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Happy Market Research Podcast

Business & Economics Podcasts

Perspectives from Top Brands: The podcast goes deep with today’s top minds in market research including GoDaddy, LinkedIn, and Adobe about tech and industry trends.


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Perspectives from Top Brands: The podcast goes deep with today’s top minds in market research including GoDaddy, LinkedIn, and Adobe about tech and industry trends.





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Ep. 602 – Reed Cundiff, CEO at the Schlesinger Group, on 3 Trends That Will Impact the Insights Industry in 2023

Our guest today is Reed Cundiff, Chief Executive Officer at the Schlesinger Group. Founded in 1966, Schlesinger is a leading provider of quantitative and qualitative research solutions and has built and bought leading technology solutions providing customers with both best-in-class service and software. Prior to joining Schlesinger, Reed served as a General Manager at Microsoft, SVP at the Yankee Group, and CEO of the Americas for Kantar. Find Reed Online: https://www.linkedin.com/in/reed-cundiff-3b0a181/https://www.schlesingergroup.com/en/ Find Jamin Online: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilwww.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: www.twitter.com/happymrxpwww.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch www.facebook.com/happymrxp www.happymr.com Music: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:00] Jamin Brazil: Hey, everybody. You are listening to the Happy Market Research Podcast. We have a special guest today, Reed Cundiff. He is the chief executive officer as the Schlesinger Group. Founded in 1966, Schlesinger is a leading provider of qualitative and quantitative research solutions and has built and bought leading technology solutions which now provide companies best-in-class, both in terms of service and software. Prior to joining Schlesinger, Reed has served as a general manager at Microsoft, SVP at the Yankee Group, and CEO of the Americas for Kantar. Reed, thanks so much for making time for us and being on the Happy Market Research Podcast today. [00:00:44] Reed Cundiff: Thanks for having me, Jamin. It’s a pleasure to be here. [00:00:50] Jamin Brazil: HubUX is a research operations platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. I’d like to start out with this context question. Tell us a little bit about your parents, what they did and how that informs what you do today. [00:01:15] Reed Cundiff: I love this question, and probably my mom in particular loves this question. Both my parents worked outside the home. My dad was a mechanical engineer at DuPont for over 30 years. And I have to say, he believed in a structured approach to pretty much everything in life as engineers sometimes do, and also had a real strong belief in efficient execution, whether that was at work, whether that was mowing the lawn or whatever the case may be. And so I think that kind of structured approach and focus on efficiency certainly has showed up in my work life and home life. The interesting blend was my mom was a change management and a talent consultant with Towers Perrin and Watson Wyatt and a few other organizations. And so she honestly built a career around the belief and the power of people and teams to be able to tackle pretty much anything in the world and just the importance of human capital within a business context. So together I feel like honestly, it’s pretty logical that I ended up here. I couldn’t have told you that at 22, but bent towards a structured understanding of the world and a focus on the people side of business has I think really driven me to where I am now. [00:02:44] Jamin Brazil: It is a special skill set that you possess and that has thankfully been installed by your family, that both probably in terms of DNA and also obviously observational. So that’s super interesting. But it’s a special skill to be able to take the chaos of life or business and then create order around that and structure so that you can create repeatable processes. Have you seen in your career, is this a skill that’s innate with people, or is this something that you see people...


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Ep. 601 – How Bias Can Frame Your World View with Jessica Nordell, Author and Speaker

Our guest today is Jessica Nordell, Author and Speaker. In 2021 she published The End of Bias: A Beginning: The Science and Practice of Overcoming Unconscious Bias. Jessica has served as a teacher and journalist. She studied Physics at MIT, and holds a degree in physics from Harvard and an MFA in Poetry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Find Jessica Online: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessica-nordell-48319748/https://www.amazon.com/End-Bias-Overcoming-Transforming-Companies/dp/1250186188 Find Jamin Online: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilwww.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: www.twitter.com/happymrxpwww.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch www.facebook.com/happymrxp www.happymr.com Music: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:00] Jamin Brazil: Hey everyone. You’re listening to the Happy Market Research Podcast. I’m Jamin Brazil your host. Our guest today is Jessica Nordell, Author and Speaker. In 2001, she published The End of Bias: A Beginning. That will be the topic for today’s episode. Jessica has served as a teacher and journalist. She studied physics at MIT and holds a degree in physics from Harvard and an MFA in poetry from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Jessica, welcome to the Happy Market Research Podcast. [00:00:32] Jessica Nordell: Thank you so much for having me. [00:00:36] Jamin Brazil: HubUX is a research operations platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions and surveys. For a limited time user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account visit hubux.com. It is an honor to have you. I’m really excited about jumping into the topic of your book but before we do, I like to provide a little bit of context. Please tell us about your parents, specifically what they did and how that informs what you do today? [00:01:07] Jessica Nordell: That’s such an interesting question. I think it was more- I’ll tell you what my parents did. I think it was actually more kind of their approach to life that really influenced what I did with my own career. My dad is a retired physician. My mom was a counselor before my sister and I were born. Then after we were born, she stepped back from that role and shifted her attention to researching the stock market. She became kind of an auto didact with investments and kind of understanding companies and how to make sense of companies stock performances. That became her kind of main activity as we were growing up. I think it was really my parents kind of spirit of curiosity that really influenced my choices in my career. There was always this kind of attitude in my house that if you didn’t know something, you should go find out the answer. We have a world book encyclopedia and whenever my sister and I had a question about something in the world, my parents would say, why don’t you go look it up. I think that really fostered my spirit of curiosity and of just like trying to seek out answers all the time. Which then became my career really as a journalist. That’s what we do. We try to uncover what’s really going on and try to understand a particular issue from all angles. [00:02:40] Jamin Brazil: What year did your mom make the career shift to stock analysis? [00:02:45] Jessica Nordell: I think it would have been sort of the early 80’s. [00:02:49] Jamin Brazil: This is pre-E trade by a long shot? [00:02:53] Jessica Nordell: Yes. Yes. She would go to the library in downtown Green Bay where I grew up. Green Bay, Wisconsin. Look at Morningstar reports, like thick books of stock reports and kind of pour over them and study them. Yes. It was before- yes before things became a lot simpler via the...


