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Track Your Life with Boyd Varty

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Somewhere deep inside, you know what your gift, purpose, and mission are. Boyd Varty, a lion tracker and life coach, reveals how the wisdom from the ancient art of tracking can teach you how to recognize these essential ingredients in a meaningful life. Know how to navigate, don’t worry about the destination, and stay alert. These are just a few of the strategies that contribute to both successful lion tracking and a life of fulfillment. Trackers learn how to use all of their senses to read the environment and enter into a state of “greater aliveness.” When we learn to find and follow our inner tracks, we learn to see what is deeply important to us.


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Somewhere deep inside, you know what your gift, purpose, and mission are. Boyd Varty, a lion tracker and life coach, reveals how the wisdom from the ancient art of tracking can teach you how to recognize these essential ingredients in a meaningful life. Know how to navigate, don’t worry about the destination, and stay alert. These are just a few of the strategies that contribute to both successful lion tracking and a life of fulfillment. Trackers learn how to use all of their senses to read the environment and enter into a state of “greater aliveness.” When we learn to find and follow our inner tracks, we learn to see what is deeply important to us.



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Roadtrip Edition | Story Hunter Part 1

Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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The Kalahari lion

Tracking the Kalahari lion is an intense experience of extreme endurance, grit and absolute commitment. Few environments cultivate extreme mindfulness like the desert. There is no margin for error here and I consider my own fragility. If you don’t yet know what that track is in your own life, you must discover it. In this final episode, I share some thoughts from what I have learnt, to help you on your path of discovery. Mentioned in this episode: The San people is the broad term for the name of many clans that make up the Bushmen. I will refer to the people I met with the term Bushmen because that is how they asked me to refer to them. Timestamps 1:55: Kalahari tracking 3:45: Fragility in the wild 6:05: A lesson in commitment Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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The Great Dance

There is a beautiful feeling to driving into the middle of nowhere, and frankly anywhere west of Hukunsi is the middle of nowhere. The land is vast and empty. White desert sand, tall camel thorn trees, rolling plains of dry grass, that just goes on and on and on. The temperature gauge on the vehicle gives a casual outside reading of 46 degrees at three in the afternoon. We bump along dirt roads into a wildlife concession roughly the size of Switzerland that not a single tourist visits. This land is not even game reserve, it's simply the Botswanan wild lands. Mentioned in this episode: The San people is the broad term for the name of many clans that make up the Bushmen. I will refer to the people I met with the term Bushmen because that is how they asked me to refer to them. Learn more about the work of Kalahari Research and Conservation Botswana ( Timestamps 3.57: Bushmen culture and lifestyle 5.33: The persistence hunt 11.12 - A remembering 13.51 Coming out of the portal Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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In this episode we embark on what feels like a masterclass in desert tracking. The first light of dawn hadn't yet cracked the horizon when I found myself breathless, feet sinking into the sands of the Kalahari, trying to match the pace of Kecao, Hamku, and Tamai, on the tracks of a cheetah. In this story, experience the rush of the intense pursuit, unmatched tracking skills and exhilarating enthusiasm. The vast landscape challenges every ounce of our stamina while we learn the language of the land. We sit in ceremony around the campfire - and learn about the cultural skills and knowledge that are still preserved. Mentioned in this episode: The San people is the broad term for the name of many clans that make up the Bushmen. I will refer to the people I met with the term Bushmen because that is how they asked me to refer to them. Timestamps 1.22 On the tracks of a cheetah 7.44 Music, dancing and games 09:27 A prophetic story about a plane crash in the Kalahari Resources: **Online Courses: -Become a Story Hunter - Enroll in the online course. Uncover the track of your life through Boyd's online guided retreat - Track Your Life ( *Discover Boyd's books: ( * - The Lion Tracker's Guide to Life - Cathedral of the Wild Experience Africa. Immerse your senses and awaken your spirit on a Londolozi Safari ( *Join the community: * Follow the journey - hit subscribe to Track your Life and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s mailing list ( Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more


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The road South

We have begun our journey South. In Ghanzi we are warmly greeted by Anneli, who is a descendant of the Dorsland Trekkers, and can be described as the salt of the earth. She shares her knowledge with all the complexities and nuances that only a local can offer and offers a small window of insight into the complex interactions between traditional and modern ways of life in the Kalahari. I'm quickly learning that in this profoundly complicated world,, we often miss the multiple layers and complexity inside of every issue. Our first interactions with the Bushmen people are authentic - real and warm. I feel their energy and, as a tracker, I'm touched by the quality of wilderness literacy I'm seeing. They are deeply mindful about every way they interact with nature. It feels like we are in a time machine. Mentioned in this episode: The San people is the broad term for the name of many clans that make up the Bushmen. I will refer to the people I met with the term Bushmen because that is how they asked me to refer to them. Timestamps (00:47- The Dorsland Trackers (02.13 - Anneline from Ghanzi (06:12 - Meeting and gathering with the Bushmen Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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Last night in the Delta

