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Doctor Prepper's Critical Preparedness Radio Talk Show


Doctor Prepper's C.P.R. Talk Show is the premier Internet source for information related to Prepping, Individual and Family Preparedness, Self-Reliance, Micro, Urban, Suburban, and Ex-Urban Homesteading, and Survivalist. Whether you're an apartment dweller, urbanite, suburbanite, or ex-urbanite, Doctor Prepper interviews experienced, professional, and expert guests to inform, advise, enrich, and entertain you as you prepare for the uncertain future! Given the state of the Nation's financial wrangling, economic upheavals, political craziness, and moral issues dominating the news, perhaps it just makes sense, as never before, the we get prepared or become better prepared for the uncertain future... as well as for the certain future of continuing change. We're all survivalists--we need to become more capable of taking better care of ourselves and our community to assure we can endure the uncertain and certain calamities that are just over the horizon. We're neither doomsdayers nor gloomsdayers, but we can see the writing on the wall! Join us as we provide answers to the questions and you will gain useful and practical solutions for the problems created by the times in which we live! No religion, no politics, no political conspiracies, no gloom-and-doom, and no bull!


San Antonio, TX




Doctor Prepper's C.P.R. Talk Show is the premier Internet source for information related to Prepping, Individual and Family Preparedness, Self-Reliance, Micro, Urban, Suburban, and Ex-Urban Homesteading, and Survivalist. Whether you're an apartment dweller, urbanite, suburbanite, or ex-urbanite, Doctor Prepper interviews experienced, professional, and expert guests to inform, advise, enrich, and entertain you as you prepare for the uncertain future! Given the state of the Nation's financial wrangling, economic upheavals, political craziness, and moral issues dominating the news, perhaps it just makes sense, as never before, the we get prepared or become better prepared for the uncertain future... as well as for the certain future of continuing change. We're all survivalists--we need to become more capable of taking better care of ourselves and our community to assure we can endure the uncertain and certain calamities that are just over the horizon. We're neither doomsdayers nor gloomsdayers, but we can see the writing on the wall! Join us as we provide answers to the questions and you will gain useful and practical solutions for the problems created by the times in which we live! No religion, no politics, no political conspiracies, no gloom-and-doom, and no bull!




(347) 326-9604

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Shawn Hostetter of Katadyn North America

Doctor Prepper™ interviews Shawn Hostetter, President and member of the Board of Management, Katadyn North America. The American headquarters is in Minneapolis MN, and a food manufacturing plant near Sacramento CA. Founded in 1928, the company name was created from “catalytic“ and “oligodynamic,” two typical designations for the processes utilized in water treatment. The US subsidiary was created in 1980. Shawn’s current responsibilities for Katadyn North America include management of all...


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Preparing Against Today’s Biggest Threats

Listen to James Wesley Rawles, – the New York Times Bestselling author of the Patriots series of survival novels (and the Senior Editor of, discuss what the biggest threats to this country are at this time, and what you can do to prepare for them. Also find out about his latest novel, titled Liberators, on the Secrets of a Survivalist Radio Show.


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Doctor Prepper's CPR

Dave Blume started his ecological training at a young age. He and his father organically grew almost all the food their family ate. This wouldn't be unusual out in a rural setting nowadays, but they did this on a city lot in San Francisco in the mid-sixties! focused on promoting permaculture and alternative fuels. in 1993 David founded the International Institute for Ecological Agriculture as a nonprofit organization, dedicated to healing the planet while providing for the human community...


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Doctor Prepper's CPR

Survival Joe admitted he was just an “average Joe” until he caught the vision of stocking up on food and seeds, growing a family garden, paying off debt and investing in tangible assets. He began to be Survival Joe when he began to learn survival skills his great-grandparents practiced. In his interview with Doctor Prepper, Survival Joe admitted he was just a regular dad—but he couldn’t ignore the fact that a disaster was bound to happen that would affect his family. He wasn’t sure it would...


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Get Real - Get Prepared with Vickilynn Haycraft

Exploring preparedness for the whole family in the real world! Are you considering a home birth? Do you know what questions to ask, where to find the answers? Tune in as Victoria from Green Idea shares her experiences with 3 home births and what to consider to help you decide. Come and join us! If you cant make the show, be sure to listen later at the same link! For more great shows, visit Preparedness Radio Network™.


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Doctor Prepper's CPR

Charley Hogwood discusses in his interview with Doctor Prepper how harsh economic times and record-setting natural disasters have required the American populace to learn how to adapt to the new American normal. His organization, P.R.E.P. (Personal Readiness Education Programs, LLC) has the goal to teach you, the entire family, and your business how to be able to leverage your skills from reactive to proactive readiness. By using hazard analysis, risk assessment and impact analysis...


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Doctor Prepper's CPR

Prepper Press is an independent publishing house specializing in books and information that serves preppers, those preparing for events that could disrupt life as we know it and threaten survival. Uncertain times in a society heavily reliant on modern technology creates a need for every person to take a few steps toward independence and self-reliance. Should a major societal event happen, whether terrorist attack, plague or natural disaster, average Americans will need the knowledge and...