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Ep. 579 – Why Consumers are Overwhelmed and how That Affects Your Brand – Brand Transformation with Dr. Emmanuel Probst at IPSOS

My guest today is Dr. Emmanuel Probst, the Global Lead of Brand Thought-Leadership & Senior Vice President of Brand Health Tracking at IPSOS, Author, and Professor at UCLA. Founded in 1975 and headquartered in Paris France, Ipsos is among the largest global market research and consulting firms. Ipsos has over 18,000 employees and serves more than 5,000 brands. Find Emmanuel Online: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emmanuelprobst/https://www.ipsos.com/en-ushttps://www.amazon.com/Brand-Hacks-Fulfilling-Consumer-Meaning/dp/1576879828 Find Jamin Online: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilwww.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: www.twitter.com/happymrxpwww.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch www.facebook.com/happymrxp www.happymr.com Music: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the #1 ranked insights and analytics graduate degree in three formats: NEW FOR 2022: If you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their 3-course certificates: Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build toward your graduation. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU’s programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:00] Jamin Brazil: Hi, everybody, I’m Jamin. You’re listening to the Happy Market Research Podcast. Our guest today is Dr. Emmanuel Probst, the global leader of brand Thought Leadership and Senior Vice President of Brand Health Tracking at Ipsos. He’s also an author and professor at UCLA. Founded in 1975 and headquartered in Paris, France, Ipsos is among the largest global market research and consulting firms. Ipsos has over 18,000 employees and serves more than 5000 brands. Emmanuel, thank you so much for joining me on the Happy Market Research podcast today. [00:00:34] Emmanuel Probst: Jamin, thank you so much for having me on the show, and it’s so great to be connecting with you and reconnecting with your audience, your community. It’s always a pleasure coming on the podcast. [00:00:47] Jamin Brazil: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the number one ranked insights and analytics degree in three formats. Full time on campus, full-time online, and part-time online. New for 2022, if you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their three core certifications, Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build towards your graduation. If you’re looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSNUs program at B-R-O-A-D. msu. edu/marketing. Again, B-R-O-A-D-.-M-S-U. edu/marketing. WX is a research operations platform for private panel management, qualitative automation, including video audition questions and surveys. For a limited, time user seats are free if you’d like to learn more or create your own account visit HubUX.com. So on September 7th, 2021, you released Brand Hacks, how to build brands by fulfilling the customer quest for meaning. It had outstanding content, like I went through that book, I literally read that book three times on a trip to Europe there and back. And it was transformational for me, a lot that I could talk about. We’ve already talked about the books, I don’t want to like, talk too much about it. But it was fantastic. And now in February 2023, you will be releasing your second book, which is titled Assemblage, The Art and Science of Brand Transformation. The description that Amazon has right now is brands can no longer force-feed us a plethora of products we don’t need. To succeed, brands...


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Ep. 578 – The Art of Research with Susan Fader: What is Narrative Economics and how to Utilize it in Your Business Strategy

My guest today is Susan Fader, keynote speaker and founder of FaderFocus. Susan has run FaderFocus as a Business Strategist & Transformationalist Catalyst specializing in Qualitative methods and strategic consulting. She helps clients achieve focus and get “unstuck”, reframing their energies, their confirmational biases, and the traditional ways of segmenting their customers. Find Susan Online: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fadersusan/https://www.faderfocus.com/ Find Jamin Online: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilwww.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: www.twitter.com/happymrxpwww.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch www.facebook.com/happymrxp www.happymr.com Music: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the #1 ranked insights and analytics graduate degree in three formats: NEW FOR 2022: If you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their 3-course certificates: Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build toward your graduation. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU’s programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, and qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:00] Jamin Brazil: Hey, everybody, I’m Jamin. You’re listening to the Happy Market Research Podcast. Our guest today is Susan Fader, keynote speaker and founder of Fader Focus. Susan has run Fader Focus as a business strategist and transformationalist catalyst specializing in qualitative methods and strategic consulting. She helps clients achieve focus and get unstuck, reframing their energies, their conformational biases, and the traditional ways of segmenting their customers. Susan, welcome back to the Happy Market Research Podcast. [00:00:36] Susan Fader: I’m very happy to be here and talk with you again. [00:00:42] Jamin Brazil: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the number 1 ranked insights and analytics degree in three formats, full-time on campus, full-time online, and part-time online. New for 2022, if you can’t commit to their full-degree program, simply begin with one of their three-course certifications, Insights Design, or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build towards your graduation. If you’re looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSU’s program at broad. msu. edu slash marketing, again broad. msu. edu/marketing. Hub UX is a research operations platform for private panel management, qualitative automation, including video edition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. Before we get into the core content, I wanted to talk briefly about your speaking. You have been a speaker since I’ve known you anyway, various industry events, but more recently you’ve been brought in for corporations to talk to them and their off-sites. I’m just curious, is this a trend for your career, and what are they bringing you in for? [00:02:13] Susan Fader: They’re bringing me in for really my original thinking of reframing how you think about business challenges, because a lot of businesses are like these cars that are stuck in the mud and the tire keeps spinning and you’re doing the same thing. They need to think differently about their businesses. They’re coming out of the pandemic. The whole dynamics of their categories, who their buyers are, how they talk to them has changed. And they want to make sure when they are thinking about business strategies that their baseline assumptions are correct, and that’s...


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Ep. 577 – 3 Ways Emotion Impacts Consumers and Their Brand Choices with Anne Beall, Founder and CEO of Beall Research

My guest today is Anne Beall, Founder and CEO of Beall Research. Founded in 2003, Beall Research is a strategic market research firm based in Chicago that services some of today’s top brands. Anne holds a Ph.D. from Yale and has worked at Boston Consulting Group and National Analysts. Find Anne Online: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annebeall/ https://beallrt.com/ https://www.amazon.com/Strategic-Market-Research-Conducting-Businesses/dp/B0BMSNY2C2/ref=sr_1_1?crid=35L8235YT857C&keywords=strategic+market+research&qid=1669655461&sprefix=%2Caps%2C114&sr=8-1 Find Jamin Online: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazil www.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: www.twitter.com/happymrxp www.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch www.facebook.com/happymrxp www.happymr.com Music: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: This episode is brought to you by Michigan State’s Marketing Research program. Are you looking for higher pay, to expand your professional network, and to achieve your full potential in the world of market research? Today, the program has tracks for both full-time students and working professionals. They also provide career support assisting students to win today’s most sought-after jobs. In fact, over 80% of Michigan State’s Marketing Research students have accepted job offers 6 months prior to graduating. The program has three formats: All programs include real-world experience and full-time job placement support. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU’s programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing It costs nothing to get more details. Take the time, invest in yourself. You are worth it and your future self will thank you. Class sizes are limited, so please, check it out today. This episode is brought to you by HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:00] Jam Brazil: Hi, I’m Jamin. You’re listening to the Happy Market Research Podcast. Our guest today is Anne Beall, founder and CEO of Beall Research. Founded in 2003, Beall Research is a strategic market research firm based in Chicago that services some of today’s top brands. Anne holds a PhD from Yale and has worked at Boston Consulting Group and National Analysts. Anne, thank you very much for joining me on the Happy Market Research podcast today. [00:00:27] Anne Beall: Well thank you for having me. I feel so happy just being here. [00:00:35] Jam Brazil: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in marketing research program delivers the number one ranked insights and analytics degree in three formats. Full time on campus, full time online and part time online. New for 2022, if you can’t commit to their full degree program simply begin with one of their three core certifications. Insights design or insights analysis. In addition to the certification all the courses you complete will build towards your graduation. If you’re looking to achieve your full potential check out MSNU’s program at B-R-O-A-D.msu.edu/marketing. Again, B-R-O-A-D.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operations platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions and surveys. For a limited time user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. Now you’ve been on the show before first in April 19, 2019. And later you covered one of my favorite episodes which was a discussion on what makes a good story. I know it’s crazy. Today we’re going to be talking about emotions. Specifically the role of emotion as it relates to brand, but before we do I want to talk a little bit about you being an author. So you are a prolific writer. You have six published books, including Strategic Market Research which is a guide to conducting research that...


