
Bucureşti, Romania




Probably the most complete FM's morning show in Romanian. Every morning, Magda Prelipceanu tour d'horizon of Romanian and international current affairs. The show is punctuated by the hour logs, telephone interventions RFI Romania correspondents at home and abroad and interviews on topics of the day. One of the most interesting markets a thorough review of international media offering at 8:20, the main topics of papers French, German, British or American. Romanian media are also important magazine or journal in partnership with Hotnews.ro economy. And the piece de resistance Cosmin Ruscior running morning program. It's about "guest" from 9 and 20, became the point of reference for all interested listeners key themes: Invitation morning is always an "actor" of timeliness, the Prime Minister of Romania's main opposition leaders and the bank executives to foreign politicians.


