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Buddhist Talk
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Secular Buddhism
Don't use what you learn from Buddhism to be a Buddhist. Use it to be a better whatever-you-already-are.Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Dharma talks given by Gil Fronsdal and various guest speakers at the Insight Meditation Center. Each talk illuminates aspects of the Buddha's teachings. The purpose is the same that the Buddha had for his teachings, to guide us toward the end of...
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Dharma Seed: dharma talks and meditation instruction
Dharma Seed is dedicated to preserving and sharing the spoken teachings of Theravada Buddhism in modern languages. Since the early 1980's, Dharma Seed has collected and distributed dharma talks by teachers offering the vipassana (insight) and metta...
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Thich Nhat Hanh Dharma Talks
Dharma offered by the Venerable Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.
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Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast
The Upaya Dharma Podcast features Wednesday evening Dharma Talks and recordings from Upaya’s diverse array of programs. Our podcasts exemplify Upaya’s focus on socially engaged Buddhism, including prison work, end-of-life care, serving the homeless,...
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The unification of the theoretical knowledge of Zen with real life application through compassion and wisdom. Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org ZENENERGY ORGANIZATION is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization registered in the USA.
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Zencast is a weekly podcast of inspiring Buddhist Dharma talks for all people. Keywords: Zen, Buddhism, Buddhist, Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, Mindfulness, Meditation, Wisdom, Love, Peace, Stillness,Compassion.
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Everyday Buddhism: Making Everyday Better
Wendy Shinyo Haylett, an author, Buddhist teacher, lay minister, behavioral and spiritual coach shares the "tips and tricks" found in Buddhist teachings to make your professional and personal life better ... everyday!
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Alpha Male Buddhist From Brooklyn Podcast
linktree https://www.linktr.ee/alphamalebuddhistpod . Follower of Jesus, , Student of Knowledge, Eastern Philosophy, History, Conspiracy, Leadership, Truth, Self Realization -Strategy - Knowledge is liberation. The whole world is in a state of fear...
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Against the Stream
Dharma talks by teachers at Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society in Los Angeles, San Francisco and elsewhere.
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San Francisco Zen Center Dharma Talks
San Francisco, CA
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Ignorance Is the Cause of Suffering - RimeShedra.NYC
The goal of the Rime Shedra is to make accessible the vast treasures of Buddhist wisdom to those who wish to progress further in their understanding of the profound principles presented in these advanced Buddhist texts. The understanding of the...
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Katagiri Roshi Talks: Minnesota Zen Meditation Center
United States
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Mindful U at Naropa University
As the birthplace of the mindfulness movement in the United States, Naropa University has a unique perspective when it comes to higher education in the West. Founded in 1974 by renowned Tibetan Buddhist scholar and lineage holder Chogyam Trungpa...
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The Susan Piver Podcast
Writer | Teacher | New York Times Best Selling Author
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MN Zen Meditation Center: Sunday Talks
Sunday Talks from the Zen Meditation Center on Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis, MN. Donations appreciated at MnZenCenter.org.
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Listen Contemplate Meditate
Listen Contemplate Meditate is a podcast featuring a range of teachings from the Buddhist tradition, presented by Lamas of Chagdud Gonpa Foundation. Chagdud Gonpa is an international Nyingma Buddhist organization, founded in 1983 by H.E. Chagdud Tulku...
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Dharma Talks
United States
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Cosmic Crush
United States
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Meditation and Society
Shambhala Pittsburgh offers talks on the Shambhala teachings, Buddhism, meditation, mindfulness, politics, ecology, and spirituality from Dr. Adam Lobel and other leaders in the Shambhala Buddhist lineage.
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His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Join us in celebrating the long life of Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, with our collection of lectures, interviews, and discussions.
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A Breath Of Spirit For A Life Of Awakening
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법륜스님의 즉문즉설
[법륜스님의 즉문즉설] 공식 팟캐스트입니다. https://www.youtube.com/법륜스님의희망세상만들기 https://www.youtube.com/c/JungtoOrg *저작권법에 의해 보호를 받는 저작물이므로 무단전재와 복제를 금합니다.
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Amaravati Podcast | Latest Dhamma Talks
These are the latest Dhamma Talks given mainly in the Amaravati Temple during the Wan Phras (moon/observance days). These talks include those given during the Winter Retreat, Rains / Vassa retreat and the rest of the year. A complete audio library can...