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Ep. 576 – Why Leverage Neuroscience to Measure Consumer & Shopper Behavior with Hunter Thurman, President of Alpha-Diver

Our guest today is Hunter Thurman, President of Alpha-Diver. Alpha-Diver is a consultancy that leverages neuroscience to help brands target the right consumers and identifies the best moments for activation. Prior to starting Alpha-Diver, Hunter served as a Consultant for WPP in Global Insights, Strategy, and Innovation. Additionally, he served as an Innovation Strategy Mentor at The Brandery. Find Hunter Online: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hunterthurman/ Alpha-Diver: https://www.alpha-diver.com/ Find Jamin Online: Email: jamin@happymr.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazil Twitter: www.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: Twitter: www.twitter.com/happymrxp LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch Facebook: www.facebook.com/happymrxp Website: www.happymr.com Music: “Clap Along” by Auditionauti: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: This episode is brought to you by Michigan State’s Marketing Research program. Are you looking for higher pay, to expand your professional network, and to achieve your full potential in the world of market research? Today, the program has tracks for both full-time students and working professionals. They also provide career support assisting students to win today’s most sought-after jobs. In fact, over 80% of Michigan State’s Marketing Research students have accepted job offers 6 months prior to graduating. The program has three formats: All programs include real-world experience and full-time job placement support. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU’s programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing It costs nothing to get more details. Take the time, invest in yourself. You are worth it and your future self will thank you. Class sizes are limited, so please, check it out today. This episode is brought to you by HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:00] Jamin Brazil: Hi everyone. You’re listening to the Happy Market Research podcast. Our guest today is Hunter Thurman, President of Alpha-Diver. Alpha-Diver is a consultancy that leverages neuroscience to help brands target the right consumers and identify the best moments for activation. Prior to starting Alpha-Diver, Hunter served as a consultant at WPP and Global Insights of Strategy and Innovation. Additionally he served over a decade as an innovation strategy mentor at the Brandery. Hunter, welcome to the Happy Market Research podcast. [00:00:36] Hunter Thurman: Great, thank you. Great to be here. [00:00:41] Jamin Brazil: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in marketing research program delivers the number one ranked insights and analytics degree in three formats. Full time on campus, full time online and part time online. New for 2022. If you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their three core certifications. Insights design or insights analysis. In addition to the certification all the courses you complete will build towards your graduation. If you’re looking to achieve your full potential check out MSNU’s program at B-R-O-A-D. M-S-U. edu/marketing. Again, B-R-O-A-D. M-S-U. edu/marketing. WX is a research operations platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions and surveys. For a limited time users seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account visit hubux.com. It’s a huge honor to have you. I like the work you guys are doing a lot which is why we’ve carved this out. This is not a sponsored episode but there’s a lot of value structurally in talking about your business and how other companies might be thinking about, specifically brands, thinking about layering up the solutions that you have. Whether...


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Ep. 575 – How Customer-Obsessed Companies are Winning, with Marbue Brown, Founder of the Customer Obsession Advantage

Our guest today is Marbue Brown, founder of “The Customer Obsession Advantage” and author of the “Blueprint for Customer Obsession.” Prior to starting his own consulting firm, Marbue has served as the Head of Customer Experience at Chase, Global Lead of Customer Experince at Amazon, and Senior Director of Customer Experience Measurement at Microsoft. Find Marbue Online: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marbue-brown-43a8a52/ Find Jamin Online: Email: jamin@happymr.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazil Twitter: www.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: Twitter: www.twitter.com/happymrxp LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch Facebook: www.facebook.com/happymrxp Website: www.happymr.com Music: “Clap Along” by Auditionauti: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: This episode is brought to you by Michigan State’s Marketing Research program. Are you looking for higher pay, to expand your professional network, and to achieve your full potential in the world of market research? Today, the program has tracks for both full-time students and working professionals. They also provide career support assisting students to win today’s most sought-after jobs. In fact, over 80% of Michigan State’s Marketing Research students have accepted job offers 6 months prior to graduating. The program has three formats: All programs include real-world experience and full-time job placement support. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU’s programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing It costs nothing to get more details. Take the time, invest in yourself. You are worth it and your future self will thank you. Class sizes are limited, so please, check it out today. This episode is brought to you by HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:00] Jamin Brazil: Hey, everybody. You are listening to the Happy Market Research Podcast. I’m Jamin Brazil, your host. Our guest today is Marbue Brown, founder of the Customer Obsession Advantage and author of the “Blueprint for Customer Obsession.” Prior to starting his own consulting firm, Marbue has served as the head of customer experience at Chase, global lead of customer experience at Amazon, and senior director of customer experience management at Microsoft. Marbue, thank you very much for joining us on the show. [00:00:36] Marbue Brown: Jamin, it’s a pleasure to be with you and looking forward to having a very stimulating discussion. [00:00:45] Jamin Brazil: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the number one ranked insights and analytics degree in three formats. Full time on campus, full time online, and part time online. New for 2022, if you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their three course certifications. Insights design or insights analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build towards your graduation. If you’re looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU’s programs at broad.msu.edu/marketing. Again, broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operations platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition question and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. I’m very excited about jumping in to discuss your book. But before we do that, let’s get a little bit of context. Tell me about your parents and how they informed what you do today. [00:02:03] Marbue Brown: Well, before I even talk about my parents, let me start off by saying that I’m originally from Liberia and I grew up in Liberia. So there’s a couple of things I’m gonna say about my...


