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The What Cast


An independent little podcast where we discuss bizarre, strange and supernatural stories, old and new. Cryptozoology, OOPARTS, UFOs and more. WE SAY BAD WORDS


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An independent little podcast where we discuss bizarre, strange and supernatural stories, old and new. Cryptozoology, OOPARTS, UFOs and more. WE SAY BAD WORDS





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The What Cast #485 - The Bennington Triangle and Odd Budget Cuts

Over the past few years, it has seemed like we may be heading toward some sort of official disclosure. UAPs and the talk of alien bodies have moved away from the fringe to getting mainstream coverage. Is it strange, then, that we are seeing history budget cuts to the FAA as well as budget cuts for National Parks Service? Are these “Budget cuts” an attempt to cover-up possible evidence or witnesses to paranormal activity? This week we discuss the Federal budget cuts and put on our Alex Jones masks to wildly speculate about the true purpose of these cuts. We also get into discussion about the Bennington triangle disappearances, and Bigfoot is still a fairy ghost alien. thanks for listening!


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The What Cast #484 - Black Hounds

Ya know, its something we should have covered years ago. Luckily, Mike has gather a bunch of cool info on the phenomena of Black Hounds. Are they bringers of death? Are they protectors? Are they are paranormal cab service for drunks? Find out! Thanks for listening!


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The What Cast #483 - Eating Cryptids

You ever go to one of those Sportsman shows were there are animal heads on the walls and all sorts of weird meat and jerky to sample? What if there was a secret, deep underground convention for only the most extreme hunters and food connoisseurs? The convention is filled with patrons with only the most sophisticated pallets, adventurous appetites, or sub-par IQs; those who are no longer satisfied with a meager burger, or average steak. I’m referring to a very specific group of individuals. I’m referring to The Cryptid Eaters. This week we take a look at people that have allegedly dined on the flesh of the most mysterious beasts this world has to offer. Would you taste of the meat of the mighty Mokele Mbembe? Are you brave enough to snake on the cooked leg of the dreaded J’ba Fofi? In these circles, it’s eat or be eaten. Which side will you be on? thank you for listening!


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The What Cast #482 - The Scole Experiments

In 1993, a group of paranormal researchers set out to conduct a 5 year experiment to find definitive, reproducible evidence of life after death. They did. But they didn’t make contact with ghosts alone……


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The What Cast #481 - The Levelland UFO: Drones in 1957?

This week we dug into the bag of old Blue Book cases and dug out an oldie but a goodie. With some of the more outlandish drone reports that have been coming out of New Jersey, we noticed that there were some similarities to things that happened in Levelland, Texas in 1957. Is it possible that the Levelland events were a test run for what we are seeing in NJ? Who, or WHAT is behind this nonsense? thanks for listening!


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The Quick And The Weird: Santa Sightings?

Have a great holiday if you observe! Have a free epiosde of The Quick And The Quick And The Weird! Faind other episodes at BE SAFE


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The What Cast #480 - Droneagedon

By this point, unless you're living under a rock, you should be aware of the drone situation in New Jersey. A fleet of unidentified aerial vehicles have been reported in the skies over New Jersey for weeks, and it seems that now there are similar reports popping up in various areas all over the country. Just what the Hell is going on? Is it a foreign adversary? US Military operations? Aliens? Hollow Earth Deros? This week, Mike and Mateo made their first attempt at recording a show with a live audience commenting and asking questions. thanks for listening!


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The What Cast #479 - The Mince Pie Martians

Thanks for listening!!!! Stay safe NJ!


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The What Cast #478 - The Sudbrink Calls

Hey Everyone! Think we would leave you in a turky coma all alone. Pffft. Join us as we go over the Sudbrink Calls. A series of call made to a man named Geary Sudbrink. A man. an excitable man. And his dad. An excitable dad. And mom. And uncle......


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The What Cast #477 - The Manhattan Abduction

Hey folks! We are back with a look at the Netflix mini series The Manhattan Abduction. A case that has slipped past us all these years.A story told from 2 perspectives: The abductee and the investigator turned skeptic.With law suits flying around, go watch it while you still can!thanks for listening!! www, join our patreon for add free episodes! www,


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The What Cast #476 - Sinkhole Sam

Hey everyone!This week we introduce a new Patreon tier to help fight all the adds that are required for podcasts, talk about more spooky stuff that's been happening at Mateo's place and lastly Sinkhole Sam, Kansas's legendary smiling monster.Thanks for listening!


