거듭나기 : a Comeback
Seongchung Gim
A story that everyone must have experienced in love at least once.
In the recitation book, resolutions and wills for the loved ones!
It contains love for only one person.
In “a Comeback”, two poems written by poet Seongchung Gim
It was recorded in the voice of reciter Nanhee Kim.
사랑하면서 누구나 한번쯤 겪었을 것 같은 이야기.
낭송집에는 사랑하는 사람을 위한 다짐과 의지!
오직 한 사람을 향한 사랑이 담겨져 있다.
‘거듭나기’에는 시인 김성충님의 자작시 2편을
낭송가 김난희님의 목소리로 담았다.
‘거듭나기’에서는 한 사람을 향한 굳건한 사랑을!
‘물’에서는 잃어버린 꿈을 찾고 진정한 사랑을 만나
다시 일어서는 과정이 담겨져 있다.
< 배경음악 >
01. 거듭나기
Prepare to be boarded by 구재영,계한용,김정식,김민기, 공유마당, CC BY
02. 물
Wave by 윤제휘, 공유마당, CC BY
< Introducing Seongchung Gim >
The author of Emotional Poems, 'For You Now', and 'Ut Love'
Working as a poet and programmer
(Current) Operate Parangvi Publishing House
Plan and publish a collection of recitation poems called 'Coveting Love'
I've been a programmer for a long time.
We're currently working on a number of e-books and audio books.
Instagram ( https://www.instagram.com/parangvi0 )
< Introducing Nanhee Kim >
the author of the recitation poetry, "Coveting Love."
Working as a poet and reciter.
(currently) Operate aroma specialty shop
She's worked in the hospital for a long time.
(Current) Director of Indiaroma
Planning and publishing emotional poetry books, 'For You Now' and 'Ut Love'
Participating in a number of poetry readings as a reciter.
Instagram ( https://www.instagram.com/knh_indiaroma )
Author - Seongchung Gim.
Narrator - Nanhee Kim.
Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023.
Copyright - © 2008 Seongchung Gim ©.
United States
A story that everyone must have experienced in love at least once. In the recitation book, resolutions and wills for the loved ones! It contains love for only one person. In “a Comeback”, two poems written by poet Seongchung Gim It was recorded in the voice of reciter Nanhee Kim. 사랑하면서 누구나 한번쯤 겪었을 것 같은 이야기. 낭송집에는 사랑하는 사람을 위한 다짐과 의지! 오직 한 사람을 향한 사랑이 담겨져 있다. ‘거듭나기’에는 시인 김성충님의 자작시 2편을 낭송가 김난희님의 목소리로 담았다. ‘거듭나기’에서는 한 사람을 향한 굳건한 사랑을! ‘물’에서는 잃어버린 꿈을 찾고 진정한 사랑을 만나 다시 일어서는 과정이 담겨져 있다. < 배경음악 > 01. 거듭나기 Prepare to be boarded by 구재영,계한용,김정식,김민기, 공유마당, CC BY 02. 물 Wave by 윤제휘, 공유마당, CC BY < Introducing Seongchung Gim > The author of Emotional Poems, 'For You Now', and 'Ut Love' Working as a poet and programmer (Current) Operate Parangvi Publishing House Plan and publish a collection of recitation poems called 'Coveting Love' I've been a programmer for a long time. We're currently working on a number of e-books and audio books. Instagram ( https://www.instagram.com/parangvi0 ) < Introducing Nanhee Kim > the author of the recitation poetry, "Coveting Love." Working as a poet and reciter. (currently) Operate aroma specialty shop She's worked in the hospital for a long time. (Current) Director of Indiaroma Planning and publishing emotional poetry books, 'For You Now' and 'Ut Love' Participating in a number of poetry readings as a reciter. Instagram ( https://www.instagram.com/knh_indiaroma ) Author - Seongchung Gim. Narrator - Nanhee Kim. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2008 Seongchung Gim ©.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4