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The Media Prepper Show

There are lots of ways to explore emergency situations and learn to be more prepared. In a world filled with apocalyptic scenarios, hardcore preppers , zombies and tales of survival of the fittest, MEDIA PREPPER helps listeners to navigate the movies…books… magazines… online videos … social media and video games available on the marketplace! Author James Talmage Stevens, AKA Doctor Prepper visits with Media Prepper host Carolyn Evans-Dean to talk about his book, “ Making the Best of Basics –...


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Flashprepper Show

Preppers Guide to Smart Technology A Flashprepper is a business guy or gal that is on the move, vacations, seminars, meetings, marketing, and spends a lot of time away from home. Today’s show is about Smart Watches, Google Web Aps, Flash Storage, and smart Firewalls.


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Doctor Prepper's CPR

Art Levy, owner of Apogee Communications Group, is a long-time disaster preparedness professional. He was a network photojournalist for more than 25 years, covering natural disasters, civil disturbances, and major structure fires. He is a former Assistant Fire Chief, EMT, and incident commander and is credited with saving 3 lives by administering CPR. He currently is marketing emergency preparedness equipment, including DVDs, personal radiation detectors, and water treatment products through...


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The Weekly Report with Christopher Nyerges

Christopher interviews Rod Bruyere of the Ojibway Nation about life growing up on the reservation. They discuss many interesting details of Rod's native culture and learning experiences. There is much to learn here for those interested in being prepared for challenging times as well as improving one's quality of everyday thinking and life. A key factor in some of the challenges of his native people is the Treaty of 1873 between his people and the Canadian government. May we also take these...


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Three Hour Tour with the Ladies of Prepping

Join Sylvia Britton, Vickilynn Haycraft and Donna Miller at all of their regularly scheduled show times for a fun, facilitating and fact-filled show with a special theme! First - 21st Century Homekeeper - Living with out Daily Conveniences Second - Get Real, Get Prepared - Food, Foraging and Tropical Recipes Third - Your Preparation Station - Society: Dealing with it and the lack of it. This promises to be a fun show with some great insight! Visit Preparedness Radio Network™


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Pet Prep Radio

Ever wonder what the appropriate way is to encounter a dog? In this edition of Pet Prep Radio Show, Sheri The Organic Pet Lady hosts this informative show covering the “Do’s and Don’ts of Doggie Etiquette”, whether in the dog park, teaching your children proper “doggie manners”, walking your dog or how to handle meeting a service/guide dog! Full of fun information you should share with friends and family! Sheri says, “Get Prepared and Stay Prepared!” Join Sheri The Organic Pet Lady every...


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Intentionally Domestic

Intentionally Domestic (formerly The Living Kitchen) is the show where real food, food intolerances and preparedness become a sustainable lifestyle. This week on Intentionally Domestic, KerryAnn interviews Lydia Shatney on her new course, Get Healthy to Lose Weight. For more great shows, visit Preparedness Radio Network™.


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The Media Prepper Show

What happens when a high school English teacher takes on the end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it? Author Shelbi Wescott, shares her unique viewpoint with young adult readers through her Virulent book series. Host Carolyn Evans-Dean helps us to take stock and stock up in the Media Prepper Media Moment segment. Shelbi Wescott’s website Follow Shelbi Wescott on Twitter: @ShelbiSpeaks Visit Media Prepper online


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All You Need to Know

Today Linda Loosli is going to talk about water - how much our bodies require, where to get it, and what’s the difference in filtering and purifying it. Visit Food Storage Moms Visit Preparedness Radio Network™


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The Weekly Report with Christopher Nyerges

Here's a blast from the past on Preparedness Radio Network™ with Christopher Nyerges. From Dirttime 2012, Christopher talks with Al Cornell and Michael Campbell about all the ways they taught how to make fire at Dirttime: bow and drill, hand drill, arctic fire strap, flint and steel, etc. Visit Christopher's site


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Armageddon Medicine

Are you a young woman? Certainly, if you're female and between the ages of 16 and 36, or perhaps you have a daughter, or granddaughter this age. Today Doc Cindy discusses problems common to this age group . . . including urine infections, allergies, cramps, anxiety, yeast infections, smelly feet (smelly feet??) and much more! Armageddon Medicine with Doc Cindy teaches you how to be your own doctor when there's no other choice. Drawing from decades of experience as a family physician, Dr....


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Know Your Food

In this episode of Know Your Food with Wardee, I'm taking listener questions on: making pomegranate soda with a ginger bug, whether to soak or sprout, how did the Nearings of the book "The Good Life" maintain such good health and longevity without eating animals foods (plus I went on a bit of a tangent here), can you use 4-week old separated raw milk, and the best choice for filtering water. Plus, the Tip of the Week regarding how to get crispy sourdough pancakes. Visit the show notes for...


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Doctor Prepper's CPR

J. D. Dutra, owner of, has devised a card game that starts with simple questions that can take the rest of the evening to discuss—with lots of emotions––and ultimately help determine both the knowledge and resolve of the players in survival scenarios. What would you do if you had to choose between your very own survival or your moral compass? What would your family and friends do? For example, start with this question: What event, or series of events, will lead to the...
