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This Is How We Planet

iHeart Podcast Network

Earth is it. Our only address. There’s no other home we just skip off to if this one doesn’t quite work out. This planet deserves and needs the best from us—all of us. And the only real way to help protect, preserve or change it for the better, is to do it together. Brought to you by Nestlé Waters North America and hosted by ESPN and WWE personality Charly Arnolt/Caruso, THIS IS HOW WE PLANET™ discusses some of the most pressing issues of the day, from the health of children to the health of the planet, and how the best solutions can only come from collaboration between individuals, organizations, and corporations. THIS IS HOW WE PLANET spotlights experts, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and individuals who are committed to making a change, and what they do to make it happen. We also want to celebrate real-life PLANET HEROES and ask you to help us recognize the ones that are closest to you. This is how we think. This is how we act. This is how we planet. For more information on THIS IS HOW WE PLANET and to nominate your own PLANET HERO, go to


United States


Earth is it. Our only address. There’s no other home we just skip off to if this one doesn’t quite work out. This planet deserves and needs the best from us—all of us. And the only real way to help protect, preserve or change it for the better, is to do it together. Brought to you by Nestlé Waters North America and hosted by ESPN and WWE personality Charly Arnolt/Caruso, THIS IS HOW WE PLANET™ discusses some of the most pressing issues of the day, from the health of children to the health of the planet, and how the best solutions can only come from collaboration between individuals, organizations, and corporations. THIS IS HOW WE PLANET spotlights experts, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and individuals who are committed to making a change, and what they do to make it happen. We also want to celebrate real-life PLANET HEROES and ask you to help us recognize the ones that are closest to you. This is how we think. This is how we act. This is how we planet. For more information on THIS IS HOW WE PLANET and to nominate your own PLANET HERO, go to



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Educating The Next Generation of Water Stewards

We all know that children are our future and can become our best advocates and change agents. This episode features organizations that make it their mission to educate children on the importance of water stewardship and the environment. We discuss what children can expect in the future with regard to water and how organizations from Maine to Florida are engaging them to care for nature and our water resources. Our experts also share helpful resources for parents. Guests: Leigh Peake,...


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Stop Trashing Plastic

Plastic waste continues to be a major concern, yet solutions aren’t always clear. What are companies and communities doing to address this? How can the public get information about what and where to recycle? We answer these questions and also examine what plastic was originally intended to do, the needs it answers, and innovations in packaging. And we talk with industry experts about the concept behind a circular economy and the role that companies, retailers, organizations, and you can...


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Disaster Heroes

The need for clean water is greatest in times of disasters, whether they be natural disasters, the COVID-19 pandemic, or when water is contaminated. But what does it take to make water available? In this episode, we talk to people who go above and beyond to ensure that there is access to safe drinking water. We discuss how organizations in Michigan came together to help Flint residents when lead contaminated the water supply, how a lack of water contributed to the spread of COVID-19 in the...


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Discrimination in Hydration – How Do We Make Water Cool?

Did you know that 20 percent of American youth, ages 6 to 19, don’t drink any water on a given day? When access to drinking water is readily available to most, why isn’t it their first choice to stay healthy and hydrated? Are we simply unaware of water’s many benefits? Are we drowning in misinformation? Does advertising muddy our choices? Our guests dive into these questions and help us get our heads above water. They discuss the important role that drinking water plays in a healthy...
