Daisuke Tamura
54:04 Hilltop Zone / Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sega Genesis) / Masato Nakamura
55:52 Staff Roll / Drift King Shutokou Battle '94 (Super Famicom) / Tsuchiya Keiichi and Bandou Masaaki (KVGM)
58:37 Popful Mail World / Popful Mail (Super Famicom) / Falcom Sound Team J.D.K.
62:08 Ripple’s Theme / Magical Chase (PC Engine) / Hitoshi Sakimoto
64:24 Running Pleasure / Outrun 2019 (Mega Drive) / Shigeki Sako
70:45 Grand Bridge / Yoshi’s Safari (Super NES) / Yoshiki Nishimura, Miyuki Uemura and Yasushi Tokunaga
72:51 Sound Test No. 10 / ATP Tour Championship Tennis (Sega Genesis) / Hikoshi Hashimoto
74:58 Wall Tune / Cool Spot (Sega Genesis) / Tommy Tallarico
77:49 Imbalanced Kiss / Yu Yu Hakusho: Makyou Touitsusen / Hiro Takahashi
80:25 Tengu Man / Mega Man & Bass (Super Famicom) / Toshihiko Horiyama, Naoshi Mizuta and Akari Kaida
85:58 Fire World (Flare’s Theme) / Panel de Pon / Masaya Kuzume
90:00 Staff Roll / Super Final Match Tennis (Super Famicom) / Takamitsu Kajikawa
92:57 Magical Sound Shower / Out Run (Sega Genesis) / Hiroshi Kawaguchi
98:17 Far Far Away, Take Me / Dyna Brothers 2 (Mega Drive) / Masami Yitsuse
Follow: Singing Mountain on Twitter • Drew on Twitter • Facebook • Facebook Group • Instagram
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This is a TableCakes podcast.
Sunset on a Mountain
The good news: Singing Mountain is back. The bad news: It’s only coming back for a few more episodes before ending. Due to reasons I explain in the episode, I’ve decided to end this podcast. However, before I do that, I’ll be clearing out the odds and ends that are remaining in the shambles of the planning doc I’ve been making episodes from all this time. First up: a grab bag episode.
Track listing:
0:19 Caverns / Risky Woods (Amiga) / José Antonio Martin Tello
6:06 Until the End of the Earth / Elemental Master (Sega Genesis) / Toshiharu Yamanishi
10:11 End of the Modern Century / Dyna Brothers 2 (Mega Drive) / Masami Yitsuse
13:58 Pints and Punks / Final Fight 3 (Super NES) / Katsunari Kitajima
15:52 My Dear D / Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master (Sega Genesis) / Hirofumi Murasaki, Morihiko Akiyama and Masayuki Nagao
20:29 Brave of Puyo Puyo / Puyo Puyo (Mega Drive) / Masanobu Tsukamoto, Akiyoshi Nagao, Toshiaki Sakoda and Masaaki Harada
23:40 The Sky / Hyper Iria (Super Famicom) / Kiyotaka Sato, Shintaro Hirakawa and Nobuhiro Makino
25:03 Bar / El Viento (Sega Genesis) / Motoi Sakuraba
27:54 City / McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure (Sega Genesis) / Katsuhiko Suzuki
32:37 Woods Area / Kid Chameleon (Sega Genesis) / Mark Miller
34:30 Alcaino Ruins / Ys III: Wanderers from Ys (Sega Genesis) / Noriyuki Iwadare
36:25 Darwin, Treasure Hunter / Arcana (Super NES) / Jun Ishikawa and Hirokazu Ando
37:51 House of Particular Interest / Akazukin Cha Cha (Super Famicom) / Kazuya Suyama
44:13 Suspense & Illusion / Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story (Super Famicom) Takanori Arisawa
46:17 King Drool III (The Size of Things to Come) / Bonk 3: Bonk’s Big Adventure (Turbografx-16) / Taro Hara and Kunio Komatsu
48:32 Barlizer / Princess Minerva (Super Famicom) / Hiroaki Iwatani
50:33 Pascal’s Theme / Shin Megami Tensei (Super Famicom) / Tsukasa Masuko
55:03 Mountains / Risky Woods (Amiga) / José Antonio Martin Tello
Follow: Singing Mountain on Twitter • Drew on Twitter • Facebook • Facebook Group • Instagram
Listen: Apple Podcasts • Spotify • Google Play • Google Podcasts
Yes, we do have a website!
This is a TableCakes podcast.
The Forest of Remarkable Chill
This is an experiment. What you have here is ninety minutes of 16-bit forest music, drawn from all four forest episodes of Singing Mountain, only slowed down, pitched down, muted and muffled in various ways and played over the sound of some royalty-free rain noise I found on YouTube. I initially made this for Patreon, and a few people noted how much they liked it, so I thought I’d put it on the main feed in case any of you needed some extra tranquility in your life. This is a slightly different mix tham what went on Patreon initially. Do what you will with it.
