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The Land and the Book

Moody Radio

Does the Middle East seem like a confusing, complex tapestry of people and events? For a unique biblical perspective, join Dr. Charlie Dyer and Jon Gauger for The Land and the Book. Every week this gifted team brings you terrific stories of God at work as they explore biblical, archaeological, and prophetic events. Enjoy great guests, intriguing listener questions, and more!


Chicago, IL


Moody Radio


Does the Middle East seem like a confusing, complex tapestry of people and events? For a unique biblical perspective, join Dr. Charlie Dyer and Jon Gauger for The Land and the Book. Every week this gifted team brings you terrific stories of God at work as they explore biblical, archaeological, and prophetic events. Enjoy great guests, intriguing listener questions, and more!






820 N. LaSalle Blvd., Chicago, IL 60610

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Heaven—When Faith Becomes Sight

If ever there was a place of wonder, it's heaven. But when was the last time you truly wondered about heaven? If heaven is our eternal destiny as believers, shouldn’t we give it more thought? More study? And shouldn’t our daily agenda be shaped by the need to prepare for heaven? This week on The Land and the Book, we’ll shift our focus toward where it belongs: Heaven. Don’t miss our fabulous “sneak preview” with guest Jennifer Rothschild on The Land and the Book.


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Mapping the Holy Land

When were the first maps of the Holy Land created? And what tools did those ancient cartographers use to measure distances and land masses? How do today’s maps of the region influence the Arab-Israeli conflict? That’s our focus this week on The Land and the Book. As always, we’ll take plenty of time to answer your Bible questions—plus bring you the latest headlines from the Middle. East. That’s all this week on The Land and the Book.


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A Visit with Sarai

Before she was Sarah, she was Sarai. A devoted wife, she is perhaps best known for her lack of faith when God promised she would have a child in her own age. But have we misjudged her? This week on The Land and the Book, it's a visit with Sarai. We'll get to know her background and the cultural details that make her story come alive. Plus…a look at the top stories coming out of the Middle East. That's The Land and the Book.


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Why Biblical Covenants Are Still a Big Deal

Throughout Scripture, we encounter lots of different covenants. These are promises and agreements that God has made. Why are they so central to understanding Scripture—and the heart of God Himself? Why don’t we talk more about them? This week on The Land and the Book, we’ll discover why biblical covenants are still a big deal. And, of course, we'll cover all the major news stories from the Middle East—answer your Bible questions—and enjoy Charlie Dyer’s and more—on The Land and the Book.


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Israel, Music and More

If singer and songwriter Matthew West were to visit Israel—what would he most want to see—and why? What songs would he choose if he were asked to lead worship on the Sea of Galilee? On another note, how does he feel about the rise of Anti-Semitism in America—and across the globe? This week on The Land and the Book, Matthew West is in our studio to talk about…Israel, music, and more. Don’t miss this fabulous conversation…on The Land and the Book.


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Amos—An Invitation to the Good Life

He was the first Hebrew prophet to have a biblical book named for him. Living in the 8th century, he accurately foretold the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel. His name was Amos—and he was often called a prophet of doom. And when you begin to read his prophecy, it doesn't take long to realize why. So…what can we learn from him today? More than you think! Join us for a compelling conversation this week…on The Land and the Book.


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Does the Jewish Bible Point to Jesus?

Christians claim that Jesus is the Messiah. But does the Old Testament confirm this? If so, where? This week on The Land and the Book, David Brickner dives into 12 Old Testament prophecies that point to God’s promise of the Messiah Jesus. Plus, you’ll hear a complete update on major news stories from the Middle East. And you’ll enjoy Gerald Peterman’s answers to the latest Bible questions. So, join us for The Land and the Book.


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Gen Z and the Israel Conflict

What does Gen Z think about Israel? Born between 1997 and 2012, these Americans have their own take on the Arab-Israeli conflict. To them, facts seem to matter less than feelings. And their feelings are predominately anti-Israel. Why do they think the way they do? How can we engage them in respectful dialogue? This week on The Land and the Book, an eye-opening discussion about Gen Z and the Israel Conflict. Join us!


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The Dead Sea Scrolls

In 1947, Bedouin shepherds stumbled upon a remarkable discovery in the Judaean Desert: seven scrolls tucked into clay jars in the back of a cave. But not just ANY scrolls. These were the first of what came to be known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. This week on The Land and the Book, you’ll learn how YOU can see some of these scrolls—in person—without traveling to Israel! Plus…the latest headlines from the Middle East—on The Land and the Book.