Is there something you know that lights you on fire, that somehow you keep falling asleep to? I am reminded that the wild has my heart. I reflect on how my work is, in some ways, to inhabit and remember wildness, in an ever more domestic world. I must not forget this secret art of my life - to be in tune with wilderness. Our organic plans to meet with the Bushmen people are coming together. I am ready and excited to learn from the Bushmen people - who are renowned trackers and people of the land. Mentioned in this episode: The San people is the broad term for the name of many clans that make up the Bushmen. I will refer to the people I met with the term Bushmen because that is how they asked me to refer to them. Timestamps (05:22 - - 06:08) The intersection of energy of the trackers and the energy of the Shaman Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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At sunrise, we cut the tracks of a male lion. This episode follows our pursuit of this majestic animal through wild and dangerous terrain. Deep down, I feel my own hunter - a desire to compete and survive. I feel a million-year-old drive to find what I'm tracking. I feel how in the wild, there is no margin for error. A mistake out here can mean instant death. And this proximity to real death is paradoxically full of life. There is an intimacy to tracking. To walk in an animal's footsteps all day is to know that animal on a different level. And the beginning of a transformation and a deeper understanding of our own agency in the world. Tracking takes us on a journey of mastery and perseverance that challenges us to question the crafting of our experiences in the pursuit of what it means to truly be alive. Mentioned in this episode: The San people is the broad term for the name of many clans that make up the Bushmen. I will refer to the people I met with the term Bushmen because that is how they asked me to refer to them. Timestamps (02:24) The alertness to lion tracking 3.37 - Archetypal energies of tracking 08.58 - Different worlds 10.22 - Finding the lions Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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Power of the pack

Our first morning of tracking in the Delta starts early - following the tracks of a lonely hyena track with lacklustre enthusiasm. Suddenly, our morning takes an exhilarating turn and the energy of the group shifts, as we find ourselves on the trail of a pack of Wild Dogs - also known as African Wolves, or Painted Wolves. In most places, we wouldn’t bother following the tracks of wild dogs as the ground they cover is too vast. But here, in the Delta we have no boundaries or time constraint. We feel the vitality and the movement of the wild dogs and we begin to move as a pack. The hours pass and we follow onwards into a massive wilderness. We are interacting with the wild like few people can. The wild has started to shape us. Mentioned in this episode: The San people is the broad term for the name of many clans that make up the Bushmen. I will refer to the people I met with the term Bushmen because that is how they asked me to refer to them. Timestamps 1.34 - On the track of Wild Dogs 09.22 - Losing the track 12.35 - We will always remember this track Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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Into the Delta

The Okavango Delta is an incredible natural phenomenon that can be seen from space. When we land in Maune, we meet up with two fellow trackers, and graduates of the Tracker Academy, Otto James and Innocent Ngwenya. Personally, there is something very satisfying as a tracker to meeting up with other elite trackers on the edge of a massive wilderness. I couldn't be more excited. There is a feeling of adventure in the air. Before we head south to meet with the Bushman, we visit a leopard habituation programme, pioneered by the Tracker Academy. What has been achieved with the leopard habituation programme is remarkable and has had a profound impact on conservation. We drive north from Maun over dusty wild roads into the Delta. It's a vast and beautiful wilderness. It's hard to describe, but it feels like the deeper we go into the wild, the more at home we feel. Mentioned in this episode: The San people is the broad term for the name of many clans that make up the Bushmen. I will refer to the people I met with the term Bushmen because that is how they asked me to refer to them. Leopard Habituation Habituation is when a tracker spends months and months tracking a leopard, slowly building a relationship of trust with that animal. It's important to stress that habituation is not taming. The animal remains as wild as ever. The process starts by finding the animal on foot using tracking over time, you show it you mean it no harm. Eventually the animal becomes calmer, and relaxed enough through the constant presence of trustworthy humans, to allow itself to be seen. The result of having wild leopards that allow themselves to be seen is almost impossible for a game reserve to quantify. If the habituation process is successful, suddenly whole reserves (wild areas where animals are being protected) become viable. Tourists come from everywhere to see the leopard, one of the world’s most elusive animals. This results in not only the ultimate protection of the land, but also the development of a local economy. Habituation is about rebuilding the relationship between humanity and nature. Learn more here. ( -- Tracker Academy ( was established to preserve the indigenous knowledge of wildlife tracking. Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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Simplicity is abundance

