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Spiritually Hungry


Don’t miss this thought-provoking podcast series with authors Monica and Michael Berg. Together, they’ll answer your most pressing questions, offering sage advice for the modern world. Self-proclaimed Change Junkie, Monica Berg is an author and teacher who lectures internationally. Michael Berg is a rabbi and Aramaic scholar who has published almost 20 books on the teachings of Kabbalah. This husband and wife team has been sharing kabbalistic wisdom and relationship expertise with students for decades. Join them for a down-to-earth conversation about the big life questions that spark your curiosity the most.


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Don’t miss this thought-provoking podcast series with authors Monica and Michael Berg. Together, they’ll answer your most pressing questions, offering sage advice for the modern world. Self-proclaimed Change Junkie, Monica Berg is an author and teacher who lectures internationally. Michael Berg is a rabbi and Aramaic scholar who has published almost 20 books on the teachings of Kabbalah. This husband and wife team has been sharing kabbalistic wisdom and relationship expertise with students for decades. Join them for a down-to-earth conversation about the big life questions that spark your curiosity the most.



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206. The Cost of Ego: How It Steals Your Peace and Purpose

We are in this world to grow and evolve—but real growth only happens when we’re willing to confront where we’re wrong. The problem? Our ego is always working against us, convincing us that we’re right, keeping us stuck in old patterns, and stealing the energy we need to fulfill our purpose. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry Podcast, we explore the many ways ego shows up in our lives: how it fuels anxiety, distorts our perceptions, and blocks our true potential. Further Reading: Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me) by Elliot Aronson


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What happens when you completely disagree with someone’s beliefs but still choose to show them human dignity? In this episode of Spiritually Hungry we talk to Matthew Stevenson, a Jewish student who invited Derek Black, once a rising leader in the white nationalist movement, to his weekly Shabbat dinners. Instead of debating or condemning Derek, Matthew offered connection—an approach that, over time, played a crucial role in Derek questioning and ultimately rejecting white nationalism. Tune in to hear how a simple act of compassion helped transform a life. Further Reading: Rising Out of Hatred by Eli Saslow


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204. Tension to Transformation: The Spiritual Power of Hard Conversations

Our egos can cloud the value of our relationships, creating disconnection and shielding us from vulnerability. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry Podcast, we delve deeper into the topic of difficult conversations. Explore how conflict and differences between partners aren’t a flaw but a gift. Even when relationships end, there’s wisdom to be gained. Tune in to uncover how friction can foster growth and deepen our connections.


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203. The Key to the Most Fulfilling Relationships: The Power of Deep Connection

Hard conversations are inevitable, but they don’t have to be destructive. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry Podcast, we explore how to navigate difficult discussions without letting the ego take over. By choosing transformation over reactivity, we can turn conflict into connection. Tune in to learn how spiritual work can help you embrace tough conversations and move forward with wisdom and purpose.


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202. Silencing Self-Doubt: Turning Inner Criticism into Confidence

As we wrap up the first month of the year, we can feel the weight of self-doubt creep in. The excitement and determination of New Year’s resolutions may fade and be replaced by questions like, Can I really do this? In this episode of Spiritually Hungry Podcast, we dive into the roots of self-doubt, why it happens, and how to transform it into a tool for growth. Join us as we explore strategies to reframe the voice of your inner critic and move forward with confidence and resilience.


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201. Turning Darkness Into Light: The Blessing of Life's Challenges

How do we find certainty in times of difficulty and great strife? It is not easy to trust the process, especially in challenging and dark times. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry Podcast, we talk about struggle as a vehicle for personal transformation and blessings in our lives. Join us as we discuss how to embrace the gift of darkness.


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200. Grief as a Teacher with Grant Garry

One of the hardest parts of grief is finding something beautiful within the loss. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry Podcast, Grant Garry opens up about his transformative journey through grief and what led him to create a documentary about the experience of loss—Meet Me Where I Am. Join us for a heartfelt conversation about how the pain of grief can be a powerful teacher guiding us toward deeper joy. Further Resources: Meet Me Where I Am (Documentary) The Where Am I Podcast


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199. Supercharge This Year: How to Overcome Your Struggles & Win the Battles

If your spiritual practice feels stagnant, it’s time to create change. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry Podcast, we explore how breaking free from the familiar can reignite your spiritual practice and inspire meaningful growth. Join us as we share tools for embracing discomfort, trying something new, and strengthening your spiritual connection in the New Year.


