
Bellflower, CA


Hosanna Chapel




16523 Bellflower Blvd. Bellflower, CA 90706 562-925-5093

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February 18th, 2015

The only thing that matters when you go before the throne of God is if you truly know who Jesus Christ is. You must have your own personal and intimate relationship with the Lord. Christ is God in the flesh, the Messiah, not just a prophet or good teacher. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one can come to the Father except by Him.


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February 17th, 2015

The Lord desires that all of His children know the truth and live in integrity. The Devil is the father of lies, so when you're weak in your integrity and lie, you're taking upon yourself the characteristics of Satan. As a vessel used by God to proclaim the truth to this world that's blinded by the Devil's lies, you must live an honest life.


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February 13th, 2015

Hosanna Chapel


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February 12th, 2015

When preaching the gospel and evangelizing, the goal is to help the unbeliever understand that they are a sinner. If they don't believe they are a sinner, then they have no need for a savior. There is coming a time when God will judge the Earth. Allow Him to use you to bring many people out of the kingdom of darkness, and into the kingdom of light.


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February 11th, 2015

Today Pastor Garry will be teaching on the evidence that points to the validity of the Bible. As you study prophecy and it's fulfillment and archaeological evidence, you can't help but see God's signature on the Bible. Whenever the Bible said something would be somewhere, Archaeologists always found it exactly where the Bible said it would be.


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February 10th, 2015

Have you ever felt like you were being sent straight into a storm? Well, that's exactly what the Lord did to His disciples. He did this for the purpose of allowing their faith to be tested. When you go through the trials of life just know that the Lord is watching, and rooting for you to pass the test.


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February 9th, 2015

The day that you received Jesus as your Lord and savior, that was the day that you forfeited your will, and took upon God's will for your life. Don't fight against what God is trying to do in and through you. He has a better plan than you could ever do for yourself. It's no longer about what you want. It's all about what Jesus wants.


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February 6th, 2015

As a Christian you're called to properly represent Jesus because you're bearing His name. The main characteristic of being a Christian is compassion. When you see someone in need, and are moved with compassion, that's the Holy Spirit inside of you, prompting to meet that person's need, and minister to them.


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February 5th, 2015

Just as Christ lived a selfless life you too are called to be selfless. Christ was always moved with compassion when He saw the multitudes that were in need, and He sent His own needs and desires aside in order to meet the needs of others. Purpose to be other centered, not self centered.


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February 4th, 2015

In this parable Pastor Garry will be teaching on the dangers of sin spreading and affecting other believers in the church. Who wants to be apart of a hypocritical and sinful church? God will chastise His children in order to keep His church pure, and also to help His children grow in godliness and holiness.


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February 2nd, 2015

In the end times there will be wheat and tares in the field which represents genuine believers and fake believers in the church. The Lord will bring final judgement on who is a genuine believer and who is not, but you will still have the responsibility of preaching the gospel and spreading that seed.


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January 30th, 2015

As a Christian you have three main enemies; the world, the flesh, and the Devil. The Devil has no new tricks. He sticks to what always works. If the enemy gets you to stop praying and stop spending time in the word of God, he can stunt you from growing and bearing the fruit of the spirit. Don't be ignorant of Satan's devices.


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January 29th, 2015

This is the will of the Father; that you bear much fruit. When you abide in Christ you will naturally produce the fruit of the spirit. Have you ever seen a tree struggle and work to pop fruit out? Of course not. As the branch is attached to the main trunk of the tree, it naturally and organically produces fruit. This concept goes for you as well; just stay attached to Jesus.


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January 28th, 2015

In today's teaching, Pastor Garry will be encouraging you to keep adding to your faith, and to keep adding to your obedience. When you obey what you learn from the Word, the Holy Spirit will help you learn new concepts, and give you strength to grow more in Christ. When you disobey, you will only stagnate, and move backwards.


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January 27th, 2015

For a Christian, the only Hell we will experience is in this world, but then we will have Heaven for all eternity. However, for an unbeliever, the only Heaven they will experience is here on Earth, and all of Hell for eternity. What this world's system has to offer here only leads to decay and despair.


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January 26th, 2015

When you genuinely want to know God on a more intimate level, He will reveal Himself to you. Likewise, when you want to understand a concept in the Bible, God will give you ears to hear. But if you're hardening your heart because of sin, you won't progress in your intimate knowledge of the Lord.


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January 23rd, 2015

Just as Peter focused on the Lord and took a step of faith onto the water to walk towards Christ during the storm, the Lord also desires you to take steps of faith. You may not see God at work right away, but as you take that first step of faith God will meet you there. He will help you take your next steps.


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January 22nd, 2015

Christianity is set apart from all other religious expressions of the world by this very fact; God Himself was sacrificed for you. You don't have to work for your salvation. Offer yourself to Him as a living sacrifice because of what He first has done for you. We want to please God because of His act of love towards us first.


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January 21st, 2015

As Pastor Garry points out, the first place to begin spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ is among our family and friends who don't know they need to be saved. Jesus Christ didn't search out the religious leaders when proclaiming the gospel. He instead walked among the common people who were open to His words of salvation, and in need of a savior.


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January 20th, 2015

When Jesus was walking in the midst of humanity upon planet Earth, His main focus was the poor, and He reached out to those who had nothing to give back. He expected nothing in return except their repented hearts, and the desire to follow Him, and give up their sinful lives. We have nothing to give except our hearts.