Imagine a time when nature was our storehouse. When we knew how to share and to simply be. We knew we didn’t need much for our expedition to the Kalahari. For the Bushmen people, food surpluses are not prominent, as the environment itself acts as a storehouse - imagine a sense of deep psychological abundance and knowing you will always be provided for. Simplicity is abundance and the desert calls for a beautiful simplicity. I always know when I'm in an important experience because the experience itself starts to constellate new thought processes. I start to daydream about how to ignite the collective psychological abundance in our culture. What can we do to instill a sense of abundance in people? I don’t know what we will find on our expedition - but I am excited about simplicity. I hope with the Bushmen people, I can touch an older way of life that might teach me how to live in this one. Mentioned in this episode: The San people is the broad term for the name of many clans that make up the Bushmen. I will refer to the people I met with the term Bushmen because that is how they asked me to refer to them. -- Boyd makes reference to the book Boiling Energy, by Richard Katz ( Timestamps (4.26) - Learning about the life of the Bushmen people (6.14) - Modern life structures (7.41) - Simplicity in the desert Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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The expedition begins

The expedition begins with Alex van den Heever - close friend, seasoned wildlife tracker and founder of the Tracker Academy. We want to understand how closely the Bushmen people are still living in tune with nature. We want to find out what skills have been lost and what still survive. We want to understand whether the ancient hunting skills associated with the art of tracking are still being taught. To explore this place at the intersection of nature and the human psyche, is my deepest calling. To be with the Bushmen people, is to go back through time to where this intersection is closer to the surface of consciousness. We are going into a rare place in these modern times. We are going back to the wild. Mentioned in this episode: The San people is the broad term for the name of many clans that make up the Bushmen. I will refer to the people I met with the term Bushmen because that is how they asked me to refer to them. -- The Tracker Academy ( was established to preserve the indigenous knowledge of wildlife tracking. The persistence method is possibly one of the oldest forms of hunting, practiced long before the invention of bows and arrows, and the domestication of dogs. It is also known as the great dance, and together with the art of tracking, it has evolved into more sophisticated levels that are still practised today, by modern hunter-gatherers, in some parts of the world. Timestamps (0.44) Alex van Heerden, Renias Mhlongo and the Tracker Academy (9.23) Preparing for the Kalahari Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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A story apart

A good story will set you apart in almost any setting. When I was working as a safari guide, I would notice that a story could always shift the group's energetic momentum towards you, which is important when you are guiding. More than being a momentum shifter, a well-crafted story could, in the right moment, be profoundly transcendent. If you cultivate your capacity as a storyteller, you cultivate your life. If you are becoming a storyteller, you're working on your life as much as you're working in it. Stepping back to work on, and develop, the multiple stories that make up your life is important work. It will radically leverage your life and your impact in almost any setting. Humans are narrative creatures. This has been true since the first people told stories around the fire. When you become a master of narrative, you become a world maker. Mentioned in this episode: Visit Londolozi ( The Tracker Academy ( was established to preserve the indigenous knowledge of wildlife tracking. Connect with Andreas Sitole ( Learn more about David Rattray and Fugitives Drift ( Timestamps (5:35) David Rattray, South African Historian, and the story that set him apart (15.32) - Working on your personal story (19.57) - Andreas Sitole’s story ‘Into the Unknown’ Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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The personal collective

If you have begun the journey of becoming a Story Hunter, you have become a character who finds characters, switched on your attention, learnt to see with the right kind of eyes, become someone who can create context. You are now ready to touch the core of what makes the story elevated. I call it the personal collective. There is a strangely universal truth that the more in touch you are with your own unique personal essence, the more what you have to say becomes universally meaningful. The most private things are the most universal things. Any type of trying to be commercially successful or thinking about the end user while you work will kill an artist's freedom. Yet if you are a storyteller, you want the story to be listener friendly. I always think about how a listener could put their own story into my stories. This is not a rule but rather an orientation. Like a compass, I point personal story towards a subtextual, universal story. A story always has an archetypal core. Mentioned in this episode Londolozi - Learn more about the Tsalala pride at Londolozi - Timestamps (3.30) The Tsalala pride (06:43) Universal energies (08:42) Living with severe depression and anxiety Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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The unseen solitary path