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198. I See Dead People: Tools for Deeper Intuition with Laura Lynne Jackson

Have you ever had a deep knowing or a sense of what was to come without any logical reason? In this episode of Spiritually Hungry Podcast, psychic medium, Laura Lynne Jackson, explains that we each have the ability to download truth from the Universe. Join us as Laura shares her profound insights on connecting with the Other Side, tapping into intuition, and embracing our higher selves. Further Readings: The Light Between Us by Laura Lynne Jackson


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197. How This Year Will Be the Best One Yet: 3 Tools for Change

As we approach the New Year, we often take time to reflect on the events of the past 12 months. This is an opportunity for self-inventory, so we can realign our lives to our core values. Join us for a holiday mini-episode of Spiritually Hungry Podcast as we discuss end-of-year reflections and tools for connecting more meaningfully to our life’s purpose.


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196. Raising Good Humans: 3 Ways to Mindfully Parent with Hunter Clarke-Fields

Parenting is full of big feelings—for kids and grown-ups—which makes the job of raising good humans tricky to navigate. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry Podcast, we talk to author Hunter Clarke-Fields about how to parent more mindfully and ultimately raise good humans. Further Readings: Raising Good Humans by Hunter Clarke-Fields Raising Good Humans Every Day by Hunter Clarke-Fields


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195. Everyone is a Mirror: 4 Ways the World Reflects a Path to Change

Every day, life reflects the areas that require spiritual transformation. It’s our job to recognize these and understand that everything we experience is meant to teach us and help us become the person we are meant to become. Join us in this episode of Spiritually Hungry as we discuss the world as our spiritual mirror for change.


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194. Anxious Nation: 3 Ways to Raise Less Anxious Kids with Laura Morton

Anxiety in American youth has been steadily increasing in the recent past, impacting families across the country. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry, we talk to writer and producer Laura Morton about what she learned about helping young people cope with anxiety while making the documentary film “Anxious Nation.”


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193. The Blessing of Family: 4 Ways to Grow Our Most Vital Relationships

The holidays can bring us together with some of the most challenging people in our lives: family. Even the most strained and difficult relationships can be a source of meaningful growth. Join us for a conversation that can help each of us enter the holiday season with appreciation.


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192. Forget Other People’s Opinions: 3 Ways to Hear Your Soul’s Voice

Our souls are speaking to us every moment of every day. But our inner voice can easily be overpowered by the desires of others. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry Podcast, join us as we uncover how to diminish the voice of others and tune into our truest selves.


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191. Deconstructing Conflict: 5 Ways to Get Closer in Relationships

Relationships can be messy. But conflict can be the gateway to deeper connection and true closeness if we know how to approach it. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry Podcast, join us for a conversation and actionable steps for long-lasting love and intimacy.


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190. Are You the Right Kind of Busy? 3 Ways to Start Filling Your Life with More Light

The kabbalists teach that we are given enough time to fulfill our purpose, but only just enough. Which means it behooves us to continuously reassess what fills our time. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry, we discuss how to focus on the kind of busyness that brings us closer to our highest potential, how to assess if we are wasting time being busy on the things that ultimately won’t fulfill us, and helpful changes we can start making towards a more positive and soul fulfilling busyness. Further Readings: Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl


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189. Super Communication with Charles Duhigg: 3 Ways to Connect Through Language

Communication is a part of our everyday lives. However, those who have excellent communication skills are the ones who truly think about both how they are communicating and how they are connecting with others. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry, join us for a conversation with author Charles Duhigg about how to become a Supercommunicator and connect more deeply with others. Further Readings: Supercommunicators by Charles Duhigg The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Smarter Faster Better by Charles Duhigg


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188. Healing Energy with Sara Eaglewoman: 3 Ways to Ignite Spiritual Growth

In our quest for spiritual transformation, we can begin to seek answers outside of our physical reality. However, tapping into deep-healing energy can be done anywhere. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry Podcast, we talk with Indigenous medicine woman and intuitive healer Sara Eaglewoman and learn how to find peace through meditation.


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187. Fear is Not an Option: 3 Ways to Live with More Certainty

Many of our fears stem from the fact that so much of life is unpredictable. In this live recorded episode of Spiritually Hungry, listen as we discuss how to choose certainty over fear and live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. “The fear that we all share is fear of the unknown. But the key here is, all of life is unknowable. It’s up to us to discover it, to create it, to make it meaningful for us. The only way you do that is by connecting to the Creator.” – Monica Berg Further Readings: Fear is Not an Option, by Monica Berg