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The What Cast# 475 - The Ghost Hunting Ghost

You know how in most cop movies, there are always 2 partners that go out an get involved in shenanigans, and solve crimes? What if that sort of thing happened in paranormal investigations? Maybe instead of 2 humans, you get 1 human and his spirit partner. Well, folks, apparently that is an actuality. For those that missed it, Netflix has been running new episodes of Unsolved Mysteries for 5 seasons now. The latest was just released a few weeks ago, and one of the episodes centers on a gentleman named Dom and his spirit partner “Becky”. We decided to focus on this episode, in particular, and discuss the tests that Dom had to undergo to prove that “Becky” was real, and whether or not “Becky” is what she claims to be. for add free episodes, monthly hang outs, art prints and The Sticker Club! thank you for listening!


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The What Cast #474 - The Calvine UFO Photograph

This week we take a look at the somewhat newly declassified Clavine UFO Photo. The level of scrutiny this photo has gone through is astounding. Join us as Mike gives us the full run down on this fantastic photo and its history!


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TQATW: We are getting a 2nd Moon

Hey folks! We just wanted to give you all a sample of what we do on our Patreon so we made this one avalible to everyone. Thanks for listening and all the support! Thanks for listening!


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The What Cast #473 - The Paranormal: Then and Now

We’ve been at this thing for over 11 years. Absolutely bonkers, isn’t it? We’ve come a long way in that time, both from a quality standpoint, as well as the evolution of our beliefs in the paranormal. Today, we decided to take a look back on where we started and have a little chat about how our beliefs have changed over the years, and what markers lead us down that road. thanks for listening!


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The What Cast #472 - The Conspiracy Theory Episode

Hey everyone! Happy Friday! Join us as we talk about something we kinda tried to avoid. Conspiracy theories. Just for a laugh we sat down and discussed 3 conspiracy theories: one we think are total BS. One we believe is absolutely real and one that we have come up with ourselves that we totally believe to be true. Join us flat earthers! We dare you not to piss your pants in rage! thank you for listening! Be safe!


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The What Cast #471 - Mothman: Alive and Well

This mothman guy…He just won’t go away, and apparently has a penchant for travel. We’ve talked about the OG Mothman so many times, but we’ve also discussed the more recent Lake Michigan mothman sightings. Is this the same creature? How did Mothman travel from West Virginia to Chicago and is it a shapeshifter? This week we take a look at the last episode of the latest season of Unsolved Mysteries and discuss the Chicago Mothman, as well as other flying humanoid sightings. Seriously though, is Mothman a shapeshifter? I NEED TO KNOW!


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The What Cast Presents: Nerd Alert - Convention Edition: Galaxycon San Jose/Si-Fi Horror Fest NY

Hey there guys. Last week was a pretty eventful week for the Dastardly Duo. Mateo was able to hit up a comic book convention in his neck of the woods. Meanwhile…across the continent, Mike was attending a Sci-Fi Horror convention. Lots of doings a-transpirin’! Since we both had great experiences, we though we’d share them with you in our double length convention extravaganza! Don’t worry, we’ll get back to the weird stories about ass goblins and moon fairies next week. thanks for listening!!! Sorry for all the adds. Longer shows = more adds if interested, head to for add free episodes, bonus episodes, monthly hang outs and more


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The What Cast #470 - Little Aliens

The 60’s were a wild time, or so I’ve heard. In addition to the obvious hippie/Vietnam stuff, we also get some of the best alien encounter stories. This week we discussed a pair of encounters from 1967 involving strange beings that were small in stature, but not your classic grays or “little green men”. thanks for listening!


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The What Cast #469 - A Glitch and A Time Traveler Attack

Hey. You guys ever heard of a little band called R.E.M.? They had a song that came out in the 90’s called What’s the Frequency Kenneth. Not many people know the story behind the song’s title and even fewer are aware of the strange turn this story took after the song was recorded. Kenneth, what is the frequency?