There is a deep chasm between the making of art and the experiencing of it. When I am in that chasm - a solitary path - I know I must face the resistance in the now, knowing what it can give in the future. Are you willing to do what it takes to be creative? Art is experienced by the public, in the public. But in most cases it is created in crushing solitude. At some point, if you are to produce good work, you will need to be alone in a room for a long time. Within those days there will be beautiful flow. But mostly there will be a kind of self consciousness, at times even a self hatred, of procrastination - a dull judging solitude. It is always a profound challenge to be alone long enough to create something of quality. I certainly know this as a writer. As a Story Hunter you must have the courage to be alone enough to make your art. Timestamps (03:15) David Foster Wallace - chasm of art Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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Seek out characters to become one

As a Story Hunter, I have found that remote places are often the natural habitat of wild characters. Finding characters in life is becoming harder, as life becomes more homogenized. Characters almost always have found their own uniqueness and a path to express it. They seem to fit what they’re doing - they know what lights them up. They know what they have to offer. And almost always, they know how to live in a way that is unique to them. Characters almost always have a different worldview, and they are often world class in an unusual field. When you spend time with a character who has mastered a state, your own sense of what is truly possible is expanded. Characters help you imagine a world of possibility for yourself. Timestamps (5:40) Losing an arm to a crocodile (8.10) Discovering your personal uniqueness (11.25) Good reason to find characters Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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Nothing bad ever happened to a Story Hunter

Being lost is part of being found. In this episode, I share my experience of being lost, tracking lions with group of guests on a Track Your Life retreat. Stories are layered with meaning. Meaning is almost always a constellation of thoughts and beliefs that weave into a story - and retreat participants were pulled into an unfolding co-created story, making meaning out of the experience. They had learnt a basic universal lesson: there is always something unfolding as it should. I learnt a lot during those few hours of being lost. In particular, I had learnt that nothing bad ever happened to a storyhunter. Mentioned in this episode -The Track your Life Retreat is an extraordinary experience of self discovery. Find out more: - Learn more about Londolozi ( Timestamps (02:06) Lost in lion country (08:54) Making meaning of stories (12:23) Run in the wild Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Visit Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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Stories are attention

If the truth is stranger than fiction, then the art of storytelling is not to make something up, but rather to really see what is there. Reality, if you look close enough, is almost always hilarious. Storytelling is about providing context and meaning. It's a discipline of attention, a way of helping others understand the world around them. Mentioned in this episode Listen to Boyd’s epic account of 40 days and 40 nights spent alone in a treehouse in the wild eastern part of South Africa. Learn more about Londolozi ( Timestamps (02:04) Barry, the Buffalo (08:00) Safari storytelling tradition Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( and X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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Be someone stories happen around

If you are to become a storyhunter you must live stories. You must find a way to say yes to life beyond the known. Seek out people and places that resonate with things you're naturally curious about. Curiosity will pull you into unknown circles. If you can be in those spaces, adventures will emerge. Make friends with people who will pull your life into stories. Say yes to something you normally wouldn’t. There is a story across town, if you can learn to say yes to life. Timestamps (02:32) The Rift Valley (3.32) Buying motorbikes in Kampala (8.57) Jesse Isla - Time is undefeated Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa. Visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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How it started

A person who can tell a story is gifted with the ability to help people understand and feel. A truly brilliant storyteller is structuring awareness - they are an instrument for meaning. This is why storytelling - an ancient shamanic art - is magic. This podcast series emerged out of a time when I had retreated back into the wild african bushveld, after three years of almost endless travel. I wanted to disappear for a while. I have come to think of anonymity as one of life’s deepest gifts. Almost instinctively, after a period of time, I found myself chasing stories again. This is how I became a Story Hunter. Timestamps (3:34) Martha Beck: Creative people bounce (06:48) Going back to the wild Mentioned in this episode: The San people is the broad term for the name of many clans that make up the Bushmen. I will refer to the people I met with the term Bushmen because that is how they asked me to refer to them. Learn more about the work of Dr Martha Beck: Resources: Online Courses: Become a Story Hunter - Sign up for the Story Hunter Online Course. ( Uncover the track of your life through the Track Your Life Online Guided Retreat. ( Discover Boyd's books: Come to Africa - visit Londolozi ( Join Boyd’s community: Follow the journey - Subscribe to the Track your Life Podcast and never miss an episode. Sign up to Boyd’s newsletter. ( Follow Boyd on Instagram ( X ( Visit Boyd's website ( for more.


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Activating the Campfire Consciousness

8/15/2021 Find the track of a more purpose driven life: Enroll in Boyd's Online Course Here:
