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The Bone Conduction Music Show

77 Favorites


Ann Arbor, MI




This show of shows is a white hot mega blast of wig singeing rock &roll, hip shakin' soul music, and industrial strength rhythm &blues. It is the music that moves through you like electricity, the music that uses you as lightning rod, the music that causes you to shake your tail feather. And remember dear friends, if the good Lord didn't want you to shake your tail feather, he never would have given you one. The Bone Conduction Music Show is a labor of love. I created the show in January of 1984, been doing this a looooooong time. I take great pride in presenting music from cutting edge tip of the whip new talent as well as from tried and true reliable veterans that have been in the business since they were knee high to a tube of toothpaste. Why wait, you could be hit by a bus, listen now!



This show will be available on Fri, Feb 14 at 12PM.