Track listing:
0:11 Elven Town ~ Water Goddess Mitula / Shining Force II (Sega Genesis) / Motoaki Takenouchi
7:19 Secret of the Forest / Chrono Trigger (Super NES) / Yasunori Mitsua
12:24 The Phantom Forest / Final Fantasy VII (Super Nintendo) / Nobuo Uematsu
15:52 Forest Interlude / Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (Super NES) / David Wise
19:05 Treant Forest / Tales of Phantasia (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba
22:22 Silent Forest of Doubt / Arcana (Super NES) / Jun Ishikawa and Hirokazu Ando Temple
25:22 Forest of Spirits / Chou Mahou Tairiku Wozz (Magical Land of Wozz) (Super Famicom) / Tomoyuki Hamada, Takeshi Sato and Seiichi Tokunaga
28:58 Forest of Mythrandir / Stone Protectors (Super NES) / Steve Duckworth
34:05 Great Forest of Moore / Final Fantasy V (Super Famicom) / Nobuo Uematsu
37:18 The Maze-Like Forest / Traverse: Starlight and Prairie (Super Famicom) / Daisuke Tamura
41:16 Quiet Forest Trail / King Arthur and the Knights of Justice (Super NES) / Robert Ridihalgh
43:52 Forest / Tales of Phantasia (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba
47:02 Haunted Forest / Down the World: Mervil’s Ambition (Super Famicom) / Jeff Pfeifer and Rob Pfeifer
49:34 Beautiful Forest / Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (Super NES) / Ryuji Sasai
52:05 Underworld Forest / Last Bible III (Super Famicom) / Hiroyuki Yanada
55:02 Temple Forest / Dark Law: Meaning of Death (Super Famicom) / Yusuke Takahama
58:00 Phantom Forest / Kishin Korinden Oni (Super Famicom) / Yoko Watanabe
61:55 Unicorn Forest / Tales of Phantasia (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba
65:10 Surrounded by Forest / Treasure Hunter G (Super Famicom) / John Pee
69:00 Powell, the Moonlight Forest / Seiken Densetsu 3 (Super Famicom) / Hiroki Kikuta
73:46 Misty Forest / Breath of Fire (Super NES) / Yasuaki Fujita, Mari Yamaguchi, Minae Fuji, Yoko Shimomura and Tatsuya Nishimura
76:31: Lost in the Forest / Romancing Saga 3 (Super Famicom) / Kenji ito
79:29 Fields of Gothica / Secret of Evermore (Super Nintendo) / Jeremy Soule
80:48 Ymir Forest / Tales of Phantasia (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba
84:05 Still of the Night / Secret of Mana (Super NES) / Hiroki Kikuta
87:02 Windy Cliffs / Do-Re-Mi Fantasy (Super Famicom) / Jun Chikuma
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Pixelated Light Shining Through Pixelated Trees
I’m going back to my roots, and no, that is not a pun about trees. I decided to revisit the “relaxing forest music” theme that I first did back in the fifth episode of this show.
If you’re into it, there’s also an ”all music, no talk’ version of this episode on Patreon, with some rain effects tossed in. You tell me if it works or not.
Track listing:
0:13 Great Forest of Moore / Final Fantasy V (Super Famicom) / Nobuo Uematsu
3:05 Forest Stage / Disney’s Beauty and the Beast (Super NES) / Jeroen Tel, Nick Stroud and Alan Menken
5:45 The Maze-Like Forest / Traverse: Starlight and Prairie (Super Famicom) / Daisuke Tamura
9:27 Forest / Hyper Iria (Super Famicom) / Kiyotaka Sato, Shintaro Hirakawa and Nobuhiro Makino
12:06 Forest of Spirits / Chou Mahou Tairiku Wozz (Magical Land of Wozz) (Super Famicom) / Tomoyuki Hamada, Takeshi Sato and Seiichi Tokunaga
15:22 Underworld Forest / Last Bible III (Super Famicom) / Hiroyuki Yanada
18:00 Ruin in the Jungle / Hourai Gakuen no Bouken (Super Famicom) / Hitoshi Sakimoto
19:38 Beautiful Forest / Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (Super NES) / Ryuji Sasai
21:55 Quiet Forest Trail / King Arthur and the Knights of Justice (Super NES) / Robert Ridihalgh
24:08 Fairy’s Forest / Dual Orb (Super Famicom) / Lucky-7
25:40 Phantom Forest / Kishin Korinden Oni (Super Famicom) / Yoko Watanabe
29:20 Forest / Tales of Phantasia (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba
32:20 Treant Forest / Tales of Phantasia (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba
35:18 Ymir Forest / Tales of Phantasia (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba
38:14 Unicorn Forest / Tales of Phantasia (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba
41:05 Rain Forest / Jelly Boy (Super NES) / Steve Collet and Nick Stroud
42:45 Silent Forest of Doubt / Arcana (Super NES) / Jun Ishikawa and Hirokazu Ando Temple
45:31 Forest / Dark Law: Meaning of Death (Super Famicom) / Yusuke Takahama
48:16 Lumberjack Forest / Ardy Lightfoot (Super NES) / Katsuhiro Hatano and Akiko Hashimoto
49:54 Haunted Forest / Down the World: Mervil’s Ambition (Super Famicom) / Jeff Pfeifer and Rob Pfeifer
52:11 Mutant Forest / Jim Power: The Lost Dimension in 3-D (Sega Genesis) / Chris Huelsbeck
54:39 Forest of Mythrandir / Stone Protectors (Super NES) / Steve Duckworth
56:32 Elven Forest / Shining Force II (Sega Genesis) / Motoaki Takenouchi
58:10 The Phantom Forest / Final Fantasy VII (Super Nintendo) / Nobuo Uematsu
61:21 Forest Interlude / Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest / David Wise
64:18 Secret of the Forest / Chrono Trigger (Super NES) / Yasunori Mitsua
69:54 Still of the Night / Secret of Mana / Hiroki Kikuta
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Christmas Eve in an Ice Cavern
Yes, it’s the annual Singing Mountain episode about chilly winter music. The big difference is that this year I’m actually allowing a few tracks that have sleigh bells jingling. Don’t worry — they’re still moody, but this is a less melancholy collection of ice level VGM than I’ve put together in recent years.
And if this isn’t enough for you, an “all music, no talk” supermix of all the 16-bit winter VGM I’ve featured so far will be going up later today on the Singing Mountain Patreon feed.