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Ep. 574 – The Future is Video Feedback: Voxpopme Acquires HubUX

Hi Fam! You are listening to the happy market research podcast. Be warned, today’s episode is a bit self serving. In 2019, I co-founded HubUX. A research operation platform for private panel management, DIY recruitment and qualitative automation. Why? Because opinions are moving fast AF. In fact, Gen Z defines themself as the generation that adapts to changing trends. Brands don’t even have time to create ads that can benefit from trends. By the time these trends hit their radar they are already on the down in favor of something else. Keeping track of today’s consumers is like watching humming birds on crack. Its a bit fun, but impossible to do for very long. At the same time, recruiting quality particpants for either qual or quant is getting harder and more time consuming. HubUX was setup to solve this. How? By recruiting on social meida platforms like TikTok and screening particpants via a robust survey tool that includes video auditions. Today, about 60% of the projects done on hubux are surveys. These surveys include several video openends. The rest of the projects are automating IDIs and Focus Group workflow. With the activity on our platform being video data collection our clients have been asking for a way to quickly analyze their video data. This lead us to a decision: Build a video analytics tool (this is really really hard by the way) or partner with the leader in video analytics, Voxpopme. I reached out to their leadership. After a few conversations we quickly came to the conclusion that combining forces would increase the probability that we own the video feedback space. On October 26th, 2023 we announced the merger of hubux and voxpop. From my view, the combination of automated research operations and video analytics represent the biggest change in our industry since the invention of surveys in the 1920s, focus groups in 1937, and online surveys in the 1990s. You all know me and my histroy. I may have done the first online survey for commerical purposes in the 90s while at Macro Consulting. Dispite the fact that my dislexia makes reading a bit challenging, my brain helps me to see patterns in the market. And it is abundantly clear that video will play a major part in every modern brands’ insights department. The following is the recording of the live announcement that was streamed on 20+ platforms with Jenn Voguel, CRO, and Voxpop cofounder and CPO, Andy Barraclough. Enjoy! Find Voxpopme Online: https://site.voxpopme.com/https://www.linkedin.com/company/voxpopme/?originalSubdomain=ukhttps://site.voxpopme.com/news/industry-leading-qualitative-tech-platform-voxpopme-acquires-research-ops-platform-hubux/ Find HubUX Online: https://hubux.com/https://www.linkedin.com/company/hubuxr/ Find Jamin Online: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilwww.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: www.twitter.com/happymrxpwww.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch www.facebook.com/happymrxp www.happymr.com Music: “Clap Along” by Auditionauti: https://audionautix.com


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Ep. 573 – Why Invest in Customer Satisfaction – Michael Brereton, the Executive in Residence for the Department of Marketing at Michigan State University

My guest today is Michael Brereton, the Executive in Residence for the Department of Marketing at Michigan State University. Michigan State University (Michigan State, MSU) is a public land-grant research university in East Lansing, Michigan. It was founded in 1855 as the Agricultural College of the State of Michigan, the first of its kind in the United States. Prior to joining MSMUR’s program as Executive in Residence, Michael served 27 years at MaritzCX, 11 of which were as the President and CEO. Meritz is a Customer Experience company rebranded as InMonent. Michael stated his career on the client side at General Motors. Find Michael Online: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-brereton-a35a7620/ Website: https://broad.msu.edu/ Find Jamin Online: Email: jamin@happymr.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilTwitter: www.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: Twitter: www.twitter.com/happymrxp LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch Facebook: www.facebook.com/happymrxp Website: www.happymr.com Music: “Clap Along” by Auditionauti: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the #1 ranked insights and analytics graduate degree in three formats: Full-time on campus Full-time online Part-time online NEW FOR 2022: If you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their 3-course certificates: Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build toward your graduation. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU's programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:00] Jamin Brazil: Hey, everybody. I'm Jamin, host of the Happy Market Research Podcast, which you're listening to. Our guest today is Michael Brereton, executive in residence at the Department of Marketing at Michigan State University. Before joining the MSMUR's program as the executive in residence, Michael served for 27 years at MaritzCX, 11 of which were as the president and CEO. Maritz is a customer experience company rebranded as InMoment. Michael started his career on the client side at General Motors. Michael, thanks so much for joining me on the podcast. [00:00:37] Michael Brereton: Hi. It's great to be here Jamin, as always. [00:00:45] Jamin Brazil: The Michigan State University's Master of Science in Marketing Research program delivers the number-one ranked in science and analytics degree in three formats: full-time on campus, full-time online, and part-time online. New for 2022, if you can't commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their three-course certifications: Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you at broad.msu.edu/marketing. Again, broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operations platform for private panel management, qualitative automation, including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you'd like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. So this is part of our series of introduction into market research. This will be one of the chapters in an upcoming book that I'm co-collaborating on with people like yourself, "The Market Research Field Guide". Today we're going to be talking about customer satisfaction, specifically as a discipline inside of market research. What do you see in a modern context as the primary business questions that customer satisfaction is addressing? [00:02:17] Michael Brereton: I think where we are evolving to that is ...


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Ep. 572 – A Guide to Tracking Research with Emmanuel Probst, the Global Lead of Brand Thought-Leadership & Senior Vice President of Brand Health Tracking at IPSOS

My guest today is Emmanuel Probst, the Global Lead of Brand Thought-Leadership & Senior Vice President of Brand Health Tracking at IPSOS, Author, and Professor at UCLA. Founded in 1975 and headquartered in Paris France, Ipsos is among the largest global market research and consulting firms. Ipsos has over 18,000 employees and serves more than 5,000 brands. Find Emmanuel Online: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emmanuelprobst/ Website: https://www.ipsos.com/en-us Find Jamin Online: Email: jamin@happymr.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilTwitter: www.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: Twitter: www.twitter.com/happymrxp LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch Facebook: www.facebook.com/happymrxp Website: www.happymr.com Music: “Clap Along” by Auditionauti: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the #1 ranked insights and analytics graduate degree in three formats: Full-time on campus Full-time online Part-time online NEW FOR 2022: If you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their 3-course certificates: Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build toward your graduation. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU's programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:00] Jamin Brazil: Hey, everybody. I'm Jamin. You're listening to the Happy Market Research Podcast. My guest today is Emmanuel Probst, the Global Leader of Brand Thought-Leadership and Senior Vice President of brand health tracking at Ipsos. He's also an author and professor at UCLA. Founded in 1975 and headquartered in Paris, France, Ipsos is among the largest global market research and consulting firms. Ipsos has over 18,000 employees and services more than 5,000 brands. Emmanuel, thank you very much for joining me on the Happy Market Research Podcast. [00:00:36] Emmanuel Probst: Jamin, thank you for having me on your show. Really appreciate it. Always great connecting with you and your listeners. [00:00:45] Jamin Brazil: The Michigan State University's Master of Science in marketing research program delivers the number-one ranked insights and analytics degree in three formats. Full-time on campus, full-time online, and part-time online. New for 2022. If you can't commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their three core certifications, insights, design, or insights analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build towards your graduation. If you're looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSN news program at broad. msu. edu/marketing. Again, broad. msu. edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operations platform for private panel management, qualitative automation, including video audition questions and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you'd like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. This interview is part of a series on market research basics, and our conversation is going to be focused really on your wheelhouse, which is tracking research. You've done this for decades. It's amazing. [00:02:08] Emmanuel Probst: For a number of years, indeed. [00:02:11] Jamin Brazil: Number of years. And for some of the world's - actually, the world's largest brands across sectors, which is really interesting. So my first question, and let's provide some context for the listeners. What business questions does tracking research address? [00:02:26]


