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Accent of Women


A program by and about women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Distributed nationally on the Community Radio Network.


Melbourne, VIC




A program by and about women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Distributed nationally on the Community Radio Network.






PO Box 1277 Collingwood Melbourne VIC AUSTRALIA 3066 +61 3 9419 8377

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Mental health within South-Asian diaspora and communities

This episode is dedicated to raising awareness around 'mental health' within South-Asian diaspora and communities. This episode features Ms Tania Biswas and has been presented by Dr Chris Mallika Bhadra on the lands of the Kulin Nation.


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Racerage Queer, Blak Radical Rapper

Racerage is a queer, Blak radical rapper; mixing dark electronic hip-hop with defiant punk energy. They collaborate with other BIPOC, queer and trans artists, to create political protest rap ... hip hop as truth telling. Racerage dropped their debut record Black Medusa in 2021; the soundtrack to a shared decolonised, queer, accessible future;On this episode of Accent of Women, we hear about their journey as a multiply marginalised artist in the local music industry, coming to culture, and their experiences with grassroots activism and harm reduction advocacy in Naarm-Melbourne.


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Pt 2: Beyond the Ceasefire - Next Steps to Liberation and Justice for Palestine

Excerpts from 29 January Webinar, hosted by APAN: Beyond the Ceasefire: Next steps to liberation and justice- Pt 2On this week's show we play excerpts from the recording of a webinar hosted by the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network which takes a critical look at the ceasefire agreement and unpacks what it means for the movement for Palestinian justice. It contextualises the movement within the broader struggle for Palestinian rights, and discusses the reality of the ceasefire for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.The speakers featured on the podcast are:Dr Lana Tatour: a Palestinian woman whose family was displaced in the 1948 Nakba, and an academic on Settler colonialism, race, and decolonization in PalestineSamah Sabawi: a Gazan Palestinian author, playwright and scholarSongsMawtini -Mohammed YoussefMystic of the Middle East- Serge Quadrado


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Pt 1 Beyond the Ceasefire - Next Steps to Liberation and Justice for Palestine

Excerpts from 29 January Webinar, hosted by APAN: Beyond the Ceasefire: Next steps to liberation and justice- Pt 1On this week's show we play excerpts from the recording of a webinar hosted by the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network which takes a critical look at the ceasefire agreement and unpacks what it means for the movement for Palestinian justice. It contextualises the movement within the broader struggle for Palestinian rights, and discusses the reality of the ceasefire for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.The speakers featured on the podcast are:Dr Lana Tatour: a Palestinian woman whose family was displaced in the 1948 Nakba, and an academic on Settler colonialism, race, and decolonization in PalestineSamah Sabawi: a Gazan Palestinian author, playwright and scholar


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Women's workplace safety in South Asia

August 2024 was a tragic month for the South-Asian diaspora as a young female medical doctor was abused and consequently lost her life at RG Kar Hospital, Kolkata, India.This episode is dedicated to women and worker safety in our workplaces and in public premises.


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Inbraza: An Unapologetically Sexy Movement

Today’s story is about the intersection between music, sexyness and politics. We’ll talk about how it is living on a visa as a creative and how music can build up a sense of radical home.


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REPEAT - Incarcerated Women & the California Fires

Back in September 2023, I broadcast a three part series called Incarcerated Women and the California Bushfires.In the current bushfires raging across California, there are more than 900 incarcerated people among the more than 7,500 personnel, fighting those fires. I thought it was a great time to revisit this really important conversation.Today I am only going to replay Part 1, but you can go to our podcast page to listen back on the other two episodes.*********************************************This conversation between activist scholars Sarah Haley and Romarilyn Ralston takes as a point of departure the firefighting labor of people imprisoned in California’s women’s prisons. The discussion considers the specific contradictions of that forced labor and meanders to cover the carceral state’s relationship to disappearance, precarity, interiority, intimacy, possibility, performance, and violence.


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The Lands of the Mithaka People

Mithaka Country is 55,425 square kilometres of beautiful red sand dunes west of Windorah and east of Birdsville, in the heart of Queensland’s Channel Country. The three major rivers that feed Lake Eyre – Cooper Creek, Eyre Creek, and the Diamantina River.Today, my guest is Trudy Gorringe, a Mithaka woman, who I had the good fortune of meeting, while I was in Windorah travelling around. Trudy and I talked about a range of topics associated with native title and First Nation’s control of traditional lands. You’ll notice quite a bit of background wind and noise. That’s because we did this interview on the sprawling lands of the Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation.


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Part 2: Why the Arab Regimes are no friends of Palestine

Most supporters of Palestine tend to view the issue in nationalist terms, as a struggle with the Palestinians and the broader Arab world on one side, and the Israeli state and its western allies on the other. Yet any serious look at the situation today, or at the history of the 20th century for that matter, shows that the Arab states have done nothing to seriously challenge Zionism or its Western backers. On Accent of Women today, we conclude our broadcast of a talk by Socialist and activist, Bella Beiraghi that explores some of this history, and explains why Arab elites are not simply unreliable allies, but are actually complicit in the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people.


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International Day of Persons with Disabilities

This week's Accent of Women hands the airwaves over to women from diverse backgrounds living with disabilities. This week's special is produced by Marisa Sposaro - a woman with a vision impairment and who is a braille user.


