Afternoon Drive with Kiefer Collison-logo

Afternoon Drive with Kiefer Collison

8 Favorites


Terrace, BC


Your Nation Your Station Kiefer, an aspiring stand up comic and professional MC, is always cracking jokes and one-liners. In his words “My mullet will inspire a nation, and I’m proud to be a plus size hand model” Kiefer is passionate about the All Native Basketball Tournament and a big supporter of youth. He helped create the Haida Gwaii Youth Assembly, and is the youngest member of the Council of the Haida Nation. Kiefer is always looking for a new story to share on his show! Join Kiefer weekdays at 6pm for Journeys, keeping Aboriginal language, music and culture alive, and listen for his catchphrase, “love, peace and oolichan grease, Kief it Real!”




+1(866) 833.2367

This show will be available on Mon, Mar 17 at 5PM.