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Ep. 571 – Kate Ioas, Senior Customer Insights at Abercrombie & Fitch, on the 4 Types of Segmentations and When to Use Them

My guest today is Kate Ioas, Senior Customer Insights at Abercrombie & Fitch. The original Abercrombie & Fitch was founded in 1892 in New York City by David T. Abercrombie as an outfitter for the elite outdoorsman. Today Abercrombie & Fitch has over 44,000 employees serving 854 locations. Prior to joining Abercrombie & Fitch, Kate served in the research function at Disney Parks, Doner, The Martec Group, and Rocket Companies. Find Kate Online: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherineecaldwell/ Abercrombie & Fitch: https://corporate.abercrombie.com/ Find Jamin Online: Email: jamin@happymr.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilTwitter: www.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: Twitter: www.twitter.com/happymrxp LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch Facebook: www.facebook.com/happymrxp Website: www.happymr.com Music: “Clap Along” by Auditionauti: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the #1 ranked insights and analytics graduate degree in three formats: Full-time on campus Full-time online Part-time online NEW FOR 2022: If you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their 3-course certificates: Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build toward your graduation. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU's programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, and qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:00] Jamin Brazil: Hi, everyone. You're listening to the Happy Market Research Podcast. I am Jamin Brazil, your host. Our guest today is Kate Ioas, senior customer insights at Abercrombie and Fitch. The original Abercrombie and Fitch was founded in 1892 in New York city by David T. Abercrombie. He was an outfitter for the elite outdoorsman. Today Abercrombie and Fitch has over 44,000 employees serving 854 locations. Prior to joining Abercrombie and Fitch, Kate served in the research function at Disney parks, the MarTech group, and rocket companies. Kate, welcome to the podcast. [00:00:39] Kate Ioas: Thank you so much. Really happy to be here. [00:00:43] Jamin Brazil: The Michigan State University's Master of Science in marketing research program delivers the number one ranked insights and analytics degree in three formats. Full-time on campus, full-time online and part-time online. New for 2022, if you can't commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their three course certifications, insights design, or insights analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build towards your graduation. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSU's program at broad. msu. edu/marketing, again, broad. msu. edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operations platform for private panel management, qualitative automation, including video audition questions and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you'd like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. It's a huge honor to have you here. And as always, I like to provide a little bit of context for our listeners. Let's start with the first question. What did your parents do, and how did that inform what you do today? [00:01:53] Kate Ioas: For sure. So kind of interesting. So I'm obviously big in the corporate world and neither of my parents really were. My dad was actually a teacher growing up and he volunteered a lot in our school, as did my mom. Taught us art lessons, were involved in all the school carnivals and after prom and all that.


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Ep. 570 – Ashley Le Blanc, Executive Vice President of Little Bird Marketing, on Insights Marketing Day 2022: Marketing Expertise for Market Research Companies 

My guest today is Ashley Le Blanc, Executive Vice President of Little Bird Marketing. Insights Marketing Day 2022: Location: Chicago, ILDate: October 6, 2022Tickets: https://events.bizzabo.com/imd-chicago-2022 Website: https://www.insights-marketing.org/ Find Ashley Online: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashleymariahleblanc/ Little Bird Marketing: https://littlebirdmarketing.com/ Find Jamin Online: Email: jamin@happymr.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilTwitter: www.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: Twitter: www.twitter.com/happymrxp LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch Facebook: www.facebook.com/happymrxp Website: www.happymr.com Music: “Clap Along” by Auditionauti: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the #1 ranked insights and analytics graduate degree in three formats: Full-time on campus Full-time online Part-time online NEW FOR 2022: If you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their 3-course certificates: Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build toward your graduation. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU's programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, and qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:00] Jamin Brazil: Hey everybody, you are listening to the Happy Market Research Podcast. This is a special episode. I am partnering with Little Bird Marketing. I have my good friend, Ashley Le Blanc, who is joining us today. We are going to be talking about Insights Marketing Day. This is an annual event that is hosted in Chicago, and I hope you can make it. So Ashley, welcome to the show. [00:00:27] Ashley Le Blanc: Thanks for having me. I'm excited to talk about Insights Marketing Day. It's one of my favorite events. [00:00:33] Jamin Brazil: You know, mine, too. I've been to it for the last couple of years. I always get a ton out of it. You have a great speaker lineup. So why don't we start there? Talk to us a little bit about some of your highlighted speakers. [00:00:44] Ashley Le Blanc: What I love about our speaker lineup- of course, this is an event that is geared towards people with a marketing mindset, but we really try to pull our speakers from lots of different industries. So we have Andy Crestodina, he is a fan favorite. He's been at several of our Insights Marketing Day. He's Chicago based, he's from Orbit Media, but he's kind of like our web and SEO guru. So for anyone who has questions about how do I rank for certain keywords, how do I get my website optimizing the correct way, he is the go-to person. He's personally one of my favorite speakers. We'll have other insights professionals like Sequoia Glen, Bob Farrow from Trusted Talent. He's going to be talking a little bit about employee retention, which is always a fun topic. David Paul from Dialsmith and Lillian Labs. So lots of people from in the industry and then several people that are from more of a marketing background or even a growth strategies background too. [00:01:48] Jamin Brazil: And of course we have Priscilla McKinney who will be opening the day, as well as I believe speaking. She's got a couple topics, one centered around five LinkedIn tips for conference follow up. By the way conference follow up, conferences are the biggest marketing expenditure in most of our budgets. And we leave so much money on the table because we are not really farming the land after we've sewn the seed, using the metaphor. And so that's going to be super valuable.


