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Heavy Petting with Wayne Resnick

iHeart Podcast Network

Wayne Resnick's popular segment from his former KFI weekend show gets resurrected! Every week or so you'll be able to enjoy heartwarming animal stories that don't end with vivisection or some horrible pet death. Animals in the news... but not in an upsetting way. Hosted by Wayne & Clay. New Episodes more or less weekly. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


United States


Wayne Resnick's popular segment from his former KFI weekend show gets resurrected! Every week or so you'll be able to enjoy heartwarming animal stories that don't end with vivisection or some horrible pet death. Animals in the news... but not in an upsetting way. Hosted by Wayne & Clay. New Episodes more or less weekly. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com



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Heavy Petting SUMMER SHORTY - Nappin' Octopi

Wayne's still on vacation... so just a short one today. About sleeping octopuses. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Wayne's on vacation... so just a short one today. About teeth. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Japanese Fighting Worms and Feeding Animal Babies

In this episode, undersea worms that bang their gaping maws together to make an awful racket. Also, various mothers in the animal world that feed their babies in ways you might not expect. Well, you WON'T expect it. It's gross. If you DID expect it, you're gross, too. Weirdo. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Talking Animals Talking to Other Animals

In this episode, goats can interpret each other's bleats. Also, pandas and chickadees can talk to one another. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Mosquito Attracting Skin Bacteria and Shark Bites.

In this episode, mosquitoes MAY be confused if you have complicated skin bacteria. Also, you're not gonna get bitten by a shark. Relax, already. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Brain-Syncing Bats and Cicada/Secada

In this episode, bats & mice are literally on the same wavelength with one another when having social interactions. Also, cicadas under the influence of hallucinogenic fungus... getting jiggy 'til they 'splode. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Monkey Music and Bee Maths

In this episode, monkeys don't hear the way we hear. They hear like monkeys. They have monkey hearing. All this is explained. Don't worry about it. Also, bees can be taught to count. Something to consider the next time you have a free afternoon with nothing to do. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Three Elephant Facts and Two Elephant Lies

In this episode, a few fun stories 'bout pachyderms! Elephants can control the force imparted by their trunks with extreme surgical precision. More than ever thought before! Also... elephants can measure the VOLUME of tasty snacktreats by merely smelling them! Fair warning. This show also contains a few lies about elephants, and an old story about Wayne's acting class. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Heavy Petting Mini-sode - The Poison Toads

A cautionary tale about misidentifying and washing one's hands after handling Bufo americanus younglings. Just a short show this week. regular programming resumes next week. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Cow Naps and Glowing Bones

Imagine a sleeping cow. Is it laying down? On it's side? WRONG! YOU ARE WRONG! Today, we learn about how cows sleep, and why they sleep how they do. Also spooky glowing frog skeletons. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Humans are the worst, DOGS are the best.

In this episode, lil' super doggo Ping Pong rescues baby from certain death. Also, Edgar the coonhound saves family from a crazy psycho kidnapping nut-job. We also listen to Wayne patting his kitty on the haunch. Which goes on for an uncomfortable period of time. So be warned. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Dogs smile. I don't want to argue about it.

In this episode, Wayne attempts to use big science words and misdirection to trick you into thinking that dogs don't actually smile at you. He is wrong, and will be exposed for the fraud that he is. He has "scientific" studies, examples and whatnot. But do not be fooled. Dogs CAN and DO smile. WHOSAGOODBOY?!?!? HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Müllerian Mimicry and Zebra Finch House Hunting

In this episode, how variations in coloration help creatures warn others that they are packing heat, and will not hesitate to pop a cap if you step up to start something. Also, how zebra finches decide where to make baby zebra finches... based on some unexpected criteria. And Wayne learns how to say synesthesia. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Pet Name Recognition and Shaming Human Babies

Do your pet dogs or cats REALLY know their name when they hear it? Or are they just responding to the sounds that greasy skin ape makes before they get their food? And if they DO know their names, which is BETTER at recognizing it? Cats? Dogs? What about humans? Baby humans? And why is DARPA monitoring this show? What are they looking to find? So many questions. Some will be answered on THIS SHOW! CAPSLOCK! HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Baby T-Rex Skeleton For Sale

Where do discriminating shoppers go when looking to find quality baby Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton fossils at low, low discount prices? eBay, of course. And what if scientists want to study said fossil, after the eccentric recluse millionaire who buys it decides he doesn't want to share? What then? HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Retired Bomb Dogs and Rodent Bathroom Facilities

In this episode, we expose the dark forces hiding in the shadows, controlling the news media. Also, a retirement home for former bomb-sniffing dogs... And a shocking discovery that shows mice and other small rodents would prefer their own private bathroom, instead of going where they eat and sleep. This was a scientific study. A paid-for scientific study. Someone paid to find out mice don't like to sleep in their own dookie. We got into the wrong line of work. Seriously. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Scuba Diving Beetles and Action Hero Doggo

In this episode, the mystery surrounding deep-diving underwater beetles EXPOSED! (Or is it?) Also, a tiny pupper dog saves his entire family from certain fiery death aboard a doomed exploding pleasure boat ride. And Wayne brags about his viral tweet he stole from someone else. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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'lectric Bees and Cloning Canines

In this episode, how the hell to bees find flowers? In a flower pot? Two stories up? IN AN APARTMENT HIGH RISE?!?!? Also, clicking Copy+Paste on a really good Police dog is a great way to get a bunch of really good Police dogs. Lastly, a cautionary tale from Wayne on the dangers of side-by-side freezer/fridge combos and cat ownership. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Dramatic Tales of Canine Super-Sensory Rescues

In this episode, hero doggo saves a poor helpless woman from certain death... while her dumb adult son watched TV, oblivious to her plight. Also, a major discovery in the detection of Epileptic seizures. Wouldn't you know it? Some dogs can SMELL THEM COMING! It there ANYTHING dogs can't smell? All this, and more* on today's exciting episode of Heavy Petting. *- by "more", we mean silly unrelated tangents. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com


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Pupper Wants Walkies and Sleep-Deprived Swifts

On today's episode, a hero dog wants walkies SO BAD... he goes as far as to teach his human to WALK AGAIN in order to get what he desires. Also, we learn about sleep patterns of insects and birds. And how some scientists might be making stuff up in order to get us to talk about their unrealistic findings on our show. Now, in an effort to fulfill our podcast description obligations (and possibly boost our overseas SEO ranking), here is that same podcast description badly cyber-translated into French. Dans l'épisode d'aujourd'hui, un chien héros veut des walkies SO BAD ... il va même jusqu'à enseigner son humain à marcher de nouveau pour obtenir ce qu'il désire. En outre, nous en apprenons sur les habitudes de sommeil des insectes et des oiseaux. Et comment certains scientifiques pourraient inventer des choses afin de nous faire parler de leurs conclusions irréalistes lors de notre émission. And now, that French translation into Zulu.... Esiqhingini samanje, inja yeqhawe idinga ama-walki angu-SO BAD ... uya ngisho nokufundisa umuntu ukuthi ahambe futhi ukuze athole lokho akufunayo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, sifunda ngemikhuba yokulala yezinambuzane nezinyoni. Futhi ukuthi abanye ososayensi bangasungula kanjani izinto ukuze sikhulume ngeziphetho zabo ezingenangqondo embukisweni wethu. And... back into English again. On the present island, a brave dog needs SO BAD-walki ... you can even teach someone to go again to get what they want. Additionally, we learn about insect bedding and birds. And how some scientists can create things to talk about their unintentional conclusions in our show. HeavyPettingPodcast@gmail.com