Listen to previous winter VGM episodes:
Episode 12: Diamond Dust Episode 53: Another Winter Episode 54: A Harvest Moon Winter Episode 55: Slip Off a Ledge and Die in a Hole Episode 103: All I Want for Christmas in a Frost Dragon Track listing:
0:07 Snow and Icy Place / Eternal Filena (Super Famicom) / Hideaki Kumagai
2:04 Indoors / 3x3 Eyes: Jūma Hōkan (Super Famicom) / Unknown Composer
4:35 Diamonds on Home Planet / Dyna Brothers 2 (Mega Drive) / Masami Yitsuse
7:47 Snowy Mountain / Traverse: Starlight and Prairie (Super Famicom) / Daisuke Tamura
11:25 Snow and the Stars / Devil Hunter Yohko: The Seven Bells (Mega Drive) / Keiichi Yamamoto
13:57 BGM 11 / Benkei Gaiden (Turbografx-16) / Masashi Kageyama
16:43 Glacier / Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Mega Drive) / Aki Hata
19:43 Freezing Ice Plains / DoReMi Fantasy (Super Famicom) / Jun Chikuma
22:02 Crystal Mountain / Mickey to Donald Magical Adventure 3 (Super Famicom) / Unknown Composer
24:27 Options / Batman Returns (Sega Genesis) / Paul Gadbois
26:56 Manor of Frozen Monsters / Far East of Eden (Super Famicom) / Toshiyuki Sasagawa, Kohei Tanaka and Aya Tanaka
28:40 Freesia Castle / Crusader of Centy (Sega Genesis) / Motokazu Shinoda
31:58 Neverland Tundra / Hook (Super NES) / Matt Furniss
33:54 Ice Caverns / Demon’s Crest (Super NES) / Toshihiko Horiyama
36:00 Hero in Ice / Elfaria II (Super Famicom) / Yukihide Takekawa
38:11 Snow Sled / Silva Saga II: The Legend of Light and Darkness (Super Famicom) / Katsuhisa Ishida, Masanao Akahori and Jun Enoki
40:22 Tigne / Princess Minerva (Super Famicom) / Hiroaki Iwatani
42:20 Iceberg Ocean / Kirby’s Dream Course (Super NES) / Hirokazu Ando
44:39 Freezekill Village / Tales of Phantasia (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba
47:35 Crystal So Long / Aretha II: Ariel’s Mysterious Journey / CHACKey, Futoshi Shimodaira, Hiroe Kazuyasu
50:36 Lake / Hamelin no Violin Hiki (Super Famicom) / Yoshiyuki Mori
54:17 Ice World / Jelly Boy (Super NES) / Steve Collett and Nick Stroud
56:35 Arctic Caverns / Battletoads (Sega Genesis) / David Wise
58:32 A Wish / Secret of Mana (Super NES) / Hiroki Kikuta
61:17 Another Winter / Seiken Densetsu 3 (Super Famicom) / Hiroki Kikuta
64:58 Ice Lake / Romancing Saga 3 (Super Famicom) / Kenji Ito
67:43 Winter / Harvest Moon (Super NES) / Tsuyoshi Tanaka
70:05: In a Snowbound Land / Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest (Super NES) / David Wise
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A Road Walked by Heroes
A sequel of sorts to the “Lonesome Journeys” episode I did way back when, this episode is all about “sad travel music” — the kind of stuff you might associate with an RPG overworld, where the world is big and open and mysterious and you have to venture forth anyway. It’s a little somber, it’s a little hopeful, and it seems perfect for a late autumn day.
And if you haven’t yet, also give a listen to my episode “The Overworld Mixtape,” which is nothing but RPG overworld themes — no talking!
Track listing:
0:09 Character Selection / Golden Axe II (Sega Genesis) / Naofumi Hataya
1:52 Harvest November / Seiken Densetsu 3 (Super Famicom) / Hiroki Kikuta
6:49 The Journey / Arcana (Super Nintendo) / Jun Ishikawa and Hirokazu Ando
9:11 Sword of Vermillion / Last City (Sega Genesis) / Yasunori Shiono
11:46 Tower / Brandish (Super Nintendo) / Falcom Sound Team
15:57 Bipartite Planet Sharil Daril / Blue Almanac (Sega Genesis) / Noriyuki Iwadare and Masaru Suzuki
17:32 Just Like the Mountain, He Will Not Move / Treasure Hunter G (Super Famicom) / John Pee
20:36 Walking in Peace / Bounty Sword (Super Famicom) / Kohei Tanaka and Akihiko Mori
21:41 Planet 1 / Cyber Knight (PC Engine) / Unknown Composer
23:17 Ending Theme / Cadash (Turbografx-16) / Toshiko Tasaki
25:38 Field 1 / Double Dungeons (Turbografx-16) / Unknown Composer
27:27 Map Theme / Benkei Gaiden (Turbografx-16) / Masashi Kageyama
30:15 King of Berserker / Bahamut Senki (Sega Genesis) / Keisuke Tsukahara
32:39 Exotic Country Road / Pocky & Rocky 2 (Super NES) / Hiroyuki Iwatsuki, Kinuyo Yamashita, Haruo Ohashi and Asuka Yamao
35:09 Field 1 / Tenshi no Uta: Shiroki Tsubasa no Inori (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba and Shinji Tamura
38:29 Early Operation / Dyna Brothers 2 (Mega Drive) / Masami Yitsuse
40:33 Mountain Road / Hamelin no Violin Hiki (Super Famicom) / Yoshiyuki Mori
42:50 Track 6 / Monster Maker III (Super Famicom) / Unknown Composer
45:24 Opening Theme / 3x3 Eyes: Jūma Hōkan (Super Famicom) / Unknown Composer
47:26 Overworld / Terranigma / Miyoko Takaoka and Masanori Hikichi
48:54 Between Two Worlds / Treasure of the Rudras (Super Famicom) / Ryuji Sasai
51:40 Long Valley / Tales of Phantasia (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba, Shinji Tamura and Ryota Furuya
54:37 Breath of the Earth / Tactics Ogre (Super Famicom) / Hitoshi Sakimoto and Masaharu Iwata
58:07 Final Battle / Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals (Super NES) / Yasunori Shiono
60:37 Road Walked By Heroes / Albert Odyssey (Super Famicom) / Naoki Kodaka
63:11 Underworld / Final Fantasy IV (Super NES) / Nobuo Uematsu
64:45 Ruins / Golden Axe II (Sega Genesis) / Naofumi Hataya
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Attack of the Cutie Pie
The episode I intended to put out this week isn’t done yet, but I decided to toss you guys an episode that was previously a Patreon-exclusive. Last year, around the time Singing Mountain hit one hundred episodes, I did a bonus that was just all the VGM tracks I’d encountered just through doing research for this podcast. You know, as opposed to hearing them while actually playing video games, like normal people.