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108 Talks by Ajahn Sumedho
These Dhamma talks or reflections are given by Luang Por Sumedho (Ajahn Sumedho) during the course of 1978 until 2010. These talks have been compiled when Luang Por Sumedho retired from abbotship of Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in 2010.
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Living Zen
Spontaneous Zen talks given in the Rinzai tradition by Ven. Eshu Martin, abbot of the Victoria Zen Centre in Victoria, BC, Canada. www.zenwest.ca If you enjoy this podcast, rate it,review it, and share it with your friends on Twitter, Facebook and...
404 - File or directory not found.
Tenzin Chosang discusses Buddhism and Buddhist belief.
Early Buddhism
Welcome home.
Buddhist Meditations
May all beings become thus happy..
La Casa Del Buda
Tunja, Colombia
Time of Koyasan
Radio Collection
마음으로 읽는 경전, 라디오전서는 라디오로 듣는 원불교 전서
Hope Sketch
마음을 열고 꿈을 그리는 희망 스케치
The Honly Land Morning
우리의 원래 마음 고향을 찾아 가는 좌선 명상 프로그램
The New Birth
원불교 교법을 통해 마음을 새롭게 하는 시간
Midnight Pray
하루를 마감하면서 모든 일들에 대한 감사기도와 오늘 태어난 이들과 돌아간 이들을 위해 기도하는 시간
Win-Win Melody
법문 말씀과 월드 뮤직을 통해 편한하고 여유있는 아침의 마음 공부
Monday Mokjong monk's teachings
바른 삶의 수행에 대한 올바른 지침을 알려주는 목종스님의 월요법문 시간입니다.
선사는 1898년 11월16일 전남 곡성군 입면 대장리에서 정해용(鄭海龍)을 아버지로,황계수(黃桂秀)를 어머니로 태어나셨다. 16세에 인공(印空) 화상을 득도사로, 제산(霽山) 화상을 은사로, 응해(應海) 화상을 계사로, 해인사에서 출가하여 경을 보다가 도반의 죽음으로 무상함을 느끼고 선방으로 나가 용맹정진하여 23세에 견성하셨다. 당시 유명한 육대 선지식 혜월・혜봉・한암・용성・보월・만공 선사와 법거량을 하여, 모두 인가를 받으시고 25세에 만공...
Thursday Hyobum monk's teaching
해운대 부처님마을 효범스님꼐서 불교교리를 알기 쉽게 강의해 주시는 생활법문 시간입니다.
Reveal Unknown
부산, 경남의 관련 소식과 각종정보, 불자들의 신행생활 등을 소개하며 초대석, 리포터 취재 등의 다양한 코너로 청취자 여러분과 함께 합니다.
Friday Jungbup monk's teaching
정법스님께서 들려주시는 불교로 보는 사람이야기
Saturday Doeung monk's teaching
지장신양의 기본경전이며 불자들에게 잘 알려진 지장경을 통해 쉽고 재미있게 지장사상을 잘 설명해주시는 도응스님의 토요법문
Sundays Busan buddhist Channel Special
부산불교방송 일요특집에서 덕망있는 스님들의 강의로 마음의 안정과 깨달음의 시간을 가지세요
Hi Bozu/Kikuhenro
Happy Afternoon
나른한 오후시간, 행복한 공간으로 함께해요.DJ 상현스님의 멋진진행으로 웃음과 행복을 드립니다.
Hi Bozu/Kikuhenro
Yuzawa, Japan
Music Cafe
음악과 좋은 말씀으로 꾸며지는 법문이 흐르는 음악카페
The Scent of Mind
Seoul, South Korea
Busan Gyungnam Radio 830
출근길 색다른 시각, 또 다른 생각의 '라디오 830'이 여러분을 찾아갑니다. 불교방송 창원중계소 개국에 맞춰 부산은 물론 경남지역 청취자들에게도 지역의 현안을, 빠르고 심도있게 전달해드립나다.
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LamRim Tibetan Buddhist Internet Radio
Tibetan Buddhist Internet Radio
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World Buddhist Radio (Buddhist Discussion Centre Australia)
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FM91.75 WatPakBo
Buddhist Radio Station
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Lakviru Radio
Sri Lanka
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FM94.75 WatNaiRong
Dhamma Radio
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Radio Mille Colombes FM
Compas Live