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Searching for Christmas

You know all about celebrating Christmas. But what about searching for Christmas? You say, "Why would I need to do that?" Because, as a culture, we've lost some significant parts of the advent story. This week on The Land and the Book, we sit down with J.D. Grear for compelling insights. And you won’t want to miss Charlie Dyer’s devotional or our look at your latest Bible questions. That’s The Land and the Book, with our guest, J.D. Grear—on The Land and the Book.


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Let Earth Receive Her King

It’s great to think about Jesus as a baby, Jesus in the manger, and Jesus on Mary’s lap. But we dare not forget that He was also born King. On this week’s edition of The Land and the Book, special guest Alistair Begg helps us understand that Christ's first coming was also about His second coming. He was born King, but Jesus will soon return as King of Kings! Don’t miss this encouraging conversation—next time on The Land and the Book.


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Rediscovering Christmas

A wise counselor once advised, “Keep the main thing the main thing.” But ironically, when it comes to Christmas, we let other things obscure the profound. What if we got it right, though? This week on The Land and the Book, you’re invited to join us for an adventure in Rediscovering Christmas! As always, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about this week’s events in the Middle East. And—we’ll answer a great set of Bible questions…all on The Land and the Book.


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Herod and Mary

Predictably, we meet them only during the Christmas season: Herod the Great—and Mary, the mother of Jesus. Both play an enormous role in that story. But a deeper look at their lives and legacies is a journey worth taking. This week on The Land and the Book—we’ll explore facets of Herod and Mary that will surprise and amaze. So, make it a point to join us for The Land and the Book. And invite a friend to listen, as well.


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Inside the Muslim World

Is the gospel able to penetrate the world of Islam? Do you ever wonder what’s really happening in the Muslim world—especially in the Middle East? Todd Nettleton was just there. This week on The Land and the Book, he shares firsthand accounts. You’ll hear true stories of Muslims turning to Christ—against all odds. Stories that encourage you—and motivate you to pray—that’s this week’s edition of The Land and the Book.


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Esther - Becoming a Girl of Purpose

What’s YOUR unique purpose? You weren’t born with an instruction tag. But if you’re a Christian, the Bible offers an entire BOOK of instructions. And there’s no better place to understand your calling than by studying the life of Esther—who lived out her purpose very well. Special guest Dannah Gresh has an encouraging word for you when you join us this week for The Land and the Book. Plus…all the news you need to know from the Middle East…on The Land and the Book.


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Protecting Marriage—in the Bible—and at Home

We say I do…and live happily ever after, right? Isn’t that how marriage works? Actually, best-selling author Jerry Jenkins says we need to build hedges around our marriages. We’ll see examples in Bible times—and our times—this week on The Land and the Book. Plus, Charlie Dyer’s devotional takes us to a palm tree in the wilderness—with a message for you and me. That’s all this week on The Land and the Book! Join us!


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Delighting in God's Law

Be honest! Have you ever skipped over or given up on a book of the Bible like Numbers of Leviticus? These laws, rules, and rituals can be confusing and even daunting. Why did God include all these in the Bible? What does He want us to learn from them today? You'll be surprised at what you discover when you join us this week for The Land and the Book. We'll begin the adventure of "Delighting in God's Law" on The Land and the Book.


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The War’s Impact on Palestinian Believers

As believers, we were horrified when Hamas attacked Israel last October. But the events that followed also had an enormous impact on Palestinian believers in the Gaza Strip. Tom Doyle has been there many times. This week on The Land and the Book, he brings us the stories of brothers and sisters who are dealing with the fallout. These are stories we need to hear, so don't miss this week's edition of The Land and the Book.


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The Characters of Creation

This week on The Land and the Book, you’ll meet the Characters of Creation: Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel…the serpent…and more. We’ll ask questions like—why didn’t God keep the serpent out of the Garden? Were Adam and Eve to blame for Cain’s failure? Plus, Charlie Dyer’s devotional will help you understand the Jewish festival known as Sukkot (Sue-COAT). It’s a lively conversation—this week on The Land and the Book.


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Fly Through the Bible

When you're several thousand feet up in the air, you get a perspective on the lay of the land you just don't see when you're on the ground. But what if I told you the same thing is true of how we look at Scripture? This week on The Land and the Book, special guest—Colin Smith—shows us how and why the view from above is majestic. Plus, we'll look at your latest Bible questions and bring you the top stories from the Middle East. Enjoy an unusual flight when you join us for The Land and the Book.
