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Johanna Spyri
Premium Audiobooks
Cornelli lives in Iller-Stream with her widowed father, who calls on two Ladies of Culture to come spend time with Cornelli during one of his business trips, hoping that their influence will refine and improve his daughter. Instead, the ladies prove...
Encore Heidi
Clara voudrait bien rendre visite à Heidi sur son alpage, mais elle est d'abord en trop mauvaise santé pour y aller. C'est donc le docteur, ami de M. Sesemann, qui fait le voyage jusqu'en Suisse. Heidi, qui lui est reconnaissante d'avoir permis son...
For kids: In Grandfather's House
Heidi AudioBook, part 2: In Grandfather's House Duration - 18m. Author - Johanna Spyri. Narrator - Contreras. Published Date - Friday, 27 January 2023. Copyright - © 1880 Johanna Spyri ©.
For kids: Up the Mountain to Alm‑Uncle
Heidi AudioBook, part 1 Duration - 1h. Author - Johanna Spyri. Narrator - Contreras. Published Date - Thursday, 26 January 2023. Copyright - © 1880 Johanna Spyri ©.
A heartwarming, classic tale that has been enjoyed by generations of children and adults alike, Heidi tells the story of a young orphan whose innocent and boundless love transforms the lives of all she encounters. Having to adapt to new and...
The evergreen tale of the Swiss orphan girl Heidi has charmed and intrigued readers since its original publication in 1880. Heidi comes to live with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps where she befriends the animals and children – in particular the...
Hear Heidi if you’ve ever longed to see the Swiss mountain slopes. This story transports the listener from the fine air and freedom of the mountaintop to the confines of Frankfurt, back to the peaks again, bounding in flowered fields with goats at...
"Pubblicato a Zurigo nel 1880, Heidi e un tipico romanzo di formazione la cui protagonista, rimasta orfana in tenera ete , viene affidata da una zia alle cure del nonno paterno, il burbero e misantropo Zio dell'Alpe che si e ritirato a vivere in una...
Heidi es una niña que, huérfana desde muy pequeña y queda al cuidado de su joven tía Dete. Apenas la mujer encuentra una buena oportunidad de trabajo, lleva a la niña a vivir a la aldea de Dörffi en la comuna suiza de Maienfeld con su abuelo, a quien...
Heidi, c’est l’histoire émouvante d’une petite orpheline suisse qui parvient à trouver le bonheur dans son paradis alpin et qui touche son entourage avec son grand cœur et sa noblesse morale. Duration - 5h 5m. Author - Johanna Spyri. Narrator -...
Il testo integrale del romanzo reso celeberrimo dall’adattamento a cartoni animati avvenuto nel 1974 ll romanzo fu in realtà pubblicato nel 1880 ed è ambientato fra la Svizzera e la Germania intorno alla fine dell'Ottocento. La storia racconta di come...
Heidi lived high in the mountains with her grandfather. She loved the mountains and her friend, Peter. Klara, a crippled girl comes to visit and she and Heidi become quick friends. Peter becomes jealous and pushes Klara's wheelchair down the mountain....
Heidi lived high in the mountains with her grandfather. She loved the mountains and her friend, Peter. Klara, a crippled girl comes to visit and she and Heidi become quick friends. Peter becomes jealous and pushes Klara’s wheelchair down the mountain....
Immerse yourself in the heartwarming tale of Heidi, a timeless classic that has captured the hearts of readers for generations. Written by Johanna Spyri, this beloved story follows the adventures of a spirited young girl who transforms the lives of...
'I'm not going with you, Aunt Dete!' Heidi cries. 'Oh yes, you are!' Dete answers. Heidi loves her home in the Swiss mountains, her grandfather, and her friend Peter, the goatherd. So when Aunt Dete takes her away to Frankfurt, she doesn't leave...
Wzruszająca opowieść o pięcioletniej sierotce Heidi, którą opiekuje się dziadek uznawany za gbura, odludka i dziwaka. Pogodna, mądra i wrażliwa dziewczynka szybko podbija jego serce. Pewnego dnia zostaje zabrana do Frankfurtu, aby dotrzymywać...
Heidi (dramatic reading)
Heidi takes us on a journey to the eventful childhood of a good-hearted girl from the Swiss Alps. A warm and loving story, full of touching moments, it reaches children and adults alike. It was written in 1880 and published in two parts:1. Heidi's...
Heidi | Audiobook Bedtime Story
Enjoy a good night's rest by stepping into the enchanting world of "Heidi" by Johanna Spyri, narrated by calming voice of Elizabeth Grace and produced by Slumber Studios.Are sleepless nights too frequent? Whether you're struggling with insomnia or a...
Heidi kann brauchen, was es gelernt hat
Heidi ist zurückgekehrt zum Alpöhi. Der ist darüber so froh, dass er nach Jahrzehnten zum ersten Mal wieder die Kirche im Dörfli aufsucht, worüber die Dorfbewohner erstaunt, aber erfreut sind. Er setzt sein Haus im Dörfli wieder instand, damit Heidi...
Heidi with A Christian Readers' Guide
Experience this heartwarming tale with side-by-side commentary from Marissa Burt. Her discussion questions and chapter summaries expand this beloved journey through the Swiss Alps. Join Heidi as she fosters friendship, forgiveness, and hope and...
Heidi, une histoire pour les enfants et pour ceux qui les aiment
Une petite fille orpheline, Heidi, est amenée par sa tante chez son grand-père qui habite isolé sur l’Alpe, loin des hommes. Celui-ci a la réputation d’être féroce auprès des gens du village mais Heidi l’apprivoise et commence une vie profondément...
Heidis Lehr- und Wanderjahre
Im Jahre 1880 im Perthes-Verlag, Gotha, erschienenen ersten Heidi-Roman wird erzählt, wie das Waisenmädchen Heidi zu seinem einsiedlerischen Grossvater auf eine Alp oberhalb von Maienfeld (Kanton Graubünden) gebracht wird, wo es in Zukunft leben soll....
Heimatlos - Geschichten für Kinder und auch für solche, welche die Kinder lieb haben
Ihr erstes Kinderbuch «Heimathlos» enthielt die Erzählungen «Am Silser- und am Gardasee» und «Wie Wiseli’s Weg gefunden wird» und erschien 1878 bei F. A. Perthes in Gotha. Als Autorin war nicht Johanna Spyri angegeben, sondern „Von der Verfasserin von...
Mäzli may be pronounced the most natural and one of the most entertaining of Madame Spyri's creations. The atmosphere is created by an old Swiss castle and by the romantic associations of the noble family who lived there. Plot interest is supplied in...
Moni the Goat-Boy
Moni is the goat boy who takes care of all the goats belonging to the people of Fideris, Switzerland. He loves to sing, yodel, and whistle while he romps with the goats all day long on the mountains. His favorite is a young kid named Mäggerli. One day...
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