Also, if you’re seeing this episode, that means Singing Mountain has successfully transferred over from SoundCloud, which sucks, to Libsyn, which does not. Yay! \
Track listing:
0:56: Gorgonzola Goblins / Pocky & Rocky / Hiroyuki Iwatsuki
3:12: Volcanic Zone (Exploration) / Popful Mail / Atsushi Shirakawa and Mieko Ishikawa
6:33: Track 1 / Top Gear / Barry Leitch
9:30: The Birds Fly in the Sky, the Fish Swim in the Rivers / Live a Live / Yoko Shimomura
11:25: Queen Serenity / Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon / Takanori Arisawa
15:18: Sentimental Soldier / Valis II (PC-88) / Masahiro Kajihara
18:21: Midnight Dancer / Thunder Zone / Gamadelic
20:35: Ice Caverns / David Wise / Battletoads
20:42: Sherbet Land / Mario Hoops 3 on 3 / Masayoshi Soken
25:57: Heart of Icegrave / Monster World IV / Jin Watanabe
28:53: Devilotte’s Theme / Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo / Tatsuro Suzuki, Isao Ave, Yuko Kadota, Syun Nishigaki, Setsuo Yamamoto and Anarchy Takapon
31:31: Master of Water / Lagoon / Hideki Suzuki
34:28: Central Park / Last Ninja 2: Back With a Vengeance / Matt Gray
40:04: Koopa Beach / Mario Sports Mix / Masayoshi Soken
43:01: Burning Heart / Battle Mania Daiginjou / Junichi Masuda
45:17: Amazon / Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix / Isao Abe, Yuki Iwai and Setsuo Yamamoto
48:25: Ice Place / King of Fighters 2000 / SNK Sound Team
52:57: Migratory Birds ~ Wandering Bird ~ Scoundrels / Wild Arms 3 / Michiko Naruke
58:05: Theme of Poison / Hideyuki Fukasawa / Ultra Street Fighter IV
61:57: Love Will Never Die / Twinkle Star Sprites / Takao Oshima
67:09: Happy Birthday / Gimmick! / Masashi Kageyama
69:21: Credits Theme / SonSon II / Manami Matsumae
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My 16-Bit Horror Movie
This year, I tried to pick tracks that sound like they could be from a horror movie — and not just any horror movie, but a solid B horror flick, watched on VHS, with a synthy score that’s way better that it should be given the quality of the movie. There is also an "all music, no talk" version of this episode up on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43338773 BTW, if you dig this, then check out VGM101’s 16-bit horror episode from this week: https://prolefeed101.com/vgm-101-episode-43-16-bit-horror/ And its Splatterhouse episode from the week before: https://prolefeed101.com/vgm-101-episode-42-splatterhouse/ Also have a listen to all my previous Halloween episodes: https://singingmountainpod.com/episodes/playlist-halloween Support Singing Mountain on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/singingmountain Track listing: 0:17 Ruined City / King of Demons (Super Famicom) / Hiroshi Iizuka and Tomohiro Endo 3:28 Caves / Go! Go! Ackman (Super Famicom) / Kajima Shitamachi 5:53 Reasoning 2 / Famicom Tantei Club Part 2: The Girl Who Stands Behind (Super Famicom) / Kenji Yamamoto 8:49 Sleepless Night / Anubis of the Moon’s Surface (Super Famicom) / Hiroshi Iizuka 11:15 Ancient Ruins / Romancing Saga 2 (Super Famicom) / Kenji Ito 13:29 BGM 8 / Tsukikomori (Super Famicom) / Horiguchi Takashi 16:11 Troubled Town / Ranma 1/2: Akanekodan no Hihou (Super Famicom) / Toshio Okamoto 17:16 Evil Cross Battle / Splatterhouse (Turbografx-16) / Katsuro Tajima and Yoshinori Kawamoto 20:13 Level 3 / Stormlord (Sega Genesis) / Jeroen Tel 26:31 Museum 3 / Aero the Acro-Bat (Sega Genesis) / Rick Fox 28:29 Never Ending Rain / Addams Family Values (Sega Genesis) / Keith Tinman 32:43 Sadness / Last Bible III (Super Famicom) / Hiroyuki Yanada 35:08 Treasure in a Hollow Tree / Motoko-chan no Wonder Kitchen (Super Famicom) / Unknown Composer 38:03 Deep Sea Ruins / Magic Knight Rayearth (Super Famicom) / Daisuke Tamura 40:54 Shrine for the Worship of Chaos / Arcana (Super NES) / Jun Ishikawa and Hirokazu Ando 42:37 Dark Cave / Tenshi no Uta: Shiroki Tsubasa no Inori (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba and Shinji Tamura 46:04 Bad Omen 2 / Famicom Tantei Club Part 2: The Girl Who Stands Behind (Super Famicom) / Kenji Yamamoto 48:10 Different Dimension / Laplace no Ma (Super Famicom) / Akiko Kosaka 49:36 Thick Fog / Pocky & Rocky (Super NES) / Hiroyuki Iwatsuki 51:33 Lava / Hamelin no Violin Hiki (Super Famicom) / Yoshiyuki Mori 53:19 Haunted Mansion / Mystic Ark (Super Famicom) / Akihiko Mori 56:12 Theme of Satan / Puyo Puyo (Sega Genesis) / Masanobu Tsukamoto, Akiyoshi Nagao, Toshiaki Sakoda and Masaaki Harada 58:58 Unknown Song / Dracula (Super NES) / Matt Furniss Drew on Twitter: https://twitter.com/drewgmackie Singing Mountain on Twitter: https://twitter.com/singmopod On Facebook: https://facebook.com/singingmountainpod/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/singing-mountain/id1252832457 On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2ISyNLUc1ALxzvjBqw4ru3 On Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/m/Ifofiaeephbs27wb6cqr24dlgl4 On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/singingmountainpod On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9f9iAcO1ZMTYVH91c2Jsyw Official website: https://singingmountainpod.com TableCakes Productions: https://www.tablecakes.com
Game Over / The Return of Peach