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Ep. 569 – The Art of Research with Susan Fader: When and how to Apply Cognitive Demographics

My guest today is Susan Fader, founder of FaderFocus.Susan has run FaderFocus as a Business Strategist and Transformationalist Catalyst specializing in qualitative methods and strategic consulting. She helps clients achieve focus and get “unstuck”, reframing their energies, their confirmational biases, and the traditional ways of segmenting their customers. Find Susan Online: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fadersusan/ FaderFocus: https://www.faderfocus.com/ Find Jamin Online: Email: jamin@happymr.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilTwitter: www.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: Twitter: www.twitter.com/happymrxp LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch Facebook: www.facebook.com/happymrxp Website: www.happymr.com Music: “Clap Along” by Auditionauti: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the #1 ranked insights and analytics graduate degree in three formats: Full-time on campus Full-time online Part-time online NEW FOR 2022: If you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their 3-course certificates: Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build toward your graduation. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU's programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, and qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:00] Jamin Brazil: Hey, everybody. You are listening to the Happy Market Research Podcast. This is a segment that we've been starting, gosh, this is our second installment called Fader's Corner. I just made that up. Susan Fader, founder of FaderFocus. What do you think about the name, Susan? [00:00:19] Susan Fader: We'll come up with a better one. [00:00:26] Jamin Brazil: Anyway, many of you already know Susan. Susan has run Fader Focus as a business strategist and transformalist catalyst specializing in qualitative methods and strategic consulting, and she's done that for a little while. She helps clients achieve focus and get unstuck reframing their energies, their conformational biases, and the traditional ways of segmenting customers. Susan, thank you for joining me on the Happy Market Research Podcast. [00:00:58] Susan Fader: It's wonderful to be here. [00:01:00] Jamin Brazil: The Michigan State University's Master of Science in Marketing Research program delivers the number one ranked in science and analytics degree in three formats: full-time on campus, full-time online, and part-time online. New for 2022, if you can't commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their three course certifications, insights design or insights analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build towards your graduation. If you're looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU's program at broad. msu. edu/marketing. Again, broad. msu. edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operation's platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. So part of every researcher toolbox is customer segmentation. Everybody that listens to this podcast has had some level of exposure and probably is a practitioner of customer segmentation but just to level set, this is the process by which you derive your customer segments. You move the broad audience into individual groupings and those groupings are based on common characteristics, most commonly things like income, gender,


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Ep. 568 – How to Measure Consumer Emotions Using Passion Points with George Carey, Founder and CEO of The Family Room

My guest today is George Carey, Founder and CEO of The Family Room. Founded 29 years ago, The Family Room is a market intelligence company that helps brands connect emotion to brand relevance and growth. Fifteen years ago, The Family Room launched a global longitudinal tracking with a proprietary framework called Passion Points. This data is used by top brands including Nike, HBO, YouTube, McDonald’s, LEGO, and Disney. Prior to starting The Family Room, George was a Senior Vice President at Saatchi and Saatchi Advertising. Find George Online: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/george-carey-250676/ The Family Room: https://familyroomllc.com/ Find Jamin Online: Email: jamin@happymr.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilTwitter: www.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: Twitter: www.twitter.com/happymrxp LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch Facebook: www.facebook.com/happymrxp Website: www.happymr.com Music: “Clap Along” by Auditionauti: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the #1 ranked insights and analytics graduate degree in three formats: Full-time on campus Full-time online Part-time online NEW FOR 2022: If you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their 3-course certificates: Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build toward your graduation. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU's programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, and qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:00] Jamin Brazil: Hi everybody, welcome to the podcast. You're listening to the Happy Market Research Podcast. I'm Jamin Brazil, your host. Our guest today is George Carey, founder and CEO of The Family Room. Founded 29 years ago, The Family Room is a market intelligence company that helps brands connect emotion to brand relevance and growth. Fifteen years ago, The Family Room launched a global longitudinal tracker with a proprietary framework called Passion Points. This data is used by top brands including Nike, HBO, YouTube, McDonald's, Lego and Disney. Prior to starting The Family Room, George was a Senior Vice President at Saatchi and Saatchi Advertising. George, welcome to the show. [00:00:45] George Carey: Thanks, Jamin. I'm happy to be here. [00:00:46] Jamin Brazil: The Michigan State University's Master of Science in Marketing Research program delivers the number one ranked insights and analytics degree in three formats. Full time on campus, full time online and part time online. New for 2022, if you can't commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their three core certifications; Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build towards your graduation. If you're looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSN news program at b-r-o-a-d dot m-s-u dot e-d-u/marketing. Again, b-r-o-a-d dot m-s-u dot e-d-u/marketing. WX is a research operations platform for private panel management, qualitative automation, including video audition questions and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you'd like to learn more or create your own account, visit have u-x dot com. It's a huge honor to have you here. I got a fair amount of exposure to Passion Points. I'm excited about talking about that topic but I wanted to provide a little bit of context for our audience. Everybody knows that emotion is really important. In fact, it has never been more important for brands to connect to consumers at an emoti...


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Ep. 567 – Importance of Capturing the POV of Healthcare Customers with Daniel Fitzgerald, CEO and President of Apollo Intelligence

My guest today is Daniel Fitzgerald, CEO and President of Apollo Intelligence. Founded in 2020, Apollo provides access to 2M healthcare stakeholders worldwide — including physicians, patients, caregivers, and allied healthcare professionals — serving the life science insights industry on its mission to accelerate health innovation to improve life. They support 80 of the top global-100 life science firms, as well as global market research agencies and consultancies, across 14 different countries in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Prior to joining Apollo, Dan has been part of the bedrock of the market research industry serving as CEO of InCrowd, Managing Partner of Reimagine, Chief Client and Marketing Officer of Lightspeed, and GM of Global Market Insite. Find Daniel Online: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-s-fitzgerald-024a2926/ Apollo Intelligence: https://apollointelligence.net/ Find Jamin Online: Email: jamin@happymr.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilTwitter: www.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: Twitter: www.twitter.com/happymrxp LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch Facebook: www.facebook.com/happymrxp Website: www.happymr.com Music: “Clap Along” by Auditionauti: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the #1 ranked insights and analytics graduate degree in three formats: Full-time on campus Full-time online Part-time online NEW FOR 2022: If you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their 3-course certificates: Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build toward your graduation. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU's programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, and qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:00] Jamin Brazil: Hey everybody, you're listening to the Happy Market Research Podcast. This is take two. I'm with Dan Fitzgerald, CEO, and president of Apollo Intelligence. Founded in 2020, Apollo provides access to 2,000,000 healthcare stakeholders worldwide, including physicians, patients, caregivers, and allied healthcare professionals, serving the life science insights industry on its mission to accelerate health innovation to improve all of our lives. They support 80 of the top global 100 life science firms as well as global market research agencies and consultancies across 14 different countries in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Prior to joining Apollo, Dan has been part of the bedrock of the market research industry, serving as CEO of InCrowd, managing partner at Reimagine, chief client and marketing officer at LIGHTSPEED, and general manager of GMI, Global Market Insight. One of my biggest customers at Decipher. Dan, it is an absolute privilege to have you on the show. Thank you for joining me. [00:01:10] Dan Fitzgerald: Hey, Jamin. And it's great to be with you as well. [00:01:15] Jamin Brazil: The Michigan State University's Master of Science in marketing and research program delivers the number one ranked insights and analytics degree in three formats. Full time on campus, full time online, and part-time online. New for 2022 if you can't commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their three course certifications. Insights design or insights analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build towards your graduation. If you're looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSM U's program at B-R-O-A-D dot MSU dot edu slash marketing. Again,
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Ep. 566 – The Art of Thinking Differently about Business Challenges with Susan Fader: What is Contextual Intelligence

