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Nick Chappell

67 Favorites


Exmore, VA


This is the biography of one Little Nick Chappell. I was born in the wee hours of the 19th of July in the year of our lord 1985. Here are some other cool things that happened that year…Pete Rose got his 4,192 making him the hit king, the wreckage of the Titanic was found, the first Blockbuster opened, Ronald Regan was president, Michael Jackson buy’s the Beatles catalog, Back to the Future, Rocky 4 and the Goonies all came out in the theaters, and gas was $1.18. So that’s just a quick re-cap. There really isn’t a whole lot to me to be honest with you. I enjoy the simpler things in life such as going to Colonial Williamsburg on a nice day, spending the day at the beach, and of course going to Busch Gardens. I’m not a video game nerd but I do have the PS3 for Rock Band purposes and the ever sweet Blu Ray! I don’t really spend lots of time at bars and clubs but I do enjoy a nice glass of straight Whiskey while sitting around a fire pit. I have a wonderful wife and a Siberian Husky named Boingo.



This program will be available today at 6AM.