It’s a Halloween miracle! As Singing Mountain preps to transfer over to a new hosting site, some of the Patreon-only bonuses from back in the pre-16 bit days are getting folded into the main feed mix. Since this was in the process anyway, I decided that listeners might enjoy this all-music, no-talk Halloween episode. It’s all creepy Nintendo music! Track listing: 0:10: Joke’s End / Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions / Yoko Shimomura 2:01: Haunted Enigmansion / Paper Mario: Sticker Star / Masanobu Matsunaga, Saki Kurata, Shoh Murakami, Yoshito Sakigawa, Yasuhisa Baba, Hiroki Morishita, Masanori Adachi, Kiyoshi Hazemoto, Tomoko Sano, Kosei Muraki, Hiroaki Hanaoka, Yasumasa Yamada and Koji Kondo 5:34: It’s Chimera Research / Mother 3 / Shogo Sakai 7:20: Ripple Star Catacombs / Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards / Jun Ishikawa and Hirokazu Ando 8:48: Palace of Twilight / Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess / Toru Minegishi and Asuka Ohta 12:20: Bad Manor / Wario Land: Shake It! / / Tomoya Tomita and Minako Hamano 17:02: Hypno K.K. (Aircheck) / Animal Crossing: New Leaf / Manaka Kataoka, Atsuko Asahi and Kazumi Totaka 20:21: Ghoulish Galleon / Mario Sports Mix / Masayoshi Soken and Kumi Tanioka 23:17: Valhalla / Metroid Prime 3: Corruption / Kenji Yamamoto, Minako Hamano and Masaru Tajima 26:00: Misty Menace / Donkey Kong Country / David Wise 28:22: Dark Manor / Kirby’s Epic Yarn / Tomoya Tomita 30:17: Thieves’ Hideout / Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds / Ryo Nagamatsu 32:20: Spooky Ambiance / StarFox Adventures / David Wise and Ben Cullum 34:51: Shriek Mansion 2 / Super Princess Peach / Akira Fujiwara 36:16: Depths of the Forest / Marvelous / Yuichi Ozaki 37:56: Bionis’ Interior / Xenoblade Chronicles / ACE+ 41:05: Shadow Temple / Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time / Koji Kondo 44:04: Horror Land / Mario Party 2 / Hironao Yamamoto, Shohei Bando and Kazuhiko Sawaguchi 45:52: Ghostly Encounter / Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door / Yoshito Hirano, Yuka Tsujiyoko and Saki Haruyama 48:04: Horror / Yoshi’s Crafted World / Kazufumi Umeda 50:57: Lost Woods / Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks / Toru Minegishi, Manaka Tominaga, Asuka Ota and Koji Kondo 51:56: Boo Lake / Mario Kart: Super Circuit / Kenichi Nishimaki, Masanobu Matsunaga and Minako Hamano 53:49: Strange Forest / Shin Onigashima Zenpen / Koji Kondo 55:27: Happy Happy Is Blue / Earthbound / Keiichi Suzuki and Hirokazu Tanaka 58:20: Snake Princess / Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem / Steve Henefin 62:42: Hel’s Theme / Fire Emblem Heroes / Hiroki Morishita 66:22: Kappa Cove / A Kappa’s Trail / Unknown Composer Support Singing Mountain on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/singingmountain Drew on Twitter: https://twitter.com/drewgmackie Singing Mountain on Twitter: https://twitter.com/singmopod On Facebook: https://facebook.com/singingmountainpod/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/singing-mountain/id1252832457 On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2ISyNLUc1ALxzvjBqw4ru3 On Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/m/Ifofiaeephbs27wb6cqr24dlgl4 On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/singingmountainpod On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9f9iAcO1ZMTYVH91c2Jsyw Official website: https://singingmountainpod.com TableCakes Productions: https://www.tablecakes.com
Devil City
The sun has gone down and the moon has come up, and it’s not a good time to be in the city. This is part three of a three-part series that began with a drive into the city and led to a fight through the city. Now you’re in a neon metropolis at night and you’re on your way to the big boss fight. Drive Into the City: https://singingmountainpod.com/episodes/16bit-driving-music Gritty City Sounds: https://singingmountainpod.com/episodes/gritty-city-sounds Also have a listen to the spotlight on Masahi Kagayama’s soundtrack to the later NES game Gimmick!: https://singingmountainpod.com/episodes/gimmick-sunsoft-vgm Support Singing Mountain on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/singingmountain Track listing: 0:17: Enemy Fighting Worker / Out Live (PC Engine) / Masashi Kagayama 4:01: Could That Person Be Our Child? / Art of Fighting (Sega Genesis) / Masahiko Hataya, Toshio Shimizu and Yasumasa Yamada 5:47: Neo Tokyo / Pulseman (Mega Drive) / Junichi Masuda 7:49: BGM E / Atomic Robo-Kid (Sega Genesis) / Mecano Associates 10:23: Stage 5 / Gunstar Heroes (Sega Genesis) / Norio Hanzawa 11:40: Another World 1 (Fifth Day) / Burning Force (Sega Genesis) / Yoshinori Kawamoto 14:17: BGM 4 / Barunba (PC Engine) / Makiko Itou and Hiroshi Nishikawa 15:43: Inner Darkside / Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master / Hirofumi Murasaki, Morihiko Akiyama and Masayuki Nagao 18:34: Tokyo / Saturday Night Slam Masters (Sega Genesis) / Masaki Izutani and Setsuo Yamamoto 22:17: Factory / Ranger X (Sega Genesis) / Yoshinobu Hiraiwa 25:05: Overworld 3 / Tales of Phantasia (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba, Shinji Tamura and Ryota Furuya 28:02: Empire