Evening Praise
Moody Radio
Atlanta, GA
Christian Contemporary
Moody Radio
Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio and Tampa, Florida Birthday: August 7th Family Information: Married with 3 daughters, 1 son, and 1 dog (Hannah, our yellow lab). What was your first car? Canary Yellow Chevy Vega Hatchback ... I never changed the oil. Do you have a favorite vacation spot or place in the USA? The mountains (anywhere!) and the beach (anywhere!) What is your favorite word? Actually ... all the kids say it today! It sounds so 'grown-up'. What is your least favorite word? No What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day? Clean house or read or sleep. Do you have a hobby or sport you most enjoy? My favorite sport is 'weight lifting' which enables one to sculpt the muscle to their liking, though I do paint portraits. How did you come to know Jesus Christ? In 1989 a man called me to get a phone number for someone and somehow we talked about the Bible and he read to me John 3:16 and, believe it or not, this verse never sank in! Then we read Romans 10:9-13 and like a smokescreen lifted, I understood! Praise God! Looking back before that time, I clearly see God's pursuit of me! What is your favorite Bible verse? I have several, but in Psalm 129:1-6 ... this just blows my mind that God is so mindful of me ... even the littlest detail! If you weren't at 920 WAFS, where would you like to be or what would like to be doing? The fact that I AM at 920 WAFS NOW is what's important ... it's a God thing! I home-school my 7 year old son; I have time to write, paint and be involved in my church and until God changes anything, I'm content! But someday soon I hope to get published. Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself? I was truly the picture of 'that lost sheep' until I was rescued by my Lord and Savior, Jesus. Therefore, my good attributes are only because of Jesus who resides in me