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Gustave Flaubert
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100 citações de Gustave Flaubert
Gustave Flaubert é uma das principais figuras da literatura francesa. Foi tornado famoso pelo seu primeiro romance, Madame Bovary, e é também recordado pela sua correspondência, cheia de introspecção precisa e de reflexões sobre o realismo na...
100 citas de Gustave Flaubert
Gustave Flaubert es una de las principales figuras de la literatura francesa. Se hizo famoso por su primera novela, Madame Bovary, y también es recordado por su Correspondencia, llena de precisas introspecciones y reflexiones sobre el realismo en la...
100 citat från Gustave Flaubert
Flaubert är en av de viktigaste personerna i den franska litteraturen. Han blev känd genom sin första roman, Madame Bovary, och är också ihågkommen för sin korrespondens, full av korrekt introspektion och reflektion på realism i litteraturen. Flaubert...
100 citaten van Gustave Flaubert
Gustave Flaubert is een van de belangrijkste figuren uit de Franse literatuur. Hij werd beroemd door zijn eerste roman, Madame Bovary, en wordt ook herinnerd door zijn Correspondance, vol precieze introspectie en reflecties over realisme in de...
100 citazioni di Gustave Flaubert
Gustave Flaubert è una delle figure principali della letteratura francese. È stato reso famoso dal suo primo romanzo, Madame Bovary, ed è ricordato anche per la sua Corrispondenza, ricca di precise introspezioni e riflessioni sul realismo in...
100 Zitate von Gustave Flaubert
Gustave Flaubert ist eine der Hauptfiguren der französischen Literatur. Berühmt wurde er durch seinen ersten Roman Madame Bovary, und man erinnert sich auch an seine Korrespondenz, voller präziser Introspektion und Reflexionen über den Realismus in...
Dictionnaire des idées reçues
Le « Dictionnaire des idées reçues » : recueil d’exemples de l’intelligence humaine qui se dépasse elle-même. Les temps changent ; ce genre d’intelligence, non. Flaubert nous fait des clins d’œil depuis sa tombe – et ceci durera certainement jusqu’à...
Educazione sentimentale, L
Questo romanzo di Gustave Flaubert, fu scritto dal 1864 al 1869. Il progetto del romanzo prevedeva un lavoro a metà strada fra il romanzo sentimentale e quello dei costumi parigini, per fornire al lettore un quadro sulla storia morale della sua...
La Tentation de saint Antoine
LA TENTATION DE SAINT ANTOINE raconte les visions diaboliques qui hantent l’ermite retiré dans le désert d’Égypte. Elles l’attirent, l’aimantent, le submergent. Plusieurs personnages se succèdent dans des tableaux plus somptueux et fantasmagoriques...
Madame Bovary
One of the great novels of nineteenth-century France, Flaubert draws a deeply-felt but sympathetic portrait of a woman who, having warned a country doctor and found herself unhappy with a rural, genteel existence, longs for love and excitement. Her...
Madame Bovary
Il capolavoro di Flaubert, per cui fu accusato di immoralità, che racconta l'insoddisfazione e l'irrequietudine della seconda moglie di Charles Bovary. Author - Gustave Flaubert. Narrator - Marco Scala. Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023.
Madame Bovary
In Madame Bovary, one of the great novels of nineteenth-century France, Flaubert draws a deeply-felt but sympathetic portrait of a woman who, having married a country doctor and found herself unhappy with a rural, genteel existence, longs for love and...
Madame Bovary
“Everything, even herself, was now unbearable to her. She wished that, taking wing like a bird, she could fly somewhere, far away to regions of purity, and there grow young again.”In provincial France lives Charles Bovary, a doctor who is in an...
Madame Bovary
Written over a century and a half ago, Madame Bovary is still an extraordinarily fresh, exciting and shockingly frank novel, at once an acute psychological study of a woman drawn into adultery through circumstances we can partly understand, and a...
Madame Bovary
"Madame Bovary" is a novel by French author Gustave Flaubert, first published in 1857. It is considered one of the greatest works of world literature and a seminal example of literary realism. The story follows the life of Emma Bovary, a young woman...
Madame Bovary
Madame Bovary es una novela clásica escrita por Gustave Flaubert y publicada por primera vez en 1856. La historia sigue la vida de Emma Bovary, una joven mujer casada con un médico de provincia en Francia. Insatisfecha con su vida monótona y aburrida,...
Madame Bovary
Published in book form in April 1857, the novel focuses on a doctor's wife, Emma Bovary, who has adulterous affairs and lives beyond her means in order to escape the banalities and emptiness of provincial life. Though the basic plot is rather simple,...
Madame Bovary
Emma Bovary is the original desperate housewife. Beautiful but bored, Emma is not content to be the mere dutiful wife of a French country doctor. She believes she was meant for something more—a life of luxury, leisure, and, above all, true and...
Madame Bovary
Madame Bovary è il primo romanzo di Gustave Flaubert. Appena pubblicato, nelm 1856, fu messo sotto inchiesta per "oltraggio alla morale". In seguito, divenne un bestseller sotto forma di libro nell'aprile del medesimo anno, ed oggi è considerato uno...
Madame Bovary
Madame Bovaryde Gustavo FlaubertFonoLibro se enorgullece en presentar el audiolibro en español de una de las obras más controversiales e importantes de la literatura universal, Madame Bovary de Gustavo Flaubert, quién fue llevado a juicio, acusado de...
Madame Bovary
Cuando la joven y bella Emma Rouault accede a casarse con Charles Bovary confía en que su vida se convierta en una novela romántica como las que devora sin parar. Sin embargo, la cruda y monótona realidad de su día a día la hunde en una perpetua...
Madame Bovary
Una mujer en busca de un ideal inalcanzable. Flaubert logro en su retrato de Madame Bovary una de las mayores creaciones de toda la literatura, por que mostro un personaje universal, una mujer nunca satisfecha y cuyo errado ideal la lleva al adulterio...
Madame Bovary
Gustave Flaubert’s intimate portrait of Emma Bovary’s passionate yearnings for love and excitement, and his scrutiny of the dull provincial world in which she is trapped, create one of the finest French novels of the 19th century. His deep exploration...
Madame Bovary
Publié en 1857 par Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary est un roman réaliste qui dépeint la vie et les désillusions de la jeune Emma Bovary. Épouse de Charles Bovary, médecin de campagne simple et dévoué, Emma rêve d’une vie passionnée et raffinée, bien...
Madame Bovary
Step into the intricately woven world of "Madame Bovary" by Gustave Flaubert, a poignant exploration of desire and disillusionment. Emma Bovary, yearning for a life of passion and luxury beyond her provincial existence, becomes ensnared in a web of...
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