Bible Truth Broadcast
Christian Talk
Pastors Saul Cooper and Jim Hunt serve with the Grace Chapel in El Paso, Texas. They take turns sharing God's love on a weekly rotating basis.
El Paso, TX
Pastors Saul Cooper and Jim Hunt serve with the Grace Chapel in El Paso, Texas. They take turns sharing God's love on a weekly rotating basis.
Grace Chapel of El Paso, Texas 7601 Wilcox Dr. El Paso, TX 79915-1716 (915) 598-6035
The Four Witnesses
The Biblical standard for witnesses is that no one could be condemned to death on the basis of one witness - there must be a minimum of two. Jesus presented four witness which was twice as many as required; and yet they would not believe Him. The question today is do you believe that He is who He said He was? We are going to look at both the testimony of Jesus and that of the four witnesses. On the evidence of two witnesses or three witnesses, he who is to die shall be put to death; he...
The Practicality of the Bible
The Word of God gives us answers about the needs and questions of our everyday circumstances of life. It not only shows us our need as lost sinners, but explains how we can be reconciled to a Holy God and have our sins forgiven. Then it provides spiritual food for our daily walk with God. It then gives us glimpses into the future and opens our understanding as to events in the years to come as we await the return of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. So, come along as we explore a few of...
The Power of God
It is important for us to remember that the last words Jesus spoke before His death on the cross were, "It is finished." The debt of our sin had been paid in full. Yet, even though the work of redemption was finished, Jesus was not finished. Three days later, Jesus was raised from the dead by the power of God. The power of God is greater than any power that exists in the world today. More than any army, more than any weapon, more than any ruler. Jesus Christ is Lord over all and has power...
Looking around the world today, you have to look very hard for something to give you real joy. However, from the Christian view point, we have much to be joyful about. As a third-century man was anticipating death, he penned these last words to a friend: “It’s a bad world, an incredibly bad world. But I have discovered in the midst of it a quiet and holy people who have learned a great secret. They have found a joy which is a thousand times better than any pleasure of our sinful life. They...
Happy New Year
One of my favorite passages of Scripture as we look forward to the New Year is Revelation 21:4-5: "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, 'I am making everything new!'" That surely is one of the most hopeful texts in all the Bible. Imagine what it will be like when this old order has truly passed away.
The Closed Door
According to Gen 6:3 the Lord said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years." Before the flood, God gave men a hundred and twenty years to repent of their sinfulness, but they ignored Him. They did not realize that God meant what he said, they watched as the one righteous man and his family prepared for the destruction, they probably laughed at him. But Noah listened to God and did as He was...
F. E. Smith was a capable lawyer with a quick wit who served as the British attorney general from 1915 until 1919. On one occasion he cross-examined a young man claiming damages for an arm injury caused by the negligence of a bus driver. "Will you please show us how high you can lift your arm now?" asked Smith. The young man gingerly raised his arm to shoulder level, his face distorted with pain. "Thank you," said Smith. "And now, could you show us how high you could lift it before the...
Has there ever been a time in your life when you needed encouragement? Has a person ever come to you and said exactly the words you needed to give you a boost? There are people that seem to know just what to say and not say to help you get started again. What about you? Before we get started in this study this morning, I would like to take a little survey. How many of you would consider yourself an encourager - someone who has the right words to help a person who is discouraged? You know...
Hopeless Cases
The Bible contains many conversions of what we might call "Hopeless" cases. Mary Magdalene, in Luke 8:2, was cured from seven devils and became a devoted follower of Jesus. The demoniac of Luke 8:27 was set free and wanted to follow Jesus but was sent home. Then one very famous hopeless case, the woman of Samaria, whom Jesus met at the well in John 4. Our topic today is about a man that would be considered another "Hopeless Case," Zaccheus.
Working Effectively for God
When we were first saved, not many of us were told that we were signing up for work. Generally we were told that Salvation is a free gift of God, that's true. It is also true that we were created for good works Eph. 2:10. The Bible has many illustrations to teach us about works and examples of good works. The Lord Himself gives instructions in our message this morning about our works. So I would like for us to explore some of the essentials for working effectively. We can do a lot of...
Peter the Servant
In my last study, I show the failures of Peter as he attempted to build an earthly tabernacle for Jesus, Moses and Elijah, at the time of the transfiguration of The Lord Jesus. It would be unfair to leave this matter in this manner. Peter had to learn from his experiences, today I want to show how much he learned from what he himself said and did.
Knowing God
It's hard to keep on not believing in God. C.S. Lewis has a list of books atheists shouldn't read. Atheists can never be too careful. Everywhere we look; our conscience, history, the transforming work of God in the life of derelicts, the Word of God, we see His signature.
The Apostle Peter's Failure
If it is human to say a dumb thing at a crucial time, and it is, then Peter was indeed human. Here is Peter on a mountain top in the presence of the divine and eternal, and he says, "Let’s us make three huts." Our Text is Matthew 17:1-13.
God Moves in Mysterious Ways, Part 2
God is not only the Creator; He is also the Sustainer. "In Him all things consist" (Col. 1:17b). He is the One who holds matter together, a fact which incidentally answers one of the problems that still baffles physicists.
The Godly Man
The Godly man, how do we characterize a godly man? There are many things that are too numerous to list here that might be traits or characteristics of a Godly man. I am going to use Psalm chapter one to show the character of a godly man in contrast to the ungodly man.
God Moves in Mysterious Ways, Part 1
What a wonderful, faithful, unchanging God we have. This is the God of creation. The one true God. Any God will not do. There are many false gods that are being worshiped in the world today. Make sure that you are worshiping and serving the right God.
The Christian's Benefits
When we submit our resume to a company or place a job application, there are always two things on our mind. First, what does the job pay and second, what are the benefits. You can have a good paying job with no benefits and health care costs will eat up the pay check. That is why it is so important to have good benefits; especially in the health care area. Sad to say what used to come free as a part of the job is now costing more and more each year. This message is about the benefits...
In Search of the True Faith
Unquestionably, there is nothing more important than having a solid factual and rational basis for one's faith. To the many who think of faith as a belief strongly held and without evidence to support it (and often even in spite of much evidence to the contrary), that may seem an outrageous statement. Logically, however, if believing something strongly doesn't make it so, as human experience daily proves, then it is the greatest folly to continue on with a "faith" which, because it has no...