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Robert Silverberg
Premium Audiobooks
1950s Science Fiction 8 - 29 Classic Science Fiction Short Stories from the 1950s
1950s Science Fiction 8 - 29 Classic Science Fiction Short Stories from the 1950s Duration - 12h 30m. Author - Robert Silverberg. Narrator - Scott Miller. Published Date - Friday, 19 January 2024. Copyright - © 2024 Scott Miller ©.
A Bad Day for Vermin
Judge Carter Gates of the Third Circuit Court finished his chicken salad on whole wheat, thoughtfully crumpled the waxed paper bag and turned to drop it in the waste basket behind his chair—and sat transfixed.Through his second-floor office window, he...
Age of Anxiety
"Choose" the robonurse said. Larry had reached the age where he had to choose. Would he choose to stay in the unworried world of the child or would he choose to enter the adult world with it's worries and anxieties and troubles? Why would society do...
An Enemy of Peace
An Enemy of Peace by Robert Silverberg - When enemies of peace threaten the System, they must be eliminated. There are many ways to do this. And if all else fails, you can always go to war with them.Center City belonged to Lloyd Riddell, and Lloyd...
Hawksbill Times Two
Travel back in time a billion years to Hawksbill Station -- twice.Join in this haunting tale of time travel, loss, betrayal, and redemption through both versions of Silverberg's Hawksbill Station in the same volume.Includes the original novella and...
Hero From Yesterday
Hero From Yesterday by Robert Silverberg - They were a peaceful people and somehow couldn't stand the thought of executing their only criminal. The answer was to discover a—Hero From YesterdayThe day Lugert's criminals gunned down three citizens in a...
Lost Sci-Fi Books 101 thru 120
Lost Sci-Fi Books 101 thru 120 - Twenty Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s Duration - 13h 7m. Author - Robert Silverberg. Narrator - Scott Miller. Published Date - Thursday, 12 January 2023. Copyright - © 2023 Scott Miller ©.
Lost Sci-Fi Books 111 thru 115
Lost Sci-Fi Books 111 thru 115 - Five Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60sSomething was tapping on the window. Blowing up against the pane, again and again. Carried by the wind. Tapping faintly, insistently.They were like...
Lost Sci-Fi Books 111 thru 120
Lost Sci-Fi Books 101 thru 110 - Ten Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60sSomething was tapping on the window. Blowing up against the pane, again and again. Carried by the wind.They were like creatures painted by a drunken artist,...
Lost Sci-Fi Books 121 thru 130
Lost Sci-Fi Books 121 thru 130 - Ten Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1920s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 60sSeventh Victim by Robert Sheckley - The most dangerous game, said one writer, is Man. But there is another still more deadly!The Turning Wheel by...
Lost Sci-Fi Books 81 thru 90
Lost Sci-Fi Books 81 thru 90 - Ten Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60sShe noticed the change in her husband -- but she had married for better or worse!Something went wrong... and Ed Fletcher got mixed up in the biggest thing in his...
Menace from Vega
The beautiful girl lying naked and curled in a fetal position on the padded floor was a genius. Or rather had been before suddenly going crazy and then catatonic 3 years before. Jim Lawrence, the chief psychiatrist was responsible for her care and it...
Monsters That Once Were Men
Monsters That Once Were Men by Robert Silverberg - They were like creatures painted by a drunken artist, ghastly, utterly repulsive caricatures of humanity! Tet, twisted through they were, they were still human...We were en route from Arenack to...
Never Trust A Thief!
Never Trust A Thief! by Robert Silverberg - Kiley felt all-powerful with the alien guiding him in the looting of a world. Now the whole galaxy was his if he could remember to—Never Trust A Thief!Kiley took one last, fond look at the glittering heap of...
Planet of the Angry Giants
Planet of the Angry Giants by Robert Silverberg - The inhabitants of Dunhill V were gigantic. They were peaceful and good natured until something happened to upset them—and then their wrath was truly terrific!Commander Laurence Burke, who headed the...
Rescue Mission
Rescue Mission by Robert Silverberg - Snaring both Earthmen in a mind-web was easy for the mutant telepath. But once you've caught your prey—how do you get rid of them?Rick Mason's ship was still high over Mordarga, coming in for a landing, when the...
Robert Silverberg & Randall Garrett: The Judas Valley
Why did everybody step off the ship in this strange valley and promptly drop dead? How could a well-equipped corps of tough spacemen become a field of rotting skeletons in this quiet world of peace and contentment? It was a mystery Peter and Sherri...
Robert Silverberg: The Happy Unfortunate
The Happy Unfortunate was published first in Amazing Stories in 1957 and explores the angst caused when the human race reaches into space but at the cost of needing to breed a new species; specialized 'spacers' who can withstand the tremendous rigors...
Robert Silverberg: The Hunted Heroes
The Hunted Heroes was published in Amazing stories a year earlier, in 1956. It is a futuristic story that holds great hope for the resilience of the human race after the war destroys most of the world. Duration - 13h 22m. Author - Robert Silverberg....
Six Frightened Men
Six Frightened Men by Robert Silverberg - It was an unexplored planet and anything could happen—yet none of us expected to face a creature impossible to fight, let alone kill....You put your life on the line when you join the Exploratory Wing of the...
Solitary by Robert Silverberg - All the logical answers to Charcot’s escape and disappearances had come up... but why should an escaped convict be logical?Robert Silverberg was born on January 15, 1935, in Brooklyn, New York. A voracious reader from...
Starman's Quest
Travelling at speeds close to that of light, spacemen lived at an accelerated pace. When one of the twin boys left the starship, he grew older while his twin in space barely aged. So the starship twin left the ship to find what happened to his brother...
The Book of Skulls
From Hugo and Nebula Award–winning author, Robert Silverberg comes the classic: The Book of Skulls.Four friends embark on a cross-country trip in search of a legendary monastery. There, they hope to find the secrets of immortality promised in an...
The Guest Rites
The Guest Rites by Robert Silverberg - Carthule was not the Earthman's god, but Carthule protected him while he was a guest in the temple—even if he tore the temple down!It was time for the after-meal meditation. Marik, First Priest of Carthule,...
The Happy Unfortunate
Here are two early stories by the well known SF Author Robert Silverberg. The Happy Unfortunate was published first in Amazing Stories in 1957 and explores the angst caused when the human race reaches into space but at the cost of needing to breed a...
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