State Building / El Viento (Sega Genesis) / Motoi Sakuraba 29:21: Final Battle / El Viento (Sega Genesis) / Motoi Sakuraba 32:08: Boomer Kuwanger / Mega Man X (Super NES) / Yuko Takehara 34:45: Mission 2 / Terminator 2: The Arcade Game (Sega Genesis) / Allister Brimble 36:42: Technology / Pulseman (Mega Drive) / Junichi Masuda 39:41: Round 1-2 / Gynoug (Sega Genesis) / Noriyuki Iwadare 42:24: Fisherman of the Seven Seas (Jeffrey’s Theme) / Virtua Fighter 2 (Sega Genesis) / Composed by Takenobu Mitsuyoshi, Takayuki Nakamura and Akiko Hashimoto, arranged by Shogo Sakai 44:37: Dilapidated Zone / Super Star Soldier (TurboGrafx-16) / Dr. Nakahashi and Mr. Hoshi 46:17: Dark City / Tenshi no Uta: Shiroki Tsubasa no Inori (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba and Shinji Tamura 49:08: Mars / Dangerous Seed (Mega Drive) / Yoshinori Nagumo 50:49: Track 2 / Bubblegum Crash: Knight Sabers 2034 (PC Engine) / Makiko Itoh 53:35: Devil Dance / Majin Tensei (Super Famicom) / Hidehito Aoki 55:36: Title Theme / Devil’s Crash (Turbografx-16) / Toshiaki Sakoda 61:36: Leave Time for Love / Secret of Mana (Super NES) / Hiroki Kikuta 63:21: Devil’s Lab / Final Fantasy VI (Super NES) / Nobuo Uetmatsu Drew on Twitter: https://twitter.com/drewgmackie Singing Mountain on Twitter: https://twitter.com/singmopod On Facebook: https://facebook.com/singingmountainpod/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/singing-mountain/id1252832457 On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2ISyNLUc1ALxzvjBqw4ru3 On Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/m/Ifofiaeephbs27wb6cqr24dlgl4 On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/singingmountainpod On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9f9iAcO1ZMTYVH91c2Jsyw Official website: https://singingmountainpod.com TableCakes Productions: https://www.tablecakes.com
Gritty City Sounds
Back in the 16-bit era, urban streets were littered with no-good punks who would attack in wave after wave, leaving a group of musclebound heroes no choice but to keep on punching — and hope there is a whole roast chicken hidden in a garbage can somewhere. This episode is a celebration of those gritty city environments, the music heard in them and the music from other genres of game that nonetheless get at this same vibe. And if you want to check out my other podcast — my new music podcast, which is why this one was off last week, do so here: https://deepcutssuperficialwounds.libsyn.com/ Track listing: 0:18: Shinobi Walk / Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Mater / Hirofumi Murasaki, Morihiko Akiyama and Masayuki Nagao 3:29: Introduction / Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (Sega Genesis) / Rick Fox 6:12: Level 5 / Bloody Wolf (TurboGrafx-16) / Azusa Hara, Hiroaki Yoshida. Tatsuya Kiuchi, Hitomi Komatsu, Shuji Segawa 7:44: The Streets / Predator 2 (Sega Genesis) / Matt Furniss 9:37: Theme of Struggle / Benkei Gaiden: Suna no Shou (Super Famicom) / Masashi Kageyama 11:01: Things Are Looking Up / Rival Turf (Super NES) / Yasuhiko Takashiba and Atsuyoshi Isemura 13:54: Army’s Song / Final Zone (Sega Genesis) / Motoi Sakuraba and Masaaki Uno 15:43: Akira / Virtua Fighter 2 (Sega Genesis) / Composed by Takenobu Mitsuyoshi, Takayuki Nakamura and Akiko Hashimoto, arranged by Shogo Sakai 18:48: Enemy Reinforcements / Langrisser II (Sega Genesis) / Noriyuki Iwadare and Isao Mizoguchi 21:02: BGM 12 / Bubblegum Crash: Knight Sabers 2034 (PC Engine) / Makiko Itoh 21:49: Sea Boss / Dinoland / Dino Land (Genesis) / Ichiro Hada 25:54: Pirate Island / Dragon Slayer (Super NES) / Falcom Sound Team JDK 27:22: Downtown / Famicom Tantei Club Part 2: The Girl Who Stands Behind / Kenji Yamamoto 33:09: Stage Clear / Brandish (Super NES) / Falcom Sound Team JDK 36:13: Credits / Golden Axe II (Sega Genesis) / Naofumi Hataya 38:50: Lunatic Dance / Getsumen no Anubis (Super Famicom) / Noboru Iwata, Hiroshi Fujioka, Hiroshi Iizuka, Yoshiaki Kubotera, Hiroaki Shibata and Kaori Ohshima 40:14: Water Lily / Crusader of Centy (Sega Genesis) / Motokazu Shinoda 42:28: Dungeon 3 / Princess Minerva (Super Famicom) / Hiroaki Iwatani 43:45: Blue Moon Factory / Art of Fighting (Sega Genesis) / Masahiko Hataya, Toshio Shimizu and Yasumasa Yamada 45:34: Character Select / Final Fight (Super NES) / Manani Matsumae and Yoko Shimomoura 46:15: Bay Area / Final Fight (Super NES) / Manani Matsumae and Yoko Shimomoura 48:17: Bust Up the Railway / Final FIght 2 (Super NES) / Yasuaki Fujita (a.k.a. Bun Bun), Mari Yamaguchi, Yuki Satomura, Setsuo Yamamoto, Yuko Kadota, and Tatsuya Nishimura 51:24: For Metro City / Final Fight 3 (Super NES) / Katsunari Kitajima 55:22: Capital Theme / Sim City (Super NES) / Soyo Oka 58:15: Dilapidated Town / Streets of Rage (Sega Genesis) / Yuzo Koshiro Support Singing Mountain on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/singingmountain Drew on Twitter: https://twitter.com/drewgmackie Singing Mountain on Twitter: https://twitter.com/singmopod On Facebook: https://facebook.com/singingmountainpod/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/singing-mountain/id1252832457 On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2ISyNLUc1ALxzvjBqw4ru3 On Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/m/Ifofiaeephbs27wb6cqr24dlgl4 On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/singingmountainpod On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9f9iAcO1ZMTYVH91c2Jsyw Official website: https://singingmountainpod.com TableCakes Productions: https://www.tablecakes.com