My guest today is Susan Fader, founder of FaderFocus.Susan Fader is Business Strategist and Transformationalist Catalyst, as well as a sought after Speaker for her original thinking of reframing business challenges and baseline assumptions. She specializes in strategic consulting and qualitative research methods. She helps clients achieve focus and get “un-stuck,” reframing their energies, their confirmational biases, and the traditional ways of segmenting their customers. Find Susan Online: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fadersusan/ FaderFocus: https://www.faderfocus.com/ Find Jamin Online: Email: jamin@happymr.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilTwitter: www.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: Twitter: www.twitter.com/happymrxp LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch Facebook: www.facebook.com/happymrxp Website: www.happymr.com Music: “Clap Along” by Auditionauti: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the #1 ranked insights and analytics graduate degree in three formats: Full-time on campus Full-time online Part-time online NEW FOR 2022: If you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their 3-course certificates: Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build toward your graduation. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU's programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, and qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:00] Jamin Brazil: Welcome you're listening to the happy market research Podcast. I'm Jamie Brazil your host. Today we have a special guest, Susan Fader. Founder of Fader Focus. For the last 34 years Susan has run Fader Focus as a business strategist and transformationalist catalyst specializing in qualitative methods and strategic consulting. She helps clients achieve focus and get in quotation marks unstuck. Reframing their energies, your energies. Also helping them with really addressing the conformational bias that all of us have when we're approaching specific problems or market challenges. One of the things that I found really standoutish about Susan is she applies a no holds barred or no sacred cows view or approach to the problems that her clients are facing or even the market is facing more broadly. And so, with that kind of a framework it really allows someone to come in with a fresh perspective and reframe for us as researchers or as executives, the market what they want and what we can deliver to them. And so with that, Susan, I wanted to welcome you to the Happy Market Research podcast. [00:01:18] Susan Fader: Thank you. Very excited to be here. [00:01:22] Jamin Brazil: The Michigan State University's Master of Science in marketing research program delivers the number one ranked insights and analytics degree in three formats. Full time on campus, full time online and part time online. New for 2022, if you can't commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their three core certifications. Insights design or insights analysis. In addition to the certification all the courses you complete will build towards your graduation. If you're looking to achieve your full potential check out MSNU's program at B-R-O-A-D.M-S-U.E-D-U/marketing. Again, B-R-O-A-D.M-S-U.E-D-U/marketing. HubUX is a research operations platform for private panel management, qualitative automation, including video audition questions and surveys. For a limited time user seats are free. If you'd like to learn more or create your own account visit hubux.com. In April,


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Ep. 565 – HMRP Monday Edition: Intergenerational Views on the Job Market – Part 2

Find Jamin Online: Email: jamin@happymr.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilTwitter: www.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: Twitter: www.twitter.com/happymrxp LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch Facebook: www.facebook.com/happymrxp Website: www.happymr.com Music: “Clap Along” by Auditionauti: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the #1 ranked insights and analytics graduate degree in three formats: Full-time on campus Full-time online Part-time online NEW FOR 2022: If you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their 3-course certificates: Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build toward your graduation. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU’s programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. This is the second and final post in our series on how generations are viewing the job market and what you can do to ensure you are well prepared for whatever comes. Background In our first episode in this series, we talked about the impact of the US economy on the job market. We also looked at how concerned people actually are about being laid off in the next 12-months. But, with every cloud is a silver lining. In this case, that silver lining is for employers who expressed that there will be some major benefits with a more balanced job market. If didn’t tune into that episode, you can find the link in the show notes: https://happymr.com/ep-562-intergenerational-views-on-the-job-market/ Today, we will be addressing: How are generation preparing for changes to the job market? What advice would members of different generations give to the unfortunate souls that are laid off? Why Do Companies Do Layoffs? Bad news is bad news. But, understanding the why can help many of us mentally cope with aftermath. So, you may find it helpful to understand the business rational for layoffs. And, by understanding a bit more about why companies do layoffs you are more likely to recognize when they are coming and be proactive to avoid or even profit from them. Overall, the 300 people we interviewed were positive about the job market despite the difficulties many companies are and will face because of the recession. There will be a lot of job transition as some companies thrive while others suffer and even go out of business. Here is what a few people said, https://youtu.be/0Zvdma8OOPM https://youtube.com/shorts/TaukU8q-puw?feature=share I can speak to the topic of layoffs with some authority. Having built a company from 0-200 full time employees and having been the CEO of a 400-person firm, layoffs are a normal part of any company’s lifecycle. There are a few reasons for this: Reason 1: Obsolete Function Healthy companies are in a perpetual state of improving both profitability and growth. Put simply, they invest in systems, people, and technology that allows them to make more money with less resources. Here is an example from the warehousing industry: Hiring challenges, workers’ comp, and the promise of more efficient and profitable operations are forcing companies to invest in warehouse automation. Definitionally, automation is designed to replace people. By replacing people companies realize a significant amount of savings over time along with productive improvements. Reason 2: Improved Profits Lower wages in other countries are driving companies to move jobs from the US. For many US companies that have 50+ employees doing a sim...


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Ep. 564 – Transitioning Into a new Career with Joe Mulvaney, Senior Vice President of NA for Qualitative at Schlesinger Group

Today I’m joined by Joe Mulvaney, Senior Vice President of NA for Qualitative at Schlesinger Group. Schlesinger Group is a technology-led data company that delivers a broad range of qualitative and quantitative research solutions to connect human answers to business questions as a single point of access to your worldwide audiences. Prior to starting joining Schlesinger, Joe founded Quotus, a research operations company. He also served as Senior Vice President of Operations at Ipsos and Sr. Manager - Competitive Intelligence at Procter & Gamble. Additionally, he is a Mentor and Entrepreneur in Residence at Cedarville University. Find Joe Online: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joe-mulvaney-61583b8/ Schlesinger Group: https://www.schlesingergroup.com/en/ Find Jamin Online: Email: jamin@happymr.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilTwitter: www.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: Twitter: www.twitter.com/happymrxp LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch Facebook: www.facebook.com/happymrxp Website: www.happymr.com Music: “Clap Along” by Auditionauti: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the #1 ranked insights and analytics graduate degree in three formats: Full-time on campus Full-time online Part-time online NEW FOR 2022: If you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their 3-course certificates: Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build toward your graduation. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU's programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:00] Jamin Brazil: Hey everybody. This is Jamin. Today, we are joined by Joe Mulvaney. Senior vice president of North America for qualitative at Schlesinger Group. Schlesinger Group, as all of you know, is a technology led data company that delivers a broad range of qualitative and quantitative research solutions to connect human answers to business questions. Prior to joining Schlesinger, Joe founded Quotus, which is a research operations company. He's also served as senior vice president of operations and Ipsos, and senior manager of competitive intelligence at Proctor & Gamble. Additionally, and this one is near and dear to my heart, he is a mentor and entrepreneur residence at Cedarville University. Joe, welcome to the podcast. [00:00:49] Joe Mulvaney: Thank you, Jamin. Happy to be here. [00:00:53] Jamin Brazil: The Michigan State University's Master of Science in marketing research program, delivers the number one ranked insights and analytics degree in three formats. Full time on campus, full time online, and part time online. New for 2022. If you can't commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their three course certifications. Insights design, or insights analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build toward your graduation. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSU program at broad. msu. edu/marketing. Again, broad. msu. edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operations platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video addition questions and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you'd like to learn more or create your own account, visit HubUX.com. It is an honor to have you. I saw your note on LinkedIn or your update on LinkedIn regarding your transition to Schlesinger I want to say about a month ago. I thought that was so interesting. That you as a founder,