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Part 1: Why the Arab Regimes are no friends of Palestine

Most supporters of Palestine tend to view the issue in nationalist terms, as a struggle with the Palestinians and the broader Arab world on one side, and the Israeli state and its western allies on the other. Yet any serious look at the situation today, or at the history of the 20th century for that matter, shows that the Arab states have done nothing to seriously challenge Zionism or its Western backers. On Accent of Women today, and concluding the week after next week, I broadcast a talk by Socialist and activist, Bella Beiraghi that explores some of this history, and explains why Arab elites are not simply unreliable allies, but are actually complicit in the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people.


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Extradite Adriana Rivas!

A former Bondi nanny and cleaner accused by Chile of being a torturer and kidnapper for Pinochet’s military dictatorship in the 1970s has launched a last-ditch legal appeal to avoid extradition. Adriana Rivas, 70, has been in prison in Australia since 2019, when she was arrested on an extradition request from Chile – seeking her for trial on seven counts of aggravated kidnapping relating to the disappearance, and presumed murder, of seven members of Chile’s communist party who disappeared in 1976.Today's guest is Pilar Aguielera, co-founder of the National Campaign for truth and justice in Chile.


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The ICJ and Climate Justice

Cynthia Honihui, Solomon Islands Lawyer and President for the Pacific Islands Fighting Climate Change, presented the 4th annual Talbot Oration on World Environment Day, 5 June at the Australia Institute. Here’s the talk where Cynthia discusses her participation in the International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion Campaign for climate justice and human rights, and next steps for climate justice in the ICJ.


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Gender’ as Symbolic Glue for Right-Wing Actors in Europe

In recent years right-wing populists/extremists and right-wing Catholic as well as conservative actors have been building new alliances in several European countries around the notion of ‘gender-theory’ or ‘gender-ideology’. These groups construct ‘gender’ as a totalitarian ideology, which aims to create a new, ‘gender-less’ human, thereby attacking the institution of the family and European societies as a whole. This reading of ‘gender’, which has been developed by the Vatican from the 1990s onwards, is instrumental to forming coalitions across the right-wing political spectrum. Edma Ajonavic, Stefanie Mayer, and Birgit Sauer deliver a speech called, ‘Gender’ as Symbolic Glue for Right-Wing Actors in Europe’ at the 2nd International Marxist Feminist Conference in Vienna in 2016.


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Women's struggles in Iran and Afghanistan

There are two significant anniversaries in the Middle Eastern/West Asian region of the world worth commemorating on Accent of Women. Two years on September 16, Jina Mahsa Amini was killed by the Morality Police in Iran, sparking the Woman Life Freedom movement there. A year earlier, in August 2021, the Taliban was ushered back into power as the whole world looked on, when the United States eventually withdrew its troops.So today’s guests are Frieda Afary, Iranian American feminist activist, and Sahar Saba, from the Revolutionary Association of the women of Afghanistan.


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Chhim Sithar is Free!

Prominent union leader, Chhim Sithar, who led a high-profile strike at a Phnom Penh hotel and casino called Naga World, was released from prison on Monday 19 September. She has promised to continue leading workers who are demanding better wages and working conditions. The dispute at the NagaWorld Hotel and Entertainment Complex, one of the world’s most profitable gambling centers, began in 2021 when the company laid off more than 1,300 employees, about half of them union members.The strike has drawn a violent crackdown from police and continues to this day. Cambodian authorities have claimed that the strike is illegal and the product of alleged foreign donations. But of course, the workers disagree.My guest today is Chhim Sithar, the President of the Khmer Employees of NagaWorld.


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Sri Lanka's JVP is not a Marxist party

The JVP has just been elected in Sri Lanka, supposedly signalling a new Marxist era in Sri Lankan politics. But the JVP has a mixed history and politics – particularly its policies on minorities. On today’s program, we speak with academic, Samanthi Gunawardana to try to understand these developments in Sri Lankan politics.


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Close Unit 18 at Casuarina Prison!

On today’s Accent of Women, we look at the campaign to close Unit 18, a child detention wing inside the maximum-security Casuarina Prison near Perth in Western Australia. The campaign escalated in the wake of the tragic death of Yamatji child Cleveland Dodd in 2023 after he self-harmed while incarcerated in the facility. Earlier this month, it was revealed that another child detained at the Banksia Hill Detention Centre, also near Perth, had died by suicide. 3CR’s Priya Kunjan interviews Roxy Moore, Noongar lawyer, community organiser, activist and campaigner, and Stephanie McGuire, Ballardong and Whadjuk Noongar community organiser and activist. For listeners, I want to issue a CONTENT WARNING for today’s show. Today’s show mentions SUICIDE, SELF HARM, DISCUSSION OF ABORIGINAL DEATHS IN CUSTODY.


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Let Aid into Gaza NOW!

The Israeli government continues to impose strict restrictions on the movement of aid into Gaza. The complex bureaucratic process and changing Standard Operating Procedures result in food and medical supplies nearing expiration before entry. Meat and vegetables are frequently denied at key crossings. Gaza is the most dangerous place in the world for an aid worker – almost 300 have been killed since October 7, with many claiming some of these deaths occurred as a result of direct targeting.Hampering the provision of aid is a part of the genocidal campaign of Israel against not just Gaza but all Palestinians. And despite this, aid workers continue to fight to provide humanitarian aid to Palestinians.My guest today is Bushra Khalidi, the Occupied Territory Lead for Oxfam International, based in Ramallah.


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Revolutionary Palestinian, Leila Khaled

Revolutionary Palestinian, Leila Khaled. Special thanks to Peoples Dispatch for that audio.