Drive Into the City
In the grand tradition of Singing Mountain episodes that make driving music of VGM that’s not from driving games, here’s a new one: the soundtrack for a drive into the city that starts out laidback but gets a little tense as you get toward the big city. This is actually a part one to a part two that you’ll get next that’s all gritty city music — basically what you here when you finally arrive at those scary skyscrapers on the horizon. Listen to my previous driving music episodes: Sunset Drive https://singingmountainpod.com/episodes/sunset-drive-vgm Afternoon Drive https://singingmountainpod.com/episodes/afternoon-drive-vgm-mixtape Moonlight Drive https://singingmountainpod.com/episodes/moonlight-drive Also listen to the all-Valis III episode, because no one else did: https://singingmountainpod.com/episodes/valis-3-vgm Track listing: 0:08: BGM 9 / Super Black Bass 3 (Super Famicom) / Tsukushi Sasaki and Michiya Hirasawa 2:06: BGM B / Tommy Lasorda Baseball (Sega Genesis) / Unknown Composer 3:58: Title Theme / Cosmic Fantasy 2 (TurboGrafx-16) / Hisao Inoue and Junta 8:29: Flight of the Birds / Last Bible III (Super Famicom) / Hiroyuki Yanada 10:18: Alien Ship / McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure (Sega Genesis) / Katsuhiko Suzuki and Aki Hata 14:19: Far Far Away, Take Me / Dyna Brothers 2 (Mega Drive) / Masami Yitsuse 17:44: Woods Area / Kid Chameleon (Sega Genesis) / Mark Miller 20:12: Industrial District / Columns III (Sega Genesis) / Morihiko Akiyama 21:40: Seaside Front / Aero Blasters (TurboGrafx-16) / Tatsuya Watanabe and Tsutomu Ookuma 24:14: Pirate Man / Rockman & Forte (Super Famicom) / Akari Kaida 27:10: Kakumen Boss no Theme / Valis III (Sega Genesis) / Jun Hasabe 28:52: F1 Triumph / Super Momotarou Dentetsu DX (Super Famicom) / Kazuyuki Sekiguchi 30:00: Menu / True Golf Classics: Pebble Beach Golf Links (Genesis) / Yumi Kinoshita 33:03: Twinbee to the Rescue / Pop'n Twinbee: Rainbow Bell Adventures (Super NES) / Ken-ichi Matsubara, Yukie Morimoto and Saiko Miki 34:41: Sky Sphere / Neutopia (TurboGrafx-16) / Keita Hoshi 36:27: Grass Land / Burning Force (Sega Genesis) / Yoshinori Kawamoto 38:27: Crystal Road / Super Star Soldier (TurboGrafx-16) / Dr. Nakahashi and Mr. Hosh 39:49: BGM 5 / Barunba (PC Engine) / Makiko Itou and Hiroshi Nishikawa 41:45: The World’s Cavern / Treasure Hunter G (Super Famicom) / John Pee 43:14: Character Selection / Arcus Odyssey (Sega Genesis) / Motoi Sakuraba 44:52: Underground Traps / Go! Go! Ackman (Super Famicom) / Kajima Shitamachi Support Singing Mountain on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/singingmountain Drew on Twitter: https://twitter.com/drewgmackie Singing Mountain on Twitter: https://twitter.com/singmopod On Facebook: https://facebook.com/singingmountainpod/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/singing-mountain/id1252832457 On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2ISyNLUc1ALxzvjBqw4ru3 On Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/m/Ifofiaeephbs27wb6cqr24dlgl4 On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/singingmountainpod On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9f9iAcO1ZMTYVH91c2Jsyw Official website: https://singingmountainpod.com TableCakes Productions: https://www.tablecakes.com
The End… as a Beginning
Singing Mountain is back. I said it would be back and I meant it. And to contrast this new run of the show from what I left you all on months ago, I decided to put out something a little more hopeful. Do you know that particular kind of video game ending where you see your character cruising toward the horizon, bad guys vanquished in their wake, and there’s maybe a sunset or something, and the music sounds like the end of an 80s movie? Yeah, this episode is all about that. Track listing: 0:09: Sunset of Puyo Puyo / Puyo Puyo (Mega Drive) / Masanobu Tsukamoto, Akiyoshi Nagao, Toshiaki Sakoda and Masaaki Harada 5:24: Credit Roll / Space Harrier II (Genesis) / Tokuhiko Uwabo and Matt Furniss 7:52: Setting Out (Staff Roll) / Elemental Master (Genesis) / Toshiharu Yamanishi 11:44: Ending / Dino Land (Genesis) / Ichiro Hada 16:55: Several Years After / Dyna Bros 2 (Mega Drive) / Masami Yitsuse 20:16: Sun Rise Purple / Battle Mania: Daiginjō (Mega Drive) / Shigenori Masuko, Yoko Suzuki and Fumito Tamayama 23:45: End Title / Tenshi no Uta: Shiroki Tsubasa no Inori (Super Famicom) / Motoi Sakuraba and Shinji Tamura 27:01: Credit Roll / Dungeon Explorer (TurboGrafx-16) / Tsukasa Masuko 30:02: Ending (Next Time) / Shockman (TurboGrafx-16) / K. Hayama 32:20: Staff Roll / Cyber Knight (PC Engine) / Unknown Composer 36:12: Ending / Magical Chase (TurboGrafx-16) Hitoshi Sakimoto and Masaharu Iwata 39:13: Return to Mother / Axelay (Super NES) / Taei Kudo 41:53: After the War (Ending) / Final Zone (Genesis) / Motoi Sakuraba and Masaaki Uno 46:03: BGM 3 / True