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Ep. 563 – Why you Should use TikTok for Research and how to get Started with Daniel Berkal, SVP of Research at The Palmerston Group

Today I’m joined by Daniel Berkal, SVP of Research at The Palmerston Group. Founded in 2008, The Palmerston Group is a qualitative market research agency. Prior to joining The Palmerston Group, Daniel served in senior roles at Young & Rubicam, Research International, and Synovate. He is also a professor at Humber College in Toronto Canada. Daniel has two active TikTok channel. danielberkal and thepalmerstongroup. Find Daniel Online: Email: daniel.berkal@thepalmerstongroup.com TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@danielberkal TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thepalmerstongroup LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielberkal/ The Palmerston Group: https://www.thepalmerstongroup.com/ Find Jamin Online: Email: jamin@happymr.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilTwitter: www.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: Twitter: www.twitter.com/happymrxp LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch Facebook: www.facebook.com/happymrxp Website: www.happymr.com Music: “Clap Along” by Auditionauti: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the #1 ranked insights and analytics graduate degree in three formats: Full-time on campus Full-time online Part-time online NEW FOR 2022: If you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their 3-course certificates: Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build toward your graduation. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU's programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. [00:00:03] Jamin Brazil: Hey, everybody. Today we are joined by Daniel Berkal. He is the SVP of Research at the Palmerston Group. Founded in 2008, the Palmerston group is a qualitative market research agency. Prior to joining the Palmerston group, Daniel served in senior roles at Young and Rubicon, Research International, and Synovate. He also is a professor at Humber College in Toronto, Canada. Daniel is a huge TikToker, in fact, I believe that he has the number one channel in TikTok for market research purposes. You can find him personally under his first and last name altogether, Daniel Berkal, and you can also find him with the handle The Palmerston Group, and I'll include links to both of those in the show notes. Daniel, welcome to the show. [00:00:54] Daniel Berkal: Thank you very much. Thanks for having me. It's a pleasure to talk to you. [00:01:00] Jamin Brazil: The Michigan State University's Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the number one ranked insights and analytics degree in three formats. Full time on campus, full-time online, and part-time online. New for 2022, if you can't commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their three course certifications. Insights design, or insights analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build towards your graduation. If you're looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU's program at BROAD.msu.edu/marketing. Again, broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operations platform for private panel management, qualitative automation, including video audition questions and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you'd like to learn more or create your own account, visit HubUX.com. So you had jumped in with both feet into TikTok, both from an educational perspective and also as an entertainer. The content that you generate is just fantastic. You post, I think you post daily. It certainly feels like that, from my feed.


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Ep. 562 – HMRP Monday Edition: Intergenerational Views on the Job Market – Part 1

Find Jamin Online: Email: jamin@happymr.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jaminbrazilTwitter: www.twitter.com/jaminbrazil Find Us Online: Twitter: www.twitter.com/happymrxp LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/happymarketresearch Facebook: www.facebook.com/happymrxp Website: www.happymr.com Music: “Clap Along” by Auditionauti: https://audionautix.com This Episode is Sponsored by: The Michigan State University’s Master of Science in Marketing Research Program delivers the #1 ranked insights and analytics graduate degree in three formats: Full-time on campus Full-time online Part-time online NEW FOR 2022: If you can’t commit to their full degree program, simply begin with one of their 3-course certificates: Insights Design or Insights Analysis. In addition to the certification, all the courses you complete will build toward your graduation. If you are looking to achieve your full potential, check out MSMU's programs at: broad.msu.edu/marketing. HubUX is a research operation platform for private panel management, qualitative automation including video audition questions, and surveys. For a limited time, user seats are free. If you’d like to learn more or create your own account, visit hubux.com. This is one of a two-part series on how generations are viewing the job market and what you can do to ensure you are well prepared for whatever comes. Background The US job market has enjoyed one the of the longest periods of prosperity despite many economic challenges. However, anxiety about job security is on the rise according to research done by Joblist.com: “The job market remained relatively stable in Q2 despite growing concerns about the broader health of the economy. Job growth continues to be strong, and the unemployment rate is holding steady at 3.6% – its lowest rate since January 2020. Yet, as consumers and businesses grapple with inflation, rising interest rates, continued supply chain and COVID-19 disruptions, many worry that a recession is around the corner. Although the job market has proven largely resilient up until this point, the future outlook appears increasingly uncertain.” This was published on July 11th, 2022. Fastforward 2 weeks. And, on July 28th, 2022 the US Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that the economy contracted for the send straight quarter hitting a widely accepted rule of thumb for a recession. Given these uncertain times, we did our own research to understand how generations are viewing the job market and how we can survive it. We’ll cover three main points: How concerned are generations about being laid off in the next 12-months? What game plans do generations have if they are laid off?What advice would members of different generations give to survive a layoff? This podcast will focus on point 1. We’ll address points 2 and 3 in next week’s episode. Job Market Outlook Our survey was conducted using HubUX and included Video Questions instead of text-based open ends. These video open ends along with using Research Defender’s screening API, ensured we were talking to real humans. Gen Z and Millennials are significantly more concerned that they’ll be laid off in the next 12-months than Gen X and Boomers (those of us over 41 years old). We asked 300 people, “How concerned are you about being laid off in the next 12-months?”. Gen Z and Millennials stated they are two times more concerned than older generations. Q7. How concerned are you that you may be laid off in the next 12-months? by Q1. What is your age? Gen ZMillennialGen XBoomerI am not concerned at all43% 33% 55% 81% I am somewhat concerned30% 40% 32% 8% I am very concerned26% 27% 14% 11% Key Takeaways: We then asked our participants a few video questions about their view on the economy and here is what they said. Please note that I choose the videos that had the broadest representation of what was said.