Golf Classics: Pebble Beach Golf Links (Genesis) / Yumi Kinoshita 48:50: Ending / Mighty Max (Genesis) / Krisalis (a.k.a. Matt Furniss) 52:12: Returned Soldier’s Rest / Super Star Soldier (TurboGrafx-16) / Dr. Nakahashi and Mr. Hoshi 54:44: Ending Theme / Shadow Blasters (Genesis) / Kim Songdong 56:32: Donkey Kong Rescued (Credits Roll) / Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong-Quest (Super NES) / David Wise 58:39: Finale / Wild Guns (Super NES) / Hiroyuki Iwatsuki and Haruo Ohashi Support Singing Mountain on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/singingmountain Drew on Twitter: https://twitter.com/drewgmackie Singing Mountain on Twitter: https://twitter.com/singmopod On Facebook: https://facebook.com/singingmountainpod/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/singing-mountain/id1252832457 On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2ISyNLUc1ALxzvjBqw4ru3 On Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/m/Ifofiaeephbs27wb6cqr24dlgl4 On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/singingmountainpod On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9f9iAcO1ZMTYVH91c2Jsyw Official website: https://singingmountainpod.com TableCakes Productions: https://www.tablecakes.com
The Sealed City
A disclaimer: This episode won’t be for everyone. It’s been an odd few weeks, and for some reason I’ve been finding comfort in sad stuff rather than just trying to flood my brain with relentlessly happy things. As a result of this special mix of factors, the episode you’re getting from me is all about sad music — specifically sad music from 16-bit RPGs. While Singing Mountain is not yet back, when it returns it will be with a slightly different format that in this episode. I hope this is something we can both look forward to. Special thanks to Sampson, host of VGM101, who accepted my invitation to talk about sad non-RPG music, just for a little variety: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/vgm101/id1473369972 And while we’re at it, the most recent episode of his show actually has a little guest appearance by me: https://prolefeed101.com/vgm-101-episode-29-street-fighting-fighting-street/ Track listing: 0:15: At the Bottom of the Night / Chrono Trigger / Yasunori Mitsuda 3:01: Voice of Awakening / Energy Breaker / Yukio Nakajima, Yasunori Shiono and Yuusei Yamamoto 4:31: Sad Freedom / Treasure Hunter G / John Pee 8:35: Jojo (Yoyo) / Bahamut Lagoon / Noriko Matsueda 10:30: Reminiscence / Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together / Hitoshi Sakimoto 12:33: Legend / Seiken Densetsu 3 / Hiroki Kikuta 16:18: Game Over / Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei / Tsukasa Masuko and Hitoshi Sakimoto 18:29: Sigh and Tear / Sorcerian (Mega Drive) / Mieko Ishikawa 21:00: Dying World / Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom / Izuho Numata 21:53: Game Over / Dragon Slayer II: The Legend of Heroes / Mieko Ishikawa and Atsushi Shirakawa 24:12: Last Moments / Shining Force II: The Ancient Seal / Motoaki Takenouchi 27:22: Ruins / Surging Aura / Kamo 28:50: Barlizer / Princess Minerva / Hiroaki Iwatani 30:26: Makai / Shin Megami Tensei II / Tsukasa Masuko 32:35: Parting / Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals / Yasunori Shiono 34:39: Begging One’s Life / Brandish II: The Planet Buster / Falcom Sound Team J.D.K. 36:42: Silence / Chaos Seed / Yasunori Shiono, Katsuhiro Hayashi and Yukio Nakajima 39:44: Emeraude’s Theme / Magic Knight Rayearth (Super NES) / Unknown Composer 41:44: In the Darkness / Mystic Ark / Akihiko Mori 44:44: Dark Night / Crusader of Centy / Motokazu Shinoda 47:23: A Premonition =Styx= / Ys III: Wanderers from Ys (Genesis) 49:16: An Old Sad Dance / King Colossus / Kenichiro Isoda 52:40: Reminicenses / Traysia / Minoru Yuasa 53:50: Underground Ruined Town / Dragon Slayer II: The Legend of Heroes / Mieko Ishikawa and Atsushi Shirakawa 55:58: Misty Lake / Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand / Naoki Kaneda 58:54: Ruins / Blue Almanac / Noriyuki Iwadare and Masaru Suzuki 61:07: Ebon Keep / Secret of Evermore / Jeremy Soule 63:39: Offering to King Gort / Albert Odyssey / Naoki Kodaka 66:08: Intro / Devilish / Hitoshi Sakimoto 69:09: Aquatic Ambiance / Donkey Kong Country / David Wise 72:27: Niena’s Melody / Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand / Naoki Kaneda 74:09: Sad Song / Farland Story II / Masakata Kitaura, Atsuyoshi Isemura, Rikei Hirashima, Music Worx 77:36: Field / Sansara Naga 2 / Kenji Kawai 80:09: Farewell, My Friends / Bounty Sword / Kohei Tanaka and Akihiko Mori 82:52: Wind that Whips the World / Energy Breaker / Yukio Nakajima, Yasunori Shiono and Yuusei Yamamoto 86:42: Pathos / Elfaria / Shigeaki Saegusa 88:27: Aroma of Stew / Energy Breaker / Yukio Nakajima, Yasunori Shiono and Yuusei Yamamoto 91:15: Sacrifices / ActRaiser / Yuzo Koshiro 92:31: Phantom and a Rose / Secret of Mana / Hiroki Kikuta 94:52: Crime of the Heart / Treasure of the Rudras / Ryuji Sasai 98:01: My Home, Sweet Home / Final Fantasy V / Nobuo Uematsu Support Singing Mountain on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/singingmountain Drew on Twitter: https://twitter.